
Recommended reading material is listed under each lecture.

Tue 2/2

Introduction and Basic Concepts Cancelled due to winter storm

Thu 2/11

Lower Layers (Part 1) slides

Packets Found on an Internet
tcpdump | Wireshark | Scapy

Homework 1 is out (due 2/26): Passive Network Monitoring

Thu 2/18

Hands-on Session

Homework 2 is out (due 3/12): Network Traffic Sniffing

Tue 3/16

Hands-on Session

Thu 3/25

Authentication/TLS (cont.)

Homework 4 is out (due 4/30): Plugboard Proxy

Tue 3/30

Hands-on Session

Thu 4/1

No Class

Tue 5/4

Guest lecture by Nguyen Phong Hoang on Domain Name Encryption

Assessing the Privacy Benefits of Domain Name Encryption