Problem: Find the item which is smaller than half of the items and bigger than half the items.
Excerpt from The Algorithm Design Manual: Median finding is an essential problem in statistics, where it provides a more robust notion of average than the mean. The mean wealth of people who have published research papers on sorting is significantly affected by the presence of one William Gates [GP-75], although his effect on the {\em median} wealth is merely to cancel out one starving graduate student.
Median finding is a special case of the more general selection problem, which asks for the $i$th element in sorted order.
Data Streams: Algorithms and Applications by S. Muthukrishnan | The Art of Computer Programming : Sorting and Searching by Donald Knuth | Compared to What? by G. Rawlins |
Introduction to Algorithms by T. Cormen and C. Leiserson and R. Rivest and C. Stein | Combinatorial Search by M. Aigner | Computer Algorithms by S. Baase |
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