Problem: Which points from S lie within Q?
Excerpt from The Algorithm Design Manual: Range search problems arise in database and geographic information system (GIS) applications. Any data object with d numerical fields, such as person with height, weight, and income, can be modeled as a point in d-dimensional space. A range query describes a region in space and asks for all points or the number of points in the region. For example, asking for all people with income between $0 and $10,000, with height between 6'0'' and 7'0'', and weight between 50 and 140 lbs. defines a box containing people whose body and wallets are both thin.
Algorithms in Java, Third Edition (Parts 1-4) by Robert Sedgewick and Michael Schidlowsky | Computational Geometry : Algorithms and Applications by Mark De Berg, Marc Van Kreveld, Mark Overmars, and O. Schwartskopf | Computational Geometry in C by Joseph O'Rourke |
Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures by G. Gonnet and R. Baeza-Yates | Computational Geometry by F. Preparata and M. Shamos |