C++ Language Implementations
Algorithm Implementations in C++
CGAL: The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (Library) NEW
- Convex Hull (10) , Robust Geometric Primitives (10) , Intersection Detection (7) , Kd-Trees (5) , Maintaining Line Arrangements (8) , Minkowski Sum (10) , Motion Planning (7) , Point Location (8) , Polygon Partitioning (7) , Range Search (8) , Simplifying Polygons (7) , Medial-Axis Transformation (8) , Triangulation (5) , Voronoi Diagrams (5) , Voronoi Diagrams (6)
Boost: C++ Libraries (Library) NEW
- Calendrical Calculations (10) , Cryptography (7) , Connected Components (10) , Edge and Vertex Connectivity (9) , Graph Data Structures (10) , Minimum Spanning Tree (10) , Priority Queues (4) , Shortest Path (9) , String Matching (7) , Topological Sorting (10) , Transitive Closure and Reduction (10) , Vertex Coloring (8)
LEDA - A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms (Library)
- Convex Hull (7) , Determinants and Permanents (4) , Connected Components (9) , Dictionaries (10) , Edge and Vertex Connectivity (8) , Generating Graphs (4) , Robust Geometric Primitives (9) , Graph Data Structures (10) , Graph Partition (3) , Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic (4) , Intersection Detection (7) , Solving Linear Equations (3) , Maintaining Line Arrangements (4) , Matching (7) , Matrix Multiplication (7) , Minimum Spanning Tree (5) , Nearest Neighbor Search (5) , Network Flow (8) , Planarity Detection and Embedding (10) , Point Location (8) , Priority Queues (9) , Random Number Generation (2) , Range Search (8) , Searching (5) , Set Data Structures (8) , Shortest Path (7) , Topological Sorting (9) , Transitive Closure and Reduction (5) , Triangulation (5) , Voronoi Diagrams (6)
Standard Template library in C++ form SGI (Library) no updates since 2000
- Dictionaries (10) , Generating Permutations (10) , Median and Selection (10) , Priority Queues (10) , Searching (10) , Set Data Structures (10) , Sorting (10)
GOBLIN: A Graph Object Library for Network (Library) NEW
- Clique (8) , Edge Coloring (5) , Edge and Vertex Connectivity (8) , Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman (8) , Feedback Edge/Vertex Set (7) , Graph Data Structures (5) , Graph Partition (8) , Independent Set (9) , Matching (7) , Network Flow (9) , Planarity Detection and Embedding (9) , Steiner Tree (8) , Traveling Salesman Problem (9) , Vertex Coloring (8)
- LAPACK++: LAPACK in C++ (Library) NEW
- Determinants and Permanents (10) , Solving Linear Equations (10) , Matrix Multiplication (7)
- Weisses Data Structure (Application)
- Dictionaries (9) , Kd-Trees (5) , Priority Queues (9) , Searching (8) , Set Data Structures (5)
- GSL - GNU Scientific Library (Library) NEW
- Determinants and Permanents (4) , Discrete Fourier Transform (9) , Solving Linear Equations (8) , Matrix Multiplication (7) , Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization (3)
- ANN - Approximate Nearest Neighbors (Library)
- Kd-Trees (7) , Nearest Neighbor Search (9) , Point Location (7) , Range Search (7)
- RSat: Boolean satisfiability solver (Application) NEW
- Satisfiability (10)
- MiniSat: A minimalistic, open-source SAT solver (Application) NEW
- Satisfiability (10)
- KDTREE (Application) NEW
- Kd-Trees (10)
- VFLib: graph matching library (Library) NEW
- Graph Isomorphism (9)
- TerraLib: GIS classes and functions library (Library) NEW
- Kd-Trees (9)
- Topological Sweep in Degenerate Cases (Library) NEW
- Maintaining Line Arrangements (9)
- MPK - Motion Planning Kit (Library) NEW
- Motion Planning (9)
- GraphBlast- Graph Matching tool (Application) NEW
- Graph Isomorphism (9)
- Crypto++ (Library) NEW
- Cryptography (9)
- COIN|OR: COmputational INfrastructure for Operations Research (Library) NEW
- Linear Programming (9)
- V-CLIP - Collision detection algorithm for polyhedral objects (Library)
- Intersection Detection (9)
- Calendrical Calculations (Application) no updates since 1997
- Calendrical Calculations (10)
- Fire-Engine and Spare-Parts String and Language Algorithms (Application) no updates since 1994
- Finite State Machine Minimization (8) , String Matching (8)
- Grail: finite automata and regular expressions (Application) no updates since 1996
- Finite State Machine Minimization (9)
- SPRNG:The Scalable Parallel Random Number Generators Library (Library) NEW
- Random Number Generation (8)
- SegMatch: Shape Segmentation and Shape Matching (Application) NEW
- Shape Similarity (8)
- NTL: A Library for doing Number Theory (Library) NEW
- Factoring and Primality Testing (8)
- Numerical Recipes Software (Application) NEW
- Solving Linear Equations (8)
- Fast String Searching (Application) NEW
- Suffix Trees and Arrays (8)
- Nearpt3 - Nearest Point Query (Application) NEW
- Nearest Neighbor Search (8)
- Parallel Random Number Generation (Application) NEW
- Random Number Generation (8)
- LiDIA: A C++ Library For Computational Number Theory
(Library) NEW
- Factoring and Primality Testing (8)
- The Funnelsort Project (Application) NEW
- Sorting (8)
- Exact Geometric Computation (EGC) (Library) NEW
- Robust Geometric Primitives (8)
- Alexander Barvinok C++ code (Application) NEW
- Determinants and Permanents (8)
- Stony Brook Project Implementations (Application) no updates since 1996
- Bandwidth Reduction (5) , Edge Coloring (8) , Suffix Trees and Arrays (5)
- SOLID- a library for interface detection (Library)
- Intersection Detection (7) , Motion Planning (6)
- Fast Priority Queues for Cached Memory (Application) no updates since 1999 NEW
- Priority Queues (8)
- Random Number Generation using Shift Register and Quasi method (Application) no updates since 1995
- Random Number Generation (8)
- Minimum Linear Arrangment programs (Application) no updates since 2000 NEW
- Bandwidth Reduction (8)
- Bruno R. Preiss's books with source (Application) NEW
- Graph Data Structures (5) , Priority Queues (5) , Set Data Structures (6)
- Viger: Generation of Random Simple Connected Graphs (Application) NEW
- Generating Graphs (7)
- TifaMMy isn't the fastest Matrix Multiplication yet (Library) NEW
- Matrix Multiplication (7)
- SuDS project / Compressed suffix tree (Application) NEW
- Suffix Trees and Arrays (7)
- Power Crust, Unions of Balls, and the Medial Axis Transform (Application) NEW
- Medial-Axis Transformation (7)
- OpenCCL: Cache-Coherent Layouts of Meshes and Graphs (Library) NEW
- Graph Data Structures (7)
- LIBSVM -- A Library for Support Vector Machines (Library) NEW
- Shape Similarity (7)
- KML: Kernel-Machine Library (Library) NEW
- Shape Similarity (7)
- GTL, the Graph Template Library (Library) NEW
- Graph Data Structures (7)
- QSlim: quadric-based simplification algorithm (Application) NEW
- Simplifying Polygons (7)
- High-Precision Software Directory (Library) NEW
- Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic (7)
- LINK -- Programming and Visualization Environment for Hypergraphs (Application)
- Graph Data Structures (5) , Graph Partition (5) , Set Data Structures (4)
- QOCA Project (Library) no updates since 2001 NEW
- Linear Programming (7)
- QMG: mesh generation and related software (Library) no updates since 2000 NEW
- Triangulation (7)
- Xtango and Polka Algorithm Animation Systems (Application) no updates since 1995
- Bin Packing (2) , Convex Hull (3) , Connected Components (2) , Dictionaries (4) , Finite State Machine Minimization (1) , Discrete Fourier Transform (3) , Hamiltonian Cycle (3) , Intersection Detection (1) , Matrix Multiplication (2) , Median and Selection (3) , Minimum Spanning Tree (3) , Priority Queues (3) , Random Number Generation (2) , Shortest Path (3) , Sorting (4) , String Matching (2) , Topological Sorting (2) , Traveling Salesman Problem (2) , Vertex Coloring (3)
- SimPack/Sim++ Simulation Toolkit (Application)
- Priority Queues (5) , Random Number Generation (4)
- CAP -- Contig Assembly Program (Application)
- Linear Programming (5) , Satisfiability (4)
- Algorithms in C++ -- Sedgewick (Application)
- Discrete Fourier Transform (2) , Robust Geometric Primitives (3) , Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic (3) , Linear Programming (2) , Matching (2) , Minimum Spanning Tree (2) , Random Number Generation (3) , Range Search (3) , Sorting (3) , String Matching (3) , Topological Sorting (3)
- Pseudo random number generators (Application) NEW
- Random Number Generation (5)
- BIPM -- Bipartite Matching Codes (Application) no updates since 1996
- Minkowski Sum (4) , String Matching (3)
- Geolab -- Computational Geometry System (Application) no updates since 1995
- Robust Geometric Primitives (4)
- Chinese Postman WWW Page (Application) no updates since 1998
- Eulerian Cycle / Chinese Postman (4)
- V-COLLIDE/RAPID -- UNC Collision Detetection Software (Library) no updates since 1998
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This page last modified on 2008-07-10