My research is supported in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Their support is gratefully acknowledged. Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in these publications are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of these agencies.
Scott D. Stoller. A Method and Tool for Analyzing Fault-Tolerance in Systems. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, May 1997. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF, gzip'd PostScript]
Usama Mehmood, Sanaz Sheikhi, Stanley Bak, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. The Black-Box Simplex Architecture for Runtime Assurance of Multi-Agent CPS. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: A NASA Journal, 2024. [pdf, read paper online @]
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Yi Tong, and Bo Lin. Integrating Logic Rules with Everything Else, Seamlessly. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, special issue for selected papers from the 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023), 2023. An extended version, with appendices describing formal semantics and compiler optimizations for Alda, is available as arXiv 2305.19202.
Usama Mehmood, Shouvik Roy, Amol Damare, Radu Grosu, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. A Distributed Simplex Architecture for Multi-Agent Systems. Journal of Systems Architecture 134, January 2023. [PDF (same as journal version except for formatting)]
This is an extended version of our SETTA 2021 paper.
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Recursive Rules with Aggregation: A Simple Unified Semantics. Journal of Logic and Computation 32(8):1659-1693, November 2022. The arXiv version of this paper is the same except for formatting.
Luca Bortolussi, Francesca Cairoli, Nicola Paoletti, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. Neural Predictive Monitoring and a Comparison of Frequentist and Bayesian Approaches. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 2021. [PDF]
This is an extended version of our RV 2019 paper.
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Knowledge of Uncertain Worlds: Programming with Logical Constraints. Journal of Logic and Computation, December 2020. [PDF]
Alevtina Dubovitskaya, Rohit Shukla, Pratik Sushil Zambani, Michael Schumacher, Karl Aberer, Zhigang Xu, Nitesh Idnani, Rahul Lachhani, Fusheng Wang, Arun Swaminathan, Md Jahangir, Furqan Baig, Khadija Chowdhry, Samuel Ryu, and Scott D. Stoller. ACTION-EHR: Patient-Centric Blockchain-Based EHR Data Management for Cancer Care. Journal of Medical Internet Research 20(8), August 2020. [PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. The Founded Semantics and Constraint Semantics of Logic Rules. Journal of Logic and Computation 30(8), October 2020. [PDF (before journal formatting)]
This is an extended version of our LFCS 2018 paper.
Thang Bui, Scott D. Stoller, and Jiajie Li. Greedy and Evolutionary Algorithms for Mining Relationship-Based Access Control Policies. Computers & Security, 80:317-333, January 2019. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF (before journal formatting)]
Scott D. Stoller and Thang Bui. Mining Hierarchical Temporal Roles with Multiple Metrics. Journal of Computer Security 26(1):121-142, 2018. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Dung Phan, Junxing Yang, Denise Ratasich, Radu Grosu, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. Collision Avoidance for Mobile Robots with Limited Sensing and Limited Information about Moving Obstacles. Formal Methods in System Design 51(1):62-86, August 2017. doi:10.1007/s10703-016-0265-4 [abstract, BibTeX, PDF, view-only PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, and Bo Lin. From Clarity to Efficiency for Distributed Algorithms. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 39(3), 2017. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Ping Yang, Mikhail I. Gofman, Scott D. Stoller, and Zijiang Yang. Policy Analysis for Administrative Role Based Access Control without Separate Administration. Journal of Computer Security 23(1), 2015. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Justin Seyster, Ketan Dixit, Xiaowan Huang, Radu Grosu, Klaus Havelund, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, and Erez Zadok. InterAspect: Aspect-Oriented Instrumentation with GCC. Formal Methods in System Design 41(3):295-320, December 2012. © Springer-Verlag. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Amit Sasturkar, Ping Yang, Scott D. Stoller, and C.R. Ramakrishnan. Policy Analysis for Administrative Role Based Access Control. Theoretical Computer Science 412(44):6208-6234, October 2011. © Elsevier. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Xiaowan Huang, Justin Seyster, Sean Callanan, Ketan Dixit, Radu Grosu, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, and Erez Zadok. Software Monitoring with Controllable Overhead. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 2012. © Springer-Verlag. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller, Ping Yang, Mikhail I. Gofman, and C. R. Ramakrishnan. Symbolic Reachability Analysis for Parameterized Administrative Role Based Access Control. Computers & Security 30(2-3):148-164, March-May 2011. © Elsevier. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Rahul Agarwal, Saddek Bensalem, Eitan Farchi, Klaus Havelund, Yarden Nir-Buchbinder, Scott D. Stoller, Shmuel Ur, and Liqiang Wang. Detection of Deadlock Potentials in Multi-Threaded Programs. IBM Journal of Research and Development 54(5), September/October 2010. © IBM. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. From Datalog Rules to Efficient Programs with Time and Space Guarantees. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 31(6):1-38, August 2009. © ACM. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yaniv Eytani, Klaus Havelund, Scott D. Stoller, and Shmuel Ur. Toward a Framework and Benchmark for Testing Tools for Multi-Threaded Programs. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, August 2006. © Wiley. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Liqiang Wang and Scott D. Stoller. Runtime Analysis of Atomicity for Multi-threaded Programs. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 32(2):93-110, February 2006. © IEEE. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller and Fred B. Schneider. Automated Analysis of Fault-Tolerance in Distributed Systems. Formal Methods in System Design 26(2):183-196, March 2005. © Springer-Verlag. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Ning Li, and Tom Rothamel. Optimizing Aggregate Array Computations in Loops. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 27(1):91-125, January 2005. © ACM. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Eliminating Dead Code on Recursive Data. Science of Computer Programming 47(2-3):221-242, 2003. © Elsevier. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. Model-Checking Multi-Threaded Distributed Java Programs. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 4(1):71-91, October 2002. © Springer-Verlag. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, and Tim Teitelbaum. Strengthening Invariants for Efficient Computation. Science of Computer Programming 41(2):139-172, October 2001. © Elsevier. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller.
Leader Election in Asynchronous Distributed Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 49(3):283-284, March 2000.
Scott D. Stoller. Detecting Global Predicates in Distributed Systems with Clocks. Distributed Computing, 13(2):85-98, April 2000. © Springer-Verlag. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, and Tim Teitelbaum. Static Caching for Incremental Computation. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 20(3):546-585, May 1998. © ACM. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller and Fred B. Schneider Verifying Programs that use Causally-Ordered Message-Passing. Science of Computer Programming, 24(2):105-128, 1995. © Elsevier. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott Stoller. Addendum to ``Proof Rules for Flush Channels''. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 20(8):664, August 1994. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller, William Happer, and Freeman J. Dyson. Transverse Spin Relaxation in Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields. Physical Review A, 44(11):7459-7477, 1991. © The American Physical Society. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Pao-Lo Liu, Bing-Jin Li, Paul J. Cressman, John R. Debesis, and Scott D. Stoller. Comparison of Measured Losses of Ti:LiNbO3 Channel Waveguide Bends. Photonics Technology Letters 3(8):755-756, August 1991. © IEEE. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. Trust Management in Databases. In Sushil Jajodia, Pierangela Samarati, and Moti Yung, editors, Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security, and Privacy. Springer, 2021. [PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. Trust Management in Databases. In Henk C. A. van Tilborg and Sushil Jajodia, editors, Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, 2nd edition, pages 1326-1327. Springer, 2011. [BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. Computer Communications Software. In John G. Webster, editor, Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, volume 3. © John Wiley & Sons, 1999. [BibTeX, PDF]
Peng Zhang, Yifan Zhou, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, Xin Wang, Rong Zhao, Yucheng Xing, Shouvik Roy, and Amol Damare. AI-Grid: AI-Enabled, Smart Programmable Microgrids. In Microgrids: Theory and Practice. Peng Zhang, editor. Wiley-IEEE Press, March 2024.
Priyanka Mishra, Peng Zhang, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, Yifan Zhou, Yacov A. Shamash, Douglas L. Van Bossuyt, and William W. Anderson, Jr. In Situ Resilience Quantification for Microgrids. In Microgrids: Theory and Practice. Peng Zhang, editor. Wiley-IEEE Press, March 2024.
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Dynamic Programming via Static Incrementalization. In Olivier Danvy, Harry Mairson, Fritz Henglein, and Alberto Pettorossi, editors, Automatic Program Development: A Tribute to Robert Paige. Springer-Verlag, 2008. This is a version of our HOSC paper.
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Role-Based Access Control: A Corrected and Simplified Specification. In Cliff Wang, Steven King, Ralph Wachter, Robert Herklotz, Chris Arney, Gary Toth, David Hislop, Sharon Heise, and Todd Combs, editors, Department of Defense Sponsored Information Security Research: New Methods for Protecting Against Cyber Threats. Wiley, 2007. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Devika Subramanian, Cheuk-San Wang, Scott Stoller, Arjun Kapur, and Ka-Pui Chai. Creative synthesis of mechanisms from specification. In Steven Kim, editor, Creativity in Design: Methods, Models and Tools. © Morgan Kaufmann, 1992. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller, Michael Carbin, Sarita Adve, Kunal Agrawal, Guy Blelloch, Dan Stanzione, Katherine Yelick, and Matei Zaharia. Future Directions for Parallel and Distributed Computing: SPX 2019 Workshop Report. October 2019. Published in NSF Public Access Repository and NSF ACM Digital Library.
Jorge Lobo, Scott D. Stoller, and Peng Liu, editors. Proceedings of the 25th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2020). ACM, 2020.
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Yi Tong and Bo Lin. Alda: Integrating Logic Rules with Everything Else, Seamlessly (System Demonstration). 40th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2024), Technical Communications track. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), volume 416. Open Publishing Association, 2024. [PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Tutorial: Consensus Algorithms from Classical to Blockchain: Quickly Program, Configure, Run, and Check. 44th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2024). IEEE, 2024. [PDF]
Andreas Brandstätter, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, Ashish Tiwari and Radu Grosu. Flock-Formation Control of Multi-Agent Systems using Imperfect Relative Distance Measurements. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2024. [PDF]
Debugging Malware Classification Models Based on Audit Logs with Explainable AI. Joon-young Gwak, Priti Wakodikar Wakodikar, Meng Wang, Guanhua Yan, Xiaokui Shu, Scott D. Stoller, and Ping Yang. The 2023 ICDM Workshop on Causal and Explainable Artificial Intelligence (CXAI). IEEE, 2023. [PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Yi Tong, and Bo Lin. Integrating Logic Rules with Everything Else, Seamlessly. 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023). Accepted papers are published in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming. See the above entry for our TPLP paper.
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Yi Tong and K. Tuncay Tekle. Benchmarking for Integrating Logic Rules with Everything Else. 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023), Technical Communications track. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), volume 385, 2023. [PDF]
Andreas Brandstätter, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, Ashish Tiwari and Radu Grosu. Multi-Agent Spatial Predictive Control with Application to Drone Flocking. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE, 2023. [PDF]
Amol Damare, Shouvik Roy, Scott A. Smolka and Scott D. Stoller. A Barrier Certificate-based Simplex Architecture with Application to Microgrids. 22nd International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2022), volume 13498 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 105-123. Springer-Verlag, 2022.[PDF, paper at]
An extended version is available on arXiv.
Usama Mehmood, Sanaz Sheikhi, Stanley Bak, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. The Black-Box Simplex Architecture for Runtime Assurance of Autonomous CPS. In Proceedings of the 14th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2022), volume 13260 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2022. [paper at, pdf at arXiv]
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Recursive Rules with Aggregation: A Simple Unified Semantics. In Proceedings of the 2022 Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS '22), volume 13137 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2022. [paper at]
An extended version is available on arXiv.
Usama Mehmood, Scott D. Stoller, Radu Grosu, Shouvik Roy, Amol Damare, and Scott A. Smolka. A Distributed Simplex Architecture for Multi-Agent Systems. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering: Theories, Tools and Applications (SETTA 2021), volume 13071 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 239-257. Springer-Verlag, 2021. [PDF]
Usama Mehmood, Stanley Bak, Scott A. Smolka and Scott D. Stoller. Safe CPS from Unsafe Controllers (Extended Abstract). In Proceedings of the 2021 Workshop on Computation-Aware Algorithmic Design for Cyber-Physical Systems (CAADCPS). ACM Press, 2021.
An extended version is available on arXiv.
Thang Bui and Scott D. Stoller. Learning Attribute-Based and Relationship-Based Access Control Policies with Unknown Values. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS 2020), volume 12553 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 23-44. Springer-Verlag, 2020. [PDF]
A slightly longer version (the only difference is a few additional references) is available on arXiv.
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Assurance of Distributed Algorithms and Systems: Runtime Checking of Safety and Liveness. Tutorial paper. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2020), volume 12399 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 47-66. Springer-Verlag, 2020.
A preprint is available on arxiv.
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Recursive Rules with Aggregation: A Simple Unified Semantics (Extended Abstract). Proceedings 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2020) (Technical Communications), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), volume 325.
An extended version is available on arXiv.
Shouvik Roy, Usama Mehmood, Radu Grosu, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, and Ashish Tiwari. Learning Distributed Controllers for V-Formation. In Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS 2020). IEEE, 2020. [PDF]
Thang Bui and Scott D. Stoller. A Decision Tree Learning Approach for Mining Relationship-Based Access Control Policies. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM Symposium on
Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2020). ACM Press, 2020.
An extended version is available as arXiv 1909.12095.
Dung Phan, Radu Grosu, Nils Jansen, Nicola Paoletti, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. Neural Simplex Architecture. In Proceedings of the 12th NASA Formal Methods Symposium (NFM 2020), volume 12229 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 97-114. Springer-Verlag, 2020. [BibTeX, PDF]
An extended version is available as arXiv 1908.00528.
Yanhong A. Liu and
Scott D. Stoller.
Knowledge of Uncertain Worlds: Programming with Logical Constraints.
In Proceedings of the 2020 Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS '20), volume 11972 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2020. [PDF]
This paper is also available as arXiv 1910.10346.
Christopher Kane, Bo Lin, Saksham Chand,
Scott D. Stoller, and Yanhong A. Liu. High-level Cryptographic Abstractions. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGSAC 14th Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS 2019). ACM Press, 2019. [PDF]
This paper is also available as arXiv 1810.09065.
Luca Bortolussi, Francesca Cairoli, Nicola Paoletti, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. Neural Predictive Monitoring. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2019), volume 11757 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2019. [abstract, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Saksham Chand, and
Scott D. Stoller. Moderately Complex Paxos Made Simple: High-Level Executable Specification of Distributed Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP'19). ACM Press, 2019. [PDF]
This paper is also available as arXiv 1704.00082.
Scott D. Stoller and
Yanhong A. Liu. Algorithm Diversity for Resilient Systems. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2019), volume 11559 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2019. [abstract>, BibTeX, PDF]
This paper is also available as arXiv 1903.12409.
Thang Bui, Scott D. Stoller, and Hieu Le. Efficient and Extensible Policy Mining for Relationship-Based Access Control. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on
Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2019). ACM Press, 2019.
[abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
This paper is also available as arXiv 1903.07530.
The version posted here corrects the following error in
the published version: In the definitions of sz0 and sz1 in Section 4.2, y0 and y1 should be replaced with p0 and p1, respectively.
Thang Bui, Scott D. Stoller, and Jiajie Li. Mining Relationship-Based Access Control Policies from Incomplete and Noisy Data. In Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security (FPS 2018), volume 11358 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 267-284. Springer-Verlag, 2019. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Dung Phan, Nicola Paoletti, Timothy Zhang, Radu Grosu, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. Neural State Classification for Hybrid Systems. In Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA 2018). Springer-Verlag, 2018.
[abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
This paper is a shorter version of arXiv 1807.09901.
Md. Nahid Hossain, Junao Wang, R. Sekar, and Scott D. Stoller. Dependence-Preserving Data Compaction for Scalable Forensic Analysis. In Proceedings of the 27th USENIX Security Symposium. USENIX Association, 2018. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Usama Mehmood, Nicola Paoletti, Dung Phan, Radu Grosu, Shan Lin, Scott D. Stoller, Ashish Tiwari, Junxing Yang, and Scott A. Smolka. Declarative vs Rule-based Control for Flocking Dynamics. In Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2018), Intelligent Robotics and Multi-Agent Systems (IRMAS) track. ACM Press, 2018. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. The Founded Semantics and Constraint Semantics of Logic Rules. In Proceedings of the 2018
Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS '18),
volume 10703 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 221-241. Springer-Verlag,
BibTeX, pdf]
This paper is a shorter version of arXiv 1606.06269.
Md Nahid Hossain, Sadegh M. Milajerdi, Junao Wang, Birhanu Eshete, Rigel Gjomemo, R. Sekar, Scott D. Stoller, and V.N. Venkatakrishnan. SLEUTH: Automated Attack Scenario Reconstruction from COTS Audit Data. In Proceedings of the 26th USENIX Security Symposium. USENIX Association, 2017. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Junxing Yang, Md. Ariful Islam, Abhishek Murthy, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. A Simplex Architecture for Hybrid Systems using Barrier Certificates. In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP 2017), volume 10488 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2017. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Thang Bui, Scott D. Stoller, and Shikhar Sharma. Fast Distributed Evaluation of Stateful Attribute-Based Access Control Policies. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (DBSec 2017), volume 9766 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2017. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Thang Bui,
Scott D. Stoller,
and Jiajie Li. Mining Relationship-Based Access Control Policies. In
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on
Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2017). ACM Press, 2017.
[abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
This paper is a shorter version of arXiv 1708.04749.
Dung Phan,
Junxing Yang,
Matthew Clark,
Radu Grosu,
John Schierman,
Scott A. Smolka, and
Scott D. Stoller.
A Component-Based Simplex Architecture for
High-Assurance Cyber-Physical Systems. In Proceedings of the
17th International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System
Design (ACSD 2017). IEEE Computer Society Press, 2017.
[abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
This paper is a shorter version of arXiv 1704.04759.
Saksham Chand,
Yanhong A. Liu, and
Scott D. Stoller.
Formal Verification of Multi-Paxos for Distributed Consensus.
In Proceedings of the 21st
International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM 2016),
volume 9995 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 119-136. © Springer-Verlag, 2016.
[abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
This paper is a shorter version of arXiv 1606.01387.
Yanhong A. Liu, Jon Brandvein, Scott D. Stoller, and Bo Lin. Demand-Driven Incremental Object Queries. In Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2016). © ACM Press, 2016. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller
and Thang Bui. Mining Hierarchical Temporal Roles with Multiple Metrics. In
Proceedings of the 30th Annual
IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and
Privacy (DBSec 2016), volume 9766 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science. © Springer-Verlag, 2016.
Received the conference's Best Paper Award.
[abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
This paper is a shorter version of arXiv 1603.02640.
Dung Phan, Junxing Yang, Denise Ratasich, Radu Grosu, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. Collision Avoidance for Mobile Robots with Limited Sensing and Limited Information about the Environment. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2015), volume 9333 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 201-215. © Springer-Verlag, 2015. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. An
Administrative Model for Relationship-Based Access Control. In
Proceedings of the 29th Annual
IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and
Privacy (DBSec 2015), volume 9149 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, pages 53-68. © Springer-Verlag, 2015. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
The version posted here corrects a few minor errors and ambiguities in
the published version.
Radu Grosu, Doron Peled, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, C.R. Ramakrishnan, and Junxing Yang. Using Statistical Model Checking for Measuring Systems. In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISOLA 2014), Part II, volume 8803 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 223-238. © Springer-Verlag, 2014. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Zhongyuan Xu and
D. Stoller. Mining Attribute-Based Access Control Policies from Logs.
In Proceedings of the 28th
Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security
and Privacy (DBSec 2014), volume 8566 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 276-291. © Springer-Verlag, 2014. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
The version posted here corrects an error in the published
version, namely, in the displayed equation in Section 4, overAssign(ρ)
(which has not been defined) should be replaced with
[[ ρ
]] ∖ UP(L).
Also, there is a small change to the algorithm (a stricter condition in the
if-statement in the pseudocode for mergeRules) and improved experimental
This paper is a shorter version of arXiv 1403.5715.
Md. Ariful Islam, Abhishek Murthy, Tushar Deshpande, Scott D. Stoller, Scott A. Smolka, Ezio Bartocci, and Radu Grosu. Tracking Action Potentials of Nonlinear Excitable Cells Using Model Predictive Control. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics, Biocomputational Systems and Biotechnologies (BIOTECHNO 2014). © XPS (Xpert Publishing Services), 2014. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Tushar Deshpande, Panagiotis Katsaros, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. Stochastic Game-Based Analysis of the DNS Bandwidth Amplification Attack Using Probabilistic Model Checking. In Proceedings of the Tenth European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC 2014). © IEEE, 2014. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Zhongyuan Xu and Scott D. Stoller. Mining Attribute-Based Access Control Policies from Role-Based Policies. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT 2013). © IEEE Press, 2013. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Kenan Kalajdzic, Ezio Bartocci, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, and Radu Grosu. Runtime Verification with Particle Filtering. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2013), volume 8174 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. © Springer-Verlag, 2013. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Zhongyuan Xu and Scott D. Stoller. Mining Parameterized Role-Based Policies. In Proceedings of the Third ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2013). © ACM Press, 2013. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Ezio Bartocci, Radu Grosu, Atul Karmarkar, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, Erez Zadok, and Justin Seyster. Adaptive Runtime Verification. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. © Springer-Verlag, 2012. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Bo Lin, and Michael Gorbovitski. From Clarity to Efficiency for Distributed Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications (OOPSLA). © ACM Press, 2012. [abstract, BibTeX PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, and Bo Lin. High-Level Executable Specifications of Distributed Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2012), volume 7596 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 95-110. © Springer-Verlag, 2012. Received the conference's Best Student Paper Award. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Zhongyuan Xu and Scott
D. Stoller. Algorithms for Mining Meaningful Roles. In Proceedings of the
17th ACM Symposium on Access Control
Models and Technologies (SACMAT). © ACM Press, 2012.
This version incorporates the following corrections to the published version:
page 6, column 1, lines -7 to -6: exponential → Weibull; page 6,
column 1, line -1 and page 6, column 2, line 6: Weibull → exponential.
Michael Gorbovitski, Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, and Tom Rothamel. Composing Transformations for Instrumentation and Optimization. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM). © ACM Press, 2012. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Puneet Gupta, Scott D. Stoller, and Zhongyuan Xu. Abductive Analysis of Administrative Policies in Rule-based Access Control. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS 2011), volume 7093 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 116-130. © Springer-Verlag, 2011. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Justin Seyster, Prabakar Radhakrishnan, Samriti Katoch, Abhinav Duggal, Scott D. Stoller, and Erez Zadok. Redflag: A Framework for Analysis of Kernel-Level Concurrency. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2011), volume 7016 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 66-79. © Springer-Verlag, 2011. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller, Ezio Bartocci, Justin Seyster, Radu Grosu, Klaus Havelund, Scott A. Smolka, and Erez Zadok. Runtime Verification with State Estimation. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2011), volume 7186 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 193-207. © Springer-Verlag, 2012. Received the conference's Best Paper Award. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Zhichao Li, Radu Grosu, Koundinya Muppalla, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, and Erez Zadok. Model Discovery for Energy-Aware Computing Systems: An Experimental Evaluation. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Energy Consumption and Reliability of Storage Systems (ERSS 2011). IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Zhichao Li, Radu Grosu, Priya Sehgal, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, and Erez Zadok. On the Energy Consumption and Performance of Systems Software. In Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR 2011). ACM Press, 2011. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. Trust Management for Web Services. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), pages 262-265. © IEEE Press, 2010. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Michael Gorbovitski, Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Tom Rothamel, and K. Tuncay Tekle. Alias Analysis for Optimization of Dynamic Languages. In Proceedings of the 2010 Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS). © ACM Press, 2010. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Justin Seyster, Ketan Dixit, Xiaowan Huang, Radu Grosu, Klaus Havelund, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, and Erez Zadok. Aspect-Oriented Instrumentation with GCC. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV 2010), volume 6418 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 405-420. © Springer-Verlag, 2010. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Michael Gorbovitski, and Scott D. Stoller. A Language and Framework for Invariant-Driven Transformations. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE). © ACM Press, 2009. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Leena Unnikrishnan and Scott D. Stoller. Parametric Heap Usage Analysis for Functional Programs. In Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Memory Management (ISMM). © ACM Press, 2009. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller, Ping Yang, Mikhail I. Gofman, and C. R. Ramakrishnan. Symbolic Reachability Analysis for Parameterized Administrative Role Based Access Control. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT), pages 165-174. © ACM Press, 2009. [abstract, BibTeX PDF]
Puneet Gupta and Scott D. Stoller. Verification of Security Policy Enforcement in Enterprise Systems. In Proceedings of the 24th IFIP International Information Security Conference (SEC), volume 297 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pages 202-213. © Springer-Verlag, 2009. [abstract, BibTeX PDF]
Qichang Chen, Liqiang Wang, Zijiang Yang, and Scott D. Stoller. HAVE: Integrated Dynamic and Static Analysis for Atomicity Violations. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE), volume 5503 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 425-439. © Springer-Verlag, 2009. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Mikhail I. Gofman,
Ruiqi Luo, Ayla C. Solomon, Yingbin Zhang,
Ping Yang,
and Scott D. Stoller. RBAC-PAT: A Policy Analysis
Tool for Role Based Access Control. In Proceedings of the 15th
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction
and Analysis of Systems (TACAS),
volume 5505 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 46-49.
© Springer-Verlag, 2009.
RBAC-PAT download
Scott D. Stoller. Trust Management and Trust Negotiation in an Extension of SQL. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing (TGC 2008), volume 5474 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 186-200. © Springer-Verlag, 2009. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Michael Gorbovitski, K. Tuncay Tekle, Tom Rothamel, Scott D. Stoller, and Yanhong A. Liu. Analysis and Transformations for Efficient Query-Based Debugging. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM). © IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Michael Gorbovitski, Tom Rothamel, Yanhong A. Liu, and Scott D. Stoller. Efficient Runtime Invariant Checking: A Framework and Case Study. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Dynamic Analysis (WODA 2008). © ACM Press, 2008. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Anu Singh, C. R. Ramakrishnan, I. V. Ramakrishnan, Scott D. Stoller, and David S. Warren. Security Policy Analysis using Deductive Spreadsheets. In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Formal Methods for Security Engineering (FMSE), 2007. © ACM Press, 2007. [abstract, BibTeX PDF]
Scott D. Stoller, Ping Yang, C. R. Ramakrishnan, and Mikhail I. Gofman. Efficient Policy Analysis for Administrative Role Based Access Control. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2007. © ACM Press, 2007. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF, presentation]
Rahul Agarwal and Scott D. Stoller. Run-Time Detection of Potential Deadlocks for Programs with Locks, Semaphores, and Condition Variables. In Proceedings of the 2006 Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing and Debugging (PADTAD). © ACM Press, 2006. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Katia Hristova, Tom Rothamel, Yanhong A. Liu, and Scott D. Stoller. Efficient Type Inference for Secure Information Flow. In Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS). © ACM Press, 2006. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Amit Sasturkar, Ping Yang, Scott D. Stoller, and C.R. Ramakrishnan. Policy Analysis for Administrative Role Based Access Control. In Proceedings of the 19th Computer Security Foundations Workshop. © IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Liqiang Wang and Scott D. Stoller. Accurate and Efficient Runtime Detection of Atomicity Errors in Concurrent Programs. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2006 Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP). © ACM Press, 2006. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF, extended version (PDF)]
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Querying Complex Graphs. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL), volume 3819 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 199-214. © Springer-Verlag, 2005. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Rahul Agarwal, Liqiang Wang, and Scott D. Stoller. Detecting Potential Deadlocks with Static Analysis and Run-time Monitoring. In Proceedings of the Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing and Debugging (PADTAD) Track of the 2005 Haifa Verification Conference, volume 3875 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 191-207. © Springer-Verlag, 2005. Received the conference's Best Paper Award. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF, presentation]
Rahul Agarwal, Amit Sasturkar, Liqiang Wang, and Scott D. Stoller. Optimized Run-Time Race Detection And Atomicity Checking Using Partial Discovered Types. In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). © IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005. [abstract, PDF, BibTeX]
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Michael Gorbovitski, Tom Rothamel, and Yanni Ellen Liu. Incrementalization Across Object Abstraction. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2005 Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA). © ACM Press, 2005. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Liqiang Wang and
Scott D. Stoller. Static Analysis of
Atomicity for Programs with Non-Blocking Synchronization. In
Proceedings of the
2005 Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
(PPoPP). © ACM Press, 2005.
An extended version appeared as Technical Report DAR-04-17, SUNY at
Stony Brook, Computer Science Dept., Oct. 2004 (revised Jan. 2005).
Amit Sasturkar, Rahul Agarwal, Liqiang Wang, and Scott D. Stoller. Automated Type-Based Analysis of Data Races and Atomicity. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2005 Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP). © ACM Press, 2005. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. A Declarative Framework for Transformation and Translation. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Knowledge Economy and Development of Science and Technology (KEST). © Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag, 2004.
Yanhong A. Liu, Tom Rothamel, Fuxiang Yu, Scott D. Stoller, and Nanjun Hu. Parametric Regular Path Queries. In Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI). © ACM Press, 2004. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Beata Sarna-Starosta and Scott D. Stoller. Policy Analysis for Security-Enhanced Linux. In Proceedings of the 2004 Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security (WITS), pages 1-12. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF, presentation]
Rahul Agarwal
and Scott D. Stoller. Type Inference for Parameterized Race-Free Java.
In Proceedings of the
Fifth International Conference on Verification, Model Checking and
Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI),
volume 2937 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 149-160.
© Springer-Verlag, 2004.
A significantly extended version of this paper, with a detailed
exposition of the type system and more experimental results on the
expressiveness of the type system and the effectiveness of type
discovery, appeared as a technical report.
Liqiang Wang and Scott D. Stoller. Run-Time Analysis for Atomicity. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Runtime Verification (RV), volume 89(2) of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. © Elsevier, 2003. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. From Datalog Rules to Efficient Programs with Time and Space Guarantees. In Proceedings of the Fifth ACM-SIGPLAN International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP), pages 172-183. © ACM Press, 2003. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Optimizing Ackermann's function by incrementalization. In Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM). © ACM Press, 2003. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller and Ernie Cohen. Optimistic Synchronization-Based
State-Space Reduction. In Proceedings of the
9th International Conference
on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
(TACAS), volume 2619 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
© Springer-Verlag, 2003.
An extended version appeared in
Formal Methods in System Design.
Leena Unnikrishnan,
Scott D. Stoller, and
Yanhong A. Liu.
Optimized Live Heap Bound Analysis. In Proceedings of the
Fourth International Conference on
Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI),
volume 2575 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. © Springer-Verlag, 2003.
An extended version appeared as
SUNY at Stony Brook, Computer Science Dept., Technical Report DAR-01-2,
February 2001 (revised January 2003).
Scott D. Stoller. A Bound on Attacks on Authentication Protocols.
In Proceedings of the
IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (TCS)
in the 17th IFIP World Computer Congress, pages 588-600.
© Kluwer, 2002.
An extended version appeared as
Indiana University, Computer Science Dept., Technical Report 526,
July 1999 (revised January 2001).
Scott D. Stoller. Testing Concurrent Java Programs using Randomized Scheduling. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Runtime Verification (RV), volume 70(4) of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. © Elsevier, 2002. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF, presentation]
Scott D. Stoller. Domain Partitioning for Open Reactive Systems.
In Proceedings of the 2002 International
Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA).
© ACM Press, 2002.
extended presentation]
An extended version appeared as
SUNY at Stony Brook, Computer Science Dept., Technical Report DAR-02-6,
February 2002 (revised June 2002).
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Program optimization using indexed and recursive data structures. In Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM), pages 108-118. © ACM Press, 2002. The proceedings is also published as ACM SIGPLAN Notices, March 2002. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Radu Grosu, Yanhong A. Liu, Scott Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, and Jingyu Yan. Automated Software Engineering Using Concurrent Class Machines. In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, pages 297-304. © IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu,
Ning Li, and Scott D. Stoller.
Solving Regular Tree Grammar Based Constraints. In Proceedings of the
8th International Static Analysis
Symposium (SAS), volume 2126 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
© Springer-Verlag, 2001.
An extended version appeared as Indiana University,
Computer Science Dept., Technical Report 540, July 2000.
Leena Unnikrishnan,
Scott D. Stoller, and Yanhong
A. Liu. Automatic Accurate Live Memory Analysis for
Garbage-Collected Languages. In Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES),
pages 102-111. © ACM Press, 2001.
An extended version appeared as Indiana University, Computer Science Dept.,
Technical Report 538, April 2000.
Scott D. Stoller. A Bound on Attacks on Payment Protocols. In
Proceedings of the 16th
Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), pages
61-70. © IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001.
An extended version appeared as
Indiana University, Computer Science Dept., Technical Report 537, February 2000
(revised April 2001).
Scott D. Stoller and Yanhong A. Liu. Transformations for Model Checking Distributed Java Programs. In Proceedings of the 8th International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software, volume 2057 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 192-199. © Springer-Verlag, 2001. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. Model-Checking Multi-Threaded Distributed Java
Programs. In Proceedings of the 7th International SPIN Workshop
on Model Checking of Software, volume 1885 of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. © Springer-Verlag, 2000.
A revised and extended version appeared in
the International Journal on Software Tools for Technology
Scott D. Stoller, Leena Unnikrishnan, and
Yanhong A. Liu.
Efficient Detection of Global Properties in Distributed
Systems Using Partial-Order Methods.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference
on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), volume 1855 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 264-279. © Springer-Verlag, 2000.
An extended version with some corrections
appeared as Indiana University, Computer Science Dept., Technical Report
523, June 1999 (revised July 2000).
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott
D. Stoller. From recursion to iteration: what are the optimizations? In
Proceedings of the 2000
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program
Manipulation (PEPM). Published in ACM SIGPLAN Notices,
34(11), November 1999, pages 73-82.
An extended version appeared as Indiana University, Computer Science Dept.,
Technical Report 527, July 1999.
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Eliminating dead code on recursive data. In Proceedings of the 6th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS), volume 1694 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 211-231. © Springer-Verlag, 1999. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller
and Leena Unnikrishnan.
Automated Symbolic Timing Analysis for Distributed Systems. In
Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference for Young Computer Scientists (ICYCS).
International Academic Publishers, August 1999.
A slightly longer version appeared as Indiana University, Computer Science
Dept., Technical Report 509, May 1998 (revised August 1999).
Yanhong A. Liu and
Scott D. Stoller. Dynamic Programming via Static Incrementalization. In
Proceedings of the European Symposium on
Programming (ESOP).
© Springer-Verlag, March 1999.
An extended version appeared as Indiana University, Computer Science
Dept., Technical Report 514, September 1998 (revised October 1998).
Scott D. Stoller and Fred B. Schneider. Automated Stream-Based Analysis of Fault-Tolerance. In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems (FTRTFT '98), volume 1486 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 113-122. © Springer-Verlag, September 1998. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller and Yanhong
A. Liu. Efficient Symbolic Detection of Global Properties in
Distributed Systems. In Alan J. Hu and Moshe Y. Vardi, editors,
Proceedings of the 10th International
Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV '98), volume 1427
of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, pages 357-368. © Springer-Verlag, 1998.
An extended version is available as: Indiana University, Computer
Science Dept., Technical Report 504, February 1998. Last updated 22 June
gzip'd PostScript]
Yanhong A. Liu and
Scott D. Stoller. Loop Optimization for Aggregate Array Computations.
In Proceedings of the IEEE
Computer Society 1998 International Conference on Computer Languages
(ICCL '98), pages 262-271. © IEEE Computer Society Press,
May 1998.
An extended version is available as: Indiana University, Computer Science
Dept., Technical Report 477, March 1997.
Scott D. Stoller. Detecting Global Predicates in Distributed Systems with Clocks. In Marios Mavronicolas and Philippas Tsigas, editors, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms (WDAG-11), volume 1320 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 185-199. © Springer-Verlag, September 1997. A revised and extended version appeared in Distributed Computing. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller and Fred B. Schneider. Automated Analysis of Fault-Tolerance in Distributed Systems. In Proceedings of the First ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Automated Analysis of Software, January 1997. [BibTeX, PDF]
Yaron Minsky, Robbert van Renesse, Fred B. Schneider, and Scott D. Stoller. Cryptographic Support for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing. In Proceedings of the Seventh ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, September 1996. [BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, and Tim Teitelbaum. Discovering Auxiliary Information for Incremental Computation. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL '96), January 1996. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller and Fred B. Schneider. Faster Possibility Detection by Combining Two Approaches. In Jean-Michel Helary and Michel Raynal, editors, Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Distributed Algorithms (WDAG-9), volume 972 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 318-332. © Springer-Verlag, September 1995. Also appeared as Technical Report TR 95-1511, Computer Science Dept., Cornell University, April 1995. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller and John D. DeTreville. Storage Replication and Layout in Video-on-Demand Servers. In T.D.C. Little and R. Gusella, editors, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV '95), volume 1018 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 327-338. © Springer-Verlag, April 1995. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Douglas J. Howe and Scott D. Stoller. An operational approach to combining classical set theory and functional programming languages. In Masami Hagiya and John C. Mitchell, editors, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software (TACS '94), volume 789 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 36-55. © Springer-Verlag, April 1994. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. WebSheets: A New Privacy-Centric Framework for Web Applications. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2023). ACM Press, 2023. [PDF]
Andreas Brandstätter, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, Ashish Tiwari, and Radu Grosu. Towards Drone Flocking using Relative Distance Measurements. In Proceedings of the Rigorous Engineering of Collective Adaptive Systems (REoCAS) track of 11th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA 2022). volume 13703 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2022. [PDF]
Usama Mehmood, Scott D. Stoller, Radu Grosu, and Scott A. Smolka. Collision-Free 3D Flocking Using the Distributed Simplex Architecture. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Methods for Outer Space, part of the Proceedings of ISoLA Extra in Rhodes, volume 13065 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2021. [PDF]
Luca Bortolussi, Francesca Cairoli, Nicola Paoletti, Scott Smolka and Scott D. Stoller. Bayesian Neural Predictive Monitoring. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and fOrmal VERification, Logic, Automata, and sYnthesis (OVERLAY 2020), volume 2785 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020.
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Knowledge of Uncertain Worlds: Programming with Logical Constraints: An Overview. Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track. Proceedings 36th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2020) (Technical Communications), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), volume 325, 2020.
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Knowledge of Uncertain Worlds: Programming with Logical Constraints: An Overview. Recently Published Research Track. 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020).
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Rules with Negation in Recursion: Founded Semantics and Constraint Semantics. Sister Conferences and Journal Presentation Track. Proceedings 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2019) (Technical Communications), Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), volume 306, doi 10.4204/EPTCS.306.
Usama Mehmood, Shouvik Roy, Radu Grosu, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, and Ashish Tiwari. Neural Flocking: MPC-based Supervised Learning of Flocking Controllers. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS 2020), volume 12077 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2020. [BibTeX, PDF]
Luca Bortolussi, Francesca Cairoli, Nicola Paoletti and Scott D. Stoller. Conformal Predictions for Hybrid System State Classification. In From Reactive Systems to Cyber-Physical Systems, volume 11500 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2019. [PDF]
Dung Phan, Nicola Paoletti, Timothy Zhang, Radu Grosu, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. Neural State Classification for Hybrid Systems. Invited contribution. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Methods for Reasoning about CPS and IoT (SNR 2019), part of CPS-IoT Week 2019. [PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Saksham Chand, and Xuetian Weng. Invariants in Distributed Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 2018 TLA+ Community Meeting, part of Proceedings of FLoC 2018. [PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Easier Rules and Constraints for Programming. In Proceedings of the 2018 Logic and Practice of Programming (LPOP) Workshop, part of Proceedings of FLoC 2018. [PDF]
Radu Grosu, Doron Peled, C.R. Ramakrishnan, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, and Junxing Yang. Compositional Branching-Time Measurements. In From Programs to Systems---The Systems Perspective in Computing, Proceedings of ETAPS Workshop in honor of Joseph Sifakis, volume 8415 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, 2014. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Bo Lin, and Scott D. Stoller. Programming and Optimizing Distributed Algorithms: An Overview. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference & Expo on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World (CEWIT 2011). IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011. [BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller and Yanhong A. Liu. Security policy languages and enforcement. In Proceedings of the Third Russian National Conference on Mathematics and Information Technology Security (MaBIT-04), October 2004. [BibTeX, PDF]
Klaus Havelund, Scott D. Stoller, and Shmuel Ur. Benchmark and framework for encouraging research on multi-threaded testing tools. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing and Debugging (PADTAD), April 2003. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. A Reduction for Automated Verification of Authentication Protocols. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Methods and Security Protocols, July 1999. Also appeared as Indiana University, Computer Science Dept., Technical Report 520, December 1998 (major revision in April 1999, minor revision in June 1999). This result was subsequently re-formulated in the strand space model, leading to a considerable simplification. That version is available as Technical Report 526. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. Justifying Finite Resources for Adversaries in Automated Analysis of Authentication Protocols. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Methods and Security Protocols, June 1998. Also appeared as Indiana University, Computer Science Dept., Technical Report 506, March 1998. This tech report was revised and expanded in February 1999. One significant new feature is an exponential lower bound on the worst-case number of protocol runs needed for attacks on a certain class of protocols. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. Brief Announcement: Lower and Upper Bounds for Attacks on Authentication Protocols. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), May 1999. [details, BibTeX, PDF]
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Yi Tong, and Bo Lin. Integrating Logic Rules with Everything Else, Seamlessly. May 2023. This is our TPLP 2023 paper extended with appendices presenting formal semantics and compiler optimizations for Alda.
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Yi Tong, Bo Lin, and K. Tuncay Tekle. Programming with Rules and Everything Else, Seamlessly. May 2022.
Andreas Brandstätter, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, Ashish Tiwari, and Radu Grosu. Multi-Agent Spatial Predictive Control with Application to Drone Flocking (Extended Version). March 2022.
Amol Damare, Shouvik Roy, Roshan Sharma, Keith DSouza, Scott A. Smolka and Scott D. Stoller. A Barrier Certificate-based Simplex Architecture for Systems with Approximate and Hybrid Dynamics. Title of first version: A Barrier Certificate-based Simplex Architecture with Application to Microgrids. February 2022 (updated November 2024).
Usama Mehmood, Sanaz Sheikhi, Stanley Bak, Scott A. Smolka and Scott D. Stoller. The Black-Box Simplex Architecture for Runtime Assurance of Autonomous CPS. Title of first version: Safe CPS from Unsafe Controllers. February 2021 (updated May 2022).
Usama Mehmood, Scott D. Stoller, Radu Grosu, Shouvik Roy, Amol Damare, and Scott A. Smolka. A Distributed Simplex Architecture for Multi-Agent Systems. December 2020.
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Assurance of Distributed Algorithms and Systems: Runtime Checking of Safety and Liveness. August 2020.
Thang Bui and Scott D. Stoller. Learning Attribute-Based and Relationship-Based Access Control Policies with Unknown Values. August 2020.
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller. Recursive Rules with Aggregation: A Simple Unified Semantics. July 2020 (updated September 2022).
Yanhong A. Liu and
Scott D. Stoller.
Knowledge of Uncertain Worlds: Programming with Logical Constraints. October 2019,
This was published as a LFCS 2020 paper.
Thang Bui and Scott D. Stoller. A Decision Tree Learning Approach for Mining Relationship-Based Access Control Policies. September 2019,
This is an extended version of our SACMAT 2020 paper.
Shouvik Roy, Usama Mehmood, Radu Grosu, Scott A. Smolka, Scott D. Stoller, and Ashish Tiwari. Neural Flocking: MPC-based Supervised Learning of Flocking Controllers. August 2019,
This was published as a FoSSaCS 2020 paper.
Christopher Kane, Bo Lin, Saksham Chand,
Scott D. Stoller, and Yanhong A. Liu. High-level Cryptographic Abstractions. October 2018 (revised August 2019),
This was published as a PLAS 2019 paper.
Dung Phan, Nicola Paoletti, Radu Grosu, Nils Jansen, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. Neural Simplex Architecture. August 2019,
This is an extended version of a NFM 2020 paper.
Scott D. Stoller and Yanhong A. Liu. Algorithm Diversity for Resilient Systems. April 2019,
This was published as a DBSec 2019 paper.
Thang Bui, Scott D. Stoller, and Hieu Le. Efficient and Extensible Policy Mining for Relationship-Based Access Control. March 2019 (updated April 2019),
This was published as a SACMAT 2019 paper.
Dung Phan, Nicola Paoletti, Timothy Zhang, Radu Grosu, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. Neural State Classification for Hybrid Systems. July 2018,
Dung Phan, Radu Grosu, Nicola Paoletti, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. How to Learn a Model Checker. August 2017,
Thang Bui, Scott D. Stoller, and Jiajie Li. Mining
Relationship-Based Access Control Policies. August 2017,
This is an extended version of our SACMAT 2017 paper.
Dung Phan, Junxing Yang, Matthew Clark, Radu Grosu,
John Schierman, Scott A. Smolka, and Scott D. Stoller. A
Component-Based Simplex Architecture for High-Assurance Cyber-Physical
Systems. April 2017,
This is an extended version of our ACSD 2017 paper.
Saksham Chand, Yanhong A. Liu, and Scott D. Stoller. Moderately Complex Paxos Made Simple: High-Level Specification of Distributed Algorithms. March 2017 (updated January 2019),
Dung Phan, Scott A. Smolka, Radu Grosu, Usama Mehmood, Scott D. Stoller, and Junxing Yang. Model Checking Cyber-Physical Systems using Particle Swarm Optimization. March 2017,
Saksham Chand, Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller.
Formal Verification of Multi-Paxos for Distributed Consensus.
June 2016 (updated January 2019),
This is an extended version of our FM 2016 paper.
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott
D. Stoller. The Founded Semantics and
Constraint Semantics of Logic Rules. June 2016 (updated March 2020),
This is an extended version of our LFCS 2018 paper.
D. Stoller and Thang Bui.
Mining Hierarchical Temporal Roles with Multiple Metrics. February 2016 (updated August 2017),
This is also published in our Journal of Computer Security paper.
An earlier version appeared in our DBSec 2016 paper.
Yanhong A. Liu, Scott
D. Stoller, and Bo Lin. From Clarity to Efficiency for Distributed
Algorithms. December 2014
(revised January 2016),
Zhongyuan Xu and
Scott D. Stoller. Mining Attribute-Based Access Control Policies From Logs.
March 2014,
This is a longer version of our DBSec 2014 paper.
Zhongyuan Xu and Scott D. Stoller. Mining Attribute-Based Access Control Policies. June 2013 (revised August 2014), Superceded by journal version. [abstract, BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. Automated Analysis of Security and Fault-Tolerance of Distributed Systems. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 25(1), January 2000.
Y. Annie Liu and Scott D. Stoller. ETAPS'99 Report. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 34(6):16-17, June 1999, and Bulletin of the EATCS, 68:196-197, June 1999.
Scott D. Stoller. Conference Report: Twelfth IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop. In Paul Syverson, editor, Cipher: Newsletter of the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Security and Privacy, Electronic Issue 33, August 12, 1999. [BibTeX, text]
Scott D. Stoller. Conference Report: Workshop on Formal Methods and Security Protocols. In Avi Rubin and Paul Syverson, editors, Cipher: Newsletter of the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Security and Privacy, Electronic Issue 28, July 13, 1998. [BibTeX, text]
Yu Ma and Scott D. Stoller. Message-Efficient Uniform Timed Reliable Broadcast. Indiana University, Computer Science Dept., Technical Report 515, September 1998. [BibTeX, PDF]
Scott D. Stoller. Leader Election in Distributed Systems with
Crash Failures. Indiana University, Computer Science Dept.,
Technical Report 481, May 1997. Revised July 1997.
Parts of TR 481 are superseded by this paper.