Associate Professor of Practice, PhD
Computer Science Undergraduate Program Advisor
Computer Science Accelerated BS and MS Combined Degree Program Coordinator
Address: New Computer Science Department building, office 214, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA
Phone: (631) 632-9820

Spring 2025 Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 11am-12:30pm in my office in the New Computer Science Building, room 214 and on Google Meet:

Short bio

YouTube channels: ,
CSE114: Introduction to procedural and object-oriented programming:
CSE160: Computer Science A Honors (Introduction to object-oriented programming):
CSE215: Foundations of Computer Science (Discrete math: logic, mathematical induction, sequences, sets, relations and functions):
CSE260: Computer Science Honors B (data structures and principles of programming languages):
CSE307: Principles of Programming Languages:
CSE316: Fundamentals of Software Development:
  1. CSE 114 Computer Science 1 (Introduction to procedural and object-oriented programming; 2011-2024, average class size is 150-300 students): and ONLINE section here (Summer 2015 and 2017, 100+ students).
  2. CSE 160 Computer Science A: Honors (Higher-level, object-oriented approach to the construction of software, Spring 2018-2025):
  3. CSE/ISE 215 Foundations of Computer Science (Discrete math: logic, mathematical induction, sequences, sets, relations and functions; 2011-2016): and ONLINE section here: (Summer 2020, 100 students)
  4. CSE 219 Computer Science 3 (Systematic program design, coding, and testing; 2013-2015, 3 semesters):
  5. CSE 260 Computer Science B: Honors (data structures and the software development process; Fall 2017-2024):
  6. CSE 300 Technical Communications (Spring 2019, ~30 students).
  7. CSE 305 Principles of Database Systems (Fall 2016, ~150 students):
  8. CSE 307 Principles of Programming Languages (Spring 2013, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Spring 2019, Spring 2019): and ONLINE section here (Summer 2016, 2018).
  9. CSE/ISE 312 Legal, Social, and Ethical Issues in Information Systems (Spring 2017):
  10. CSE316 Fundamentals of Software Development (Web programming, information management, software design and development fundamentals) (Fall 2020):
  11. CSE 371 Logic (Fall 2012):
  12. CSE 392 Computers playing Jeopardy! (Fall 2011):
  13. CSE 505 Computing with Logic (graduate course) (Fall 2015, Fall 2017, Fall 2018):
  14. CSE 532 Database Systems (graduate course) (Spring 2012):
  15. CSE 595 Semantic Web (graduate course) (Spring 2018):
  16. CSE 645 Programming Languages (graduate seminar) (2011-2017, all semesters):
  17. HON 111 Honors Course on Natural Language Processing, the Honors College (2012-2014, 4 semesters):
  18. ITS 102 Information Technology Studies course, Computers playing Jeopardy! (2012-2015, 3 semesters):

Research: Conference Publications and Presentations
  1. Tiantian Gao, Paul Fodor, Michael Kifer, Paraconsistency and word puzzles. In the 32ndInternational Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), New York City, USA, October 2016.
  2. Benjamin N. Grosof, Janine Bloomfield, Paul Fodor, Michael Kifer, Isaac Grosof, Miguel Calejo, Terrance Swift, Automated Decision Support for Financial Regulatory/Policy Compliance, using Textual Rulelog. In the 9thRuleML International Web Rule Symposium Challenge, Berlin, Germany, July 2015.
  3. Benjamin N. Grosof, Michael Kifer, Paul Fodor The Power of Semantic Rules in Rulelog: Fundamentals and Recent Progress . In the Reasoning Web , Berlin, Germany, July 2015.
  4. Carl Andersen, Brett Benyo, Miguel Calejo, Mike Dean, Paul Fodor, Benjamin N. Grosof, Michael Kifer, Senlin Liang, and Terrance Swift, Advanced Knowledge Base Debugging for Rulelog In the RuleML 7th International Web Rule Symposium Challenge , Seattle, Washington, USA, July 2013. Won the RuleML 2013 Challenge.
  5. Reza Basseda, Paul Fodor, and Steven Greenspan, A Logical Foundation For Troubleshooting Agents In the 8 thInternational Conference on Knowledge, Information, and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS) , 2013.
  6. Carl Andersen, Brett Benyo, Miguel Calejo, Mike Dean, Paul Fodor, Benjamin N. Grosof, Michael Kifer, Senlin Liang, and Terrance Swift, Understanding Rulelog Computations in SILK In the 23rdWorkshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments (at ICLP) , 2013.
  7. Paul Fodor, Michael Kifer, Transaction Logic with Defaults and Argumentation Theories. In the 27thInternational Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), Lexington, Kentucky, USA, July 2011.
  8. Darko Anicic, Sebastian Rudolph, Paul Fodor and Nenad Stojanovic, Retractable Complex Event Processing and Stream Reasoning. In the RuleML International Symposium on Rules, Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.
  9. Darko Anicic, Sebastian Rudolph, Paul Fodor and Nenad Stojanovic, A Declarative Framework for Matching Iterative and Aggregative Patterns against Event Streams. In the RuleML International Symposium on Rules, Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.
  10. Darko Anicic, Paul Fodor, Sebastian Rudolph, Nenad Stojanovic, EP-SPARQL: A Unified Language for Event Processing and Stream Reasoning. In the 20thInternational World Wide Web Conference (WWW), Hyderabad, India, March-April 2011.
  11. Paul Fodor, Darko Anicic, Sebastian Rudolph, Results on Out-of-Order Event Processing. In the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL), Austin, Texas, USA, January 2011.
  12. Darko Anicic, Paul Fodor, Sebastian Rudolph, R Stüehmer, Nenad Stojanovic, Rudi Studer, A Rule-Based Language for Complex Event Processing and Reasoning. In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR), Bressanone/Brixen, Italy, September 2010 (shortlisted for the Best Paper Award).
  13. Paul Fodor, Michael Kifer, Tabling for Transaction Logic. In the Proceedings of the 12thInternational ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP), Hagenberg, Austria, July 2010.
  14. Paul Fodor, Darko Anicic, Sebastian Rudolph, Roland Stüehmer, Nenad Stojanovic and Rudi Studer, Processing out-of-order event streams in ETALIS. In the ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS), fast abstract, Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 2010.
  15. Darko Anicic, Paul Fodor, Roland Stüehmer and Nenad Stojanovic, Event-driven Approach for Logic-based Complex Event Processing. In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), Vancouver, Canada, August 2009.
  16. Paul Fodor, Research Summary: Tabled Evaluation for Transaction Logic Programs, In the Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), Doctoral Consortium, Pasadena, USA, July 2009.
  17. Hui Wan, Benjamin Grosof, Michael Kifer, Paul Fodor and Senlin Liang, Logic Programming with Defaults and Argumentation Theories, In the Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), pp. 432-448, Pasadena, USA, July 2009.
  18. Darko Anicic, Paul Fodor, Roland Stüehmer and Nenad Stojanovic, An Approach for Data-driven and Logic-based Complex Event Processing. In the ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS), poster, Nashville, TN, USA, July 2009.
  19. Darko Anicic, Paul Fodor, Roland Stüehmer and Nenad Stojanovic, Computing Complex Events in an Event-driven and Logic-based Approach. In the ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS), demo, Nashville, TN, USA, July 2009.
  20. Senlin Liang, Paul Fodor, Hui Wan and Michael Kifer, OpenRuleBench: An Analysis of the Performance of Rule Engines. In the Proceedings of the 18th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), pp. 601-610, Madrid, Spain, April 2009. Home page: OpenRuleBench.
  21. Paul Fodor, Justification for Tabled Transaction Logic. In the Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Spring Intelligent Event Processing Symposia, Palo Alto, CA, USA, March 2009.
  22. Paul Fodor, Existentially Quantified Values for Queries and Updates of Facts in Transaction Logic Programs. In the Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), abstract, Chicago, USA, 2008.
  23. Paul Fodor, Querying Sequential and Concurrent Horn Transaction Logic Programs Using Tabling Techniques. In the Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), abstract, Chicago, USA, 2008.
  24. Paul Fodor, Optimizations and Extensions for the Horn Transaction Logic Programs. In the Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), doctoral consortium, Chicago, USA, 2008.
  25. Paul Fodor, Michael Kifer, Sequential Horn Transaction Logic Tabling. In the Spring Databases and information retrieval day (DB/IR), poster, Columbia University, NYC, USA, April 2008.
  26. Paul Fodor, Portlet Wrappers using Javascript. In the Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet, Portugal, July 2007.
  27. Paul Fodor, Dialog Management for Decision Processes. In the Proceedings of the Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics (LTC07), Poznan, Poland, October 2007.
  28. Paul Fodor, Juan Huerta, Planning and Logic Programming for Dialog Management. In the Proceedings of the IEEE/ACL 2006 Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (STL 06), Aruba, December 2006.
  29. Paul Fodor, Juan Huerta, Web Services Voice Interaction Broker with Dynamic Dialog Management: a Dialog Container and Component Proxy Approach. In the Greater Philadelphia Databases/Information Retrieval Day, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, October 2005 (awarded).

Reports, Journal Publications and Book Chapters
  1. Adam Lally, John Prager, Michael McCord, Branimir Boguraev, Siddharth Patwardhan, James Fan, Paul Fodor and Jennifer Chu-Carroll, Question Analysis: How Watson Reads a Clue. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 2012.
  2. Paul Fodor, Senlin Liang and Michael Kifer, The OpenRuleBench Benchmarks for Semantic Web Rule Engines Rerun Report for 2011.
  3. Darko Anicic, Paul Fodor, Sebastian Rudolph, Roland Stüehmer, Nenad Stojanovic and Rudi Studer, ETALIS: Rule-Based Reasoning in Event Processing. In Reasoning in Event-based Distributed Systems, Studies in Computational Intelligence series (Editors: Sven Helmer, Alex Poulovassilis, and Fatos Xhafa), Springer Verlag, LNCS, 2010.
  4. Paul Fodor, Michael Kifer, Senlin Liang and Hui Wan, The OpenRuleBench Benchmarks for Semantic Web Rule Engines Report for 2010.
  5. Senlin Liang, Paul Fodor, Michael Kifer and Hui Wan, The OpenRuleBench Complete Report 2009.
Other Manuscripts
  1. Adam Lally, Paul Fodor, Natural Language Processing With Prolog in the IBM Watson System. The Association for Logic Programming (ALP) Newsletter, March 2011.
  2. Paul Fodor, Practical Reasoning with Transaction Logic Programming for Knowledge Base Dynamics. Ph.D. thesis, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York, USA, 2011.
  3. Paul Fodor, Darko Anicic, Sebastian Rudolph, Jia Ding, Ahmed Hafsi, Roland Stüehmer, The ETALIS System Manual, 2010. Available online: and Code available online:
  4. Diptikalyan Saha, Paul Fodor, A simple and efficient explicit parallelization of logic programs using low-level threading primitives, 2009. Available online: Code available online:
  5. Paul Fodor, Adam Lally, David Ferrucci, The Prolog Interface to the Unstructured Information Management Architecture, 2008. Available online:
  6. Paul Fodor, Initial Results on the F-logic to OWL Bi-directional Translation on a Tabled Prolog Engine, 2007. Report available online: Code available online:
  7. Paul Fodor, Flexible Audio Streams and Automatic Annotation of XHTML Pages with Audio Components, DB/IR Day, Fall 2007.
  8. Joy Dutta, Paul Fodor, A Systematic Approach to Web-Application Development, 2006. Report available online:
  9. Joy Dutta, Paul Fodor, Generating (DNA and Protein) Motifs from Profile Matrices, (work under the advisement of Prof. Steven Skiena) 2005 (presented at GRC, Stony Brook, 2005). Code and report available online:
Development and Contributions to Large Software Projects
  1. ErgoAI:
    The rule-based knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR) system ErgoAI combines reasoning with natural language processing (NLP), databases and ontology systems. ErgoAI is fully semantic, using general classical-logic-like formulas, including existentials and universal quantifiers, disjunctions, meta knowledge reasoning, higher-order syntax, flexible defeasibility and combines closely with NLP to both interpret and generate English, including potentially for conversational NL interaction. Applications: legal/policy compliance in financial services, health care treatment guidance and insurance, education/tutoring; security/confidentiality policies; and e-commerce marketing
  2. Semantic Inferencing on Large Knowledge (SILK):
    A multi-institution project sponsored by Vulcan Inc. ( aiming to provide key knowledge representation infrastructure for global, widely-authored, very large knowledge bases in business and science.
  3. OpenRuleBench:
    A suite of benchmarks for analyzing the performance and scalability of rule engines for the Semantic Web.
  4. Event Transaction Logic Inference System (ETALIS):
    An open source event processing system implemented in Prolog. It is a declarative rule-based language for event processing with various event composition operators, sliding windows, event aggregation, alarms, out-of-order event detection, sharing and so on.
  5. Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) - Prolog Bi-directional Translator and Prolog Annotators.
    UIMA ( is an industrial-strength, scalable and extensible platform for creating, integrating and deploying unstructured information management systems. Its Prolog module allows complete translations of UIMA data structures into Prolog programs and development of UIMA annotators in Prolog. The module was used in the IBM Watson system that played on the Jeopardy! TV quiz show.
  6. An optimized interpreter for Tabled Transaction Logic and a performance evaluation suite. Available on the Flora2 Web site:
Research Interests
     My research encompasses several areas:

Ph.D. in Computer Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University,
Science Stony Brook, N.Y., USA (2011)
Dissertation : Practical Reasoning with Transaction Logic Programming for Knowledge Base Dynamics (tabling, the well-founded semantics for TR, defaults and defeasibility, and logic-based complex event processing) .
Adviser : Professor Michael Kifer
M.Sc. in Computer Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University,
Science Stony Brook, N.Y., USA (May 2006)
Survey of Web Services Automatic Negotiation.
Overall GPA: 3.90/4.00
Adviser : Professor Michael Kifer
M.Eng. in Computer Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
Science Cluj-Napoca, Romania (June 2003).
Thesis: A comparative view of parallel systems and algorithms.
Overall GPA: 10/10.
Adviser : Professor Rodica Potolea
B.Eng. Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
(Diplomat Engineer) Cluj-Napoca, Romania (September 2002).
in Computer Science Thesis: Design and Implementation for Arrays, Records, and Sets for Constraint Solving (developed at DaimlerChrysler AG, Research Information and Communication Division, Knowledge-based Engineering Department(RIC/EK), Berlin, Germany, advisers: Dr. Mugur Tatar and Dr. Jakob Mauss).
Overall GPA: 9.28/10.
Work Experience
Stony Brook University, Computer Science Department, Stony Brook, N.Y., USA. (2011 - present).
Associate Professor of Practice (2018-present)
Research Assistant Professor (2011-2018)
Stony Brook University, Computer Science Department, Stony Brook, N.Y., USA. (2005 - 2011).
Research Assistant with Professor Michael Kifer.
IBM TJ Watson Research, The Unstructured Information Management Department, Hawthorne, N.Y. USA. (May 2007 - July 2008).
Intern and developer in the team that built the IBM Watson system that played on the Jeopardy! TV quiz show.
IBM TJ Watson Research, Human Language Technologies Department, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., USA. (May - September 2006).
IBM TJ Watson Research, Human Language Technologies Department, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., USA. (May - September 2005).
appliedE Inc., Long Island High Technology Incubator, Stony Brook, N.Y., USA (June - August 2004).
Software developer and programmer.
Stony Brook University, Computer Science Department, Stony Brook, N.Y., USA (September 2003 - May 2005).
Teaching Assistant and Graduate Assistant.
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Computer Science Department, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (October 2002 - June 2003).
Graduate Teaching Assistant.
Daimler Chrysler AG, Research Information and Communication Division, Knowledge-based Engineering Department, Berlin, Germany (February - September 2002).
Research Application Developer - Extended internship for senior project and thesis.
Services and Professional Recognition Program committees:
  1. Program committee, ICLP, 2012-present. Chair of variuos tracks and workshops 2015-present.
  2. Program committee member, RuleML-RR, 2011-present. General Chair in 2016 and Program Chair in 2019. Chair of various workshops 2011-present.
  3. Program committee member, SIGCSE, 2013-present.
  4. Program Committee member in AAAI, IJCAI, PODS, COLING in 2008, 2010, 2015-present.

My old web page: