C Language Implementations
Algorithm Implementations in C
Goldberg's Network Optimization Codes (Library)
- Edge and Vertex Connectivity (10) , Matching (9) , Network Flow (10) , Shortest Path (10)
C.A.G.E.S. (Application) no updates since 1999 NEW
- Clique (8) , Generating Graphs (8) , Generating Partitions (10) , Generating Permutations (9) , Generating Subsets (10) , Graph Isomorphism (8)
Weisses Data Structure (Application)
- Dictionaries (9) , Kd-Trees (5) , Priority Queues (9) , Searching (8) , Set Data Structures (5)
Frank Ruskey's Combinatorial Generation Resources (Application)
- Generating Graphs (8) , Generating Partitions (9) , Generating Permutations (8) , Generating Subsets (9)
RAPID - Robust and Accurate Polygon Interface detection (Application)
- Clique (9) , Dictionaries (1) , Independent Set (5) , Kd-Trees (1) , Kd-Trees (8) , Matching (9) , Network Flow (8) , Priority Queues (1) , Satisfiability (5) , Shortest Path (8) , Vertex Coloring (7) , Vertex Cover (4)
- FFT - Fast Fourier Transform (Library)
- Discrete Fourier Transform (7) , Generating Partitions (8) , Generating Permutations (8) , Generating Subsets (8)
- GSL - GNU Scientific Library (Library) NEW
- Determinants and Permanents (4) , Discrete Fourier Transform (9) , Solving Linear Equations (8) , Matrix Multiplication (7) , Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization (3)
- Concorde TSP Solver (Application) NEW
- Hamiltonian Cycle (10) , Traveling Salesman Problem (10)
- Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software (Application)
- Drawing Graphs Nicely (9) , Drawing Trees (10)
- CAP -- Contig Assembly Program (Application)
- Longest Common Substring (8) , Shortest Common Superstring (9)
- Tablix: Free software for solving timetabling problems (Application) NEW
- Job Scheduling (10)
- Nettle - a low-level cryptographic library (Library) NEW
- Cryptography (10)
- GZIP: GNU zip (Application) NEW
- Text Compression (10)
- GNU grep (Application) NEW
- String Matching (10)
- GNU Coreutils (Application) NEW
- Sorting (10)
- Fastest Fourier Transform in the West (Library) NEW
- Discrete Fourier Transform (10)
- Fast Matrix Multiplication Algorithms (Application) NEW
- Matrix Multiplication (10)
- Cliquer - routines for clique searching (Application) NEW
- Clique (10)
- BSD Sort (Application)
- Sorting (10)
- Bpr: construction algorithm for suffix arrays (Application) NEW
- Suffix Trees and Arrays (10)
- agrep - Approximate General Regular Expression Pattern Matcher (Application)
- Approximate String Matching (10)
- Fortune's 2D Voronoi diagram code (Application) no updates since 1987
- Triangulation (8) , Voronoi Diagrams (10)
- Qhull - higher dimensional convex hull program (Application)
- Convex Hull (8) , Intersection Detection (6) , Triangulation (5) , Voronoi Diagrams (7)
- Triangle: A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator (Application)
- Triangulation (9)
- TRE regexp matching library (Library) NEW
- Approximate String Matching (9)
- SCOTCH: Static Mapping (Application) NEW
- Graph Partition (9)
- Pizza&Chili: Compressed Indexes and their Testbeds (Application) NEW
- Suffix Trees and Arrays (9)
- Finding Exact Solutions to the Bandwidth Minimization Problem (Application) NEW
- Bandwidth Reduction (9)
- JOSTLE — graph partitioning software (Application) NEW
- Graph Partition (9)
- FLUTE: Fast Lookup Table Based Technique for RSMT Construction and Wirelength Estimation (Application) NEW
- Steiner Tree (9)
- Strmat: collection of C programs implementing exact pattern matching algorithms (Application) no updates since 2000 NEW
- String Matching (9) , Suffix Trees and Arrays (8)
- David Pisinger's optimization codes (Application) no updates since 1999 NEW
- Bin Packing (8) , Knapsack Problem (9)
- NAUTY -- Graph Isomorphism (Application) no updates since 2000
- Generating Graphs (7) , Graph Isomorphism (10)
- LP_SOLVE: Linear Programming Code (Application) no updates since 1995
- Linear Programming (10)
- JOBSHOP (Application) no updates since 1991 NEW
- Job Scheduling (10)
- The Stanford GraphBase (Library) no updates since 1994
- Cryptography (3) , Connected Components (4) , Edge and Vertex Connectivity (3) , Feedback Edge/Vertex Set (5) , Generating Graphs (10) , Generating Partitions (5) , Generating Permutations (4) , Graph Data Structures (5) , Hamiltonian Cycle (5) , Matching (4) , Minimum Spanning Tree (7) , Priority Queues (2) , Random Number Generation (4) , Shortest Path (2) , Topological Sorting (3) , Voronoi Diagrams (2)
- GeoSteiner: Software for Computing Steiner Trees (Application) no updates since 2001 NEW
- Steiner Tree (10)
- FFTPACK -- Fourier Transform Library (Application) no updates since 1985
- Discrete Fourier Transform (10)
- Chaco: Software for Partitioning Graphs (Application) no updates since 1995 NEW
- Graph Partition (10)
- GraphEd -- Graph Editor and Layout Program (Application) no updates since 1998
- Connected Components (4) , Drawing Graphs Nicely (7) , Drawing Trees (7) , Graph Data Structures (5) , Network Flow (3) , Planarity Detection and Embedding (7) , Triangulation (3)
- Fire-Engine and Spare-Parts String and Language Algorithms (Application) no updates since 1994
- Finite State Machine Minimization (8) , String Matching (8)
- 3D Convex Hull algorithm in Java (Application) no updates since 1998
- Convex Hull (8) , Robust Geometric Primitives (8) , Intersection Detection (5) , Motion Planning (3) , Nearest Neighbor Search (4) , Point Location (3) , Triangulation (2) , Voronoi Diagrams (3)
- Vandegriend's Finding Hamiltonian Cycles (Application) no updates since 1998 NEW
- Hamiltonian Cycle (9)
- TSP solvers (Application) no updates since 1994
- Traveling Salesman Problem (9)
- ParMetis 2.0 - A package for graph partitioning (Library)
- Generating Partitions (7) , Graph Partition (9) , Polygon Partitioning (4)
- PARI - Package for Number Theory (Library)
- Factoring and Primality Testing (6) , Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic (9)
- Celera Assembler (Application) NEW
- Shortest Common Superstring (8)
- VRONI: Voronoi Diagrams of Points, Segments and Arcs in 2D (Library) NEW
- Medial-Axis Transformation (8)
- NIST statistical test suite (Application) NEW
- Random Number Generation (8)
- OpenSSL: The Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS (Application) NEW
- Cryptography (8)
- Parallel Random Number Generation (Application) NEW
- Random Number Generation (8)
- Keld Helsgaun's traveling salesman (Application) NEW
- Traveling Salesman Problem (8)
- graphcol: Graph coloring heuristic tool (Application) NEW
- Vertex Coloring (8)
- GnuPG: GNU Privacy Guard (Application) NEW
- Cryptography (8)
- GLPK - GNU Linear Programming Kit (Library) NEW
- Linear Programming (8)
- GAUL: Genetic Algorithm Utility Library (Library) NEW
- Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization (8)
- Exact Geometric Computation (EGC) (Library) NEW
- Robust Geometric Primitives (8)
- The Bandwidth Problem (Application) NEW
- Bandwidth Reduction (8)
- Shape similarity testing via turning functions (Application) no updates since 1992
- Shape Similarity (8)
- Random Number Generation using Shift Register and Quasi method (Application) no updates since 1995
- Random Number Generation (8)
- BIPM -- Bipartite Matching Codes (Application) no updates since 1998
- Matching (8)
- Douglas-Peucker line simplification algorithm implementation by Jack Snoeyink (Application) no updates since 1992
- Simplifying Polygons (8)
- SYMPHONY: mixed-integer linear programming solver (Library) NEW
- Set Cover (6) , Set Packing (6)
- Ranger - Nearest Neighbor Search in Higher Dimensions (Application) no updates since 1993
- Kd-Trees (5) , Nearest Neighbor Search (7) , Range Search (4)
- Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures (Application) no updates since 1990
- Approximate String Matching (2) , Dictionaries (5) , Finite State Machine Minimization (5) , Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic (5) , Kd-Trees (3) , Median and Selection (5) , Priority Queues (5) , Range Search (2) , Searching (5) , Sorting (5) , String Matching (3) , Suffix Trees and Arrays (2)
- Neural-Networks for Cliques and Coloring (Application) no updates since 1996
- Clique (5) , Independent Set (4) , Vertex Coloring (5) , Vertex Cover (5)
- Power Crust, Unions of Balls, and the Medial Axis Transform (Application) NEW
- Medial-Axis Transformation (7)
- PHYLIP -- inferring phylogenic trees (Library)
- Steiner Tree (7)
- libstree: A generic suffix tree library (Library) NEW
- Suffix Trees and Arrays (7)
- John Kececioglu's research software (Application) NEW
- Matching (7)
- Program - A Practical Approach for Computing the Diameter of a Point-Set (Library) NEW
- Bin Packing (7)
- Bioalgorithms' Longest Common Subsequence (Application) NEW
- Longest Common Substring (7)
- SVMlight implementation of Support Vector Machines (Library) NEW
- Shape Similarity (7)
- GTS-GNU Triangulated Surface Library (Library)
- Triangulation (7)
- William Cook' Research Software (Application) no updates since 1999 NEW
- Matching (7)
- SATLIB - Solvers Page (Application) no updates since 1998 NEW
- Satisfiability (7)
- Fast Robust Predicates for Computational Geometry (Library) no updates since 1996 NEW
- Robust Geometric Primitives (7)
- Kazlib: a dictionary module based on red-black trees (Library) no updates since 1999 NEW
- Dictionaries (7)
- Arrange - maintainance of arrangements with point location (Application) no updates since 1995
- Maintaining Line Arrangements (7) , Point Location (5)
- BioGeometry Alpha Shapes (Application) no updates since 1994 NEW
- Convex Hull (7)
- Clarkson's higher dimensional convex hull code (Application) no updates since 1995
- Convex Hull (6) , Triangulation (5)
- Xtango and Polka Algorithm Animation Systems (Application) no updates since 1995
- Bin Packing (2) , Convex Hull (3) , Connected Components (2) , Dictionaries (4) , Finite State Machine Minimization (1) , Discrete Fourier Transform (3) , Hamiltonian Cycle (3) , Intersection Detection (1) , Matrix Multiplication (2) , Median and Selection (3) , Minimum Spanning Tree (3) , Priority Queues (3) , Random Number Generation (2) , Shortest Path (3) , Sorting (4) , String Matching (2) , Topological Sorting (2) , Traveling Salesman Problem (2) , Vertex Coloring (3)
- cGOP - A Package for Global Optimization (Library) no updates since 1996
- Linear Programming (4) , Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization (5)
- Joe Culberson's Graph Coloring Resources (Application) no updates since 1997
- Edge Coloring (3) , Vertex Coloring (10)
- Mike Trick's Graph Coloring Resources (Application) no updates since 1994
- Edge Coloring (3) , Vertex Coloring (9)
- Algorithm and Data Structure Repository (Library) NEW
- Connected Components (5)
- HT/DIG -- image compression codes (Application)
- Approximate String Matching (5)
- Adaptive Simulated Annealing (Application)
- Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization (5)
- SNNS - Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (Application) no updates since 1995
- Shape Similarity (5)
- Salowe's Rectilinear Steiner trees (Application) no updates since 1996
- Steiner Tree (5)
- POSIT - Propositional Satisfiability Testbed (Application) no updates since 1993
- Satisfiability (5)
- Genocop -- Optimization via Genetic Algorithms (Application) no updates since 1996
- Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization (4)
- Linprog -- low dimensional linear programming (Application)
- Linear Programming (3)
- JPEG (Application) last updates is unknown
- Text Compression (3)
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This page last modified on 2008-07-10