Primary material of this course will come from the recommended reference books listed above. Additionally, material from recent articles or other relevant reference books will be presented. Numerous slides and video tapes on graphics will be shown. Students are advised to attend the class and follow the lecturing notes closely!

Computer Graphics Introduction and Course Overview

Graphics Computing Overview

Computer Graphics Hardware and Display Devices

Graphics Drawing, Rasterization, and Clipping

2D and 3D Geometry Transformations

Cameras and Geometric Coordinate Systems

Multiple Coordinate Systems

Geometric Transformation and Graphics Viewing

From World Coordinate System to Screen Coordinate System

Surface Graphics vs. Volume Graphics

Color Theory

Graphics Examples (in OpenGL)

Parametric Curves

Parametric Surfaces

Splines and Applications

Implicit Surfaces

Subdivision Surfaces

Solid Modeling

Point Representation (Modeling and Rendering)

Hierarchical Models

Local Illumination and Graphics Rendering

Texture Mapping Techniques

Procedural Modeling Fundamentals

Various Procedural Modeling Techniques

Radial Basis Functions and Applications

Ray Tracing

Geometry-driven Deformation and Free-form Deformation

Computer Animation: Concepts, Theory, And Applications

Hidden Surface Removal

A Brief Introduction to Differential Geometry

Possible Project Topics (Course Projects)

Time permitting, there are also a few advanced topics to be covered towards the end of the semester. Advanced topics that are of interest to graduate students include (but are not just limited to): graphics history, image processing techniques, data modeling techniques, image-based modeling and rendering, radiosity, photo mapping/tracing, non-photorealistic rendering, image vectorization, etc.

A Brief Computer Graphics History

Data Modeling and Analysis Techniques (Interpolation and Approximation)

Image-based Modeling and Rendering

Non-photorealistic Rendering

Image Vectorization