Course: CSE 214: Data Structures

State University of New York at Stony Brook, Spring 2025

Section 02: MoWe 9:30AM - 10:50AM, New Computer Science Bldg 120
Prof. Pramod Ganapathi
Office: Room 105, New Computer Science
Office hours: MoWe 1:30-3:00 PM
Recitations and TA's
Google sheet

Course Description
An extension of programming methodology to data storage and manipulation on complex data sets. Topics include: programming and applications of data structures; stacks, queues, lists, binary trees, heaps, priority queues, balanced trees and graphs. Recursive programming is heavily utilized. Fundamental sorting and searching algorithms are examined along with informal efficiency comparisons.

The course covers data structures to efficiently store, organize, modify, and access data. Topics include: arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, priority queues, and graphs. Recursive programming is heavily utilized. Fundamental sorting and searching algorithms are examined along with informal efficiency comparisons.
CSE114 with a grade of C or better.
Course Outcome
At the end of the course, the students should have the following knowledge, skills, and wisdom:
  • An ability to define, use, and analyze data structures as part of algorithm design.
  • An ability to understand the importance of complexity analysis in the design of efficient algorithms.
Course requirements and grading are as follows:
  • Homework: 25%
  • Midterm: 30%
  • Final: 45%
Grade cutoffs are as follows. Grade cutoffs might be adjusted at the end of the semester if curving is required.
  • A [93-100], A- [90-93), B+ [87-90), B [83-87), B- [80-83), C+ [77-80), C [73-77), C- [70-73), D+ [67-70), D [63-67), F [0-63)
Homework will be posted on Brightspace. Homework must be written on plain sheets of paper, scanned using a good scan app, and a single scanned PDF must be submitted on Brightspace. The PDF must have the student ID as the file name. Late submissions will not be graded for any reason (including oversleeping, forgetting, PC issues, technical issues, Brightspace issues, traveling, etc), except extenuating situations. It is strongly recommended to submit at least one version three days before the deadline. A student can submit an infinite number of versions of the answer sheets PDF to the Brightspace. We only evaluate the last/final version of the solutions PDF uploaded on Brightspace before the deadline.

Students who submit the first version of their homework at the exact deadline or after the deadline (even a nanosecond later), will receive 0. Because, we do not consider the time at which a homework was submitted by the student, we consider the time at which the homework was successfully up on Brightspace (with all pages in human-readable form) and it takes a few seconds/minutes to upload on Brightspace. If Brightspace flags the homework as late, it is late. It is the student's responsibility to verify whether the document was successfully submitted on Brightspace or not. Hence, it is strongly recommended to submit the homework multiple times starting from a few days before the deadline.

Grade/regrade requests deadline is 1 week after getting the homework/exam results on Brightspace. Any grade/regrade requests after this deadline will not be considered. Each student is assigned a TA. The grade/regrade requests must be made only to the assigned TA.
Makeup Exams
The two midterm exams and the final exam will be closed-book, closed-notes, closed-computers, and closed-calculators exams. The exams will be in person and will be proctored. Makeup exams will not be given for any reason (including oversleeping, forgetting, PC issues, technical issues, Brightspace issues, traveling, etc), except in the cases of medical emergencies (with documentation -- e.g. USA doctor's non-electronic signed note with all contact details/information stating that the student was ill and unfit to take the exam) and on the discretion of the instructor based on a case-by-case basis; student participation in university sponsored events (with documentation); and religious absences (with documentation). Students who miss an exam for an undeniably valid reason need to take a make-up exam; specific arrangements will be made on a case-by-case basis. Students who miss an exam must either give advanced notice (e.g. broke leg the previous day) with evidence or must report as soon as possible (e.g. met with an accident or medical emergency) with evidence. Students who miss exams for unimportant reasons (oversleeping, technical issues, transportation problems, family/friend functions, etc) will not be given make-up exams. Students are expected to abide by all standard examination rules and obey instructors/TA's at all times during the exams.
Students are expected to attend every class, report for examinations and submit major graded coursework as scheduled. If a student is unable to attend lecture(s), report for any exams or complete major graded coursework as scheduled due to extenuating circumstances, the student must contact the instructor as soon as possible. Students may be requested to provide documentation to support their absence and/or may be referred to the Student Support Team for assistance. Students will be provided reasonable accommodations for missed exams, assignments or projects due to significant illness, tragedy or other personal emergencies. In the instance of missed lectures or recitations, the student is responsible for reviewing posted slides, reviewing recorded lectures, seeking notes from a classmate, etc. Please note, all students must follow Stony Brook, local, state and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID. For questions or more information click here.
Additional Resources

Academic calendar
Class Schedule
Jan 27 Introduction (Course Info), Pseudocode [PDF] [GTG Ch. 1-2] Map of CS
Jan 29 [HW 1]
Feb 03
Algorithm Code, Algorithm Analysis [PDF], [PDF] [GTG Ch. 4]
Feb 05
Feb 10
Feb 12
Feb 17
Arrays, Lists [PDF] [GTG Ch. 3.1-3.5, 7.1-7.3, 7.6] Use these structures if you want to store data linearly
Feb 19 [HW 2, HW 1 due]
Feb 24
Feb 26
Recursion [PDF] [GTG Ch. 5] Recursive thinking
Mar 03
Mar 05
Stacks, Queues, Dequeues [PDF] [GTG Ch. 6] Use these linear ADTs if you want to implement LIFO/FIFO/etc
Mar 10 [HW 3, HW 2 due]
Mar 12
Mar 24
Mar 26
Trees [PDF] [GTG Ch. 8, 11] Use these ADTs if you want to implement a sorted set
Mar 31 [HW 3 due] Midterm Practice
Apr 02 Midterm Review
Apr 07 Midterm Time: Class time, Venue: Class
Syllabus: All topics covered to this date
Apr 09 [HW 4]
Apr 14
Priority Queues [PDF] [GTG Ch. 9] Use these ADTs if you want to implement a structure that requires Add and RemoveMin only
Apr 16
Apr 21
Hashtables [PDF] [GTG Ch. 10] Use these ADTs if you want to implement an unsorted set
Apr 23 [HW 5, HW 4 due] Graphs [PDF] [GTG Ch. 14] Use these ADTs if you want to use a networked structure
Apr 28
Apr 30
Sorting Algorithms [PDF], [PDF]
May 05 [HW 5 due] Final Practice
May 07 Final Review
May 14 (We) Final Time: 11:15-1:45 PM, Venue: Class, Schedule
Syllabus: All topics

Academic Integrity
Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Any suspected instance of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website at
Students are allowed/encouraged to:
  • learn the subject from any book/website/video/resource in the world
  • contact TAs/instructor to understand the subject matter
  • discuss generic ideas and concepts related to the subject with friends/classmates
Students are NOT allowed to:
  • search for solutions for the homework/exam questions on books/websites/videos/resources
  • discuss the homework/exam questions with friends/classmates/seniors
  • copy homework/exam solutions from Internet/books/friends/classmates/seniors
Student Accessibility Support Center
If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact the Student Accessibility Support Center, Stony Brook Union Suite 107, (631) 632-6748, or at They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.
Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and the Student Accessibility Support Center. For procedures and information go to the following website: and search Fire Safety and Evacuation and Disabilities.
Critical Incident Management
Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of University Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn. Further information about most academic matters can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin, the Undergraduate Class Schedule, and the Faculty-Employee Handbook. Until/unless the latest COVID guidance is explicitly amended by SBU, during Fall 2021 ''disruptive behavior'' will include refusal to wear a mask during classes.