Assignment breakdown:
• Class questions will be posted during lecture to reinforce core concepts, for a total of 25 points. (1 point each out of a total of 35 questions).
• There are eight homework assignments aimed at exploring ethical thinking. They are 5 points each, for a total of 40 points.
• There are two in-class group activities worth 5 points each.
Ethical Dilemmas group activity
• The term project is a group project, and group members will all share the same score for each phase. The first task is to select a team of 3 students to join (otherwise you will be assigned to a team).
The Term Project has four phases (for a total of 20 points):
Research (5 points)
Ideation (5 points)
Prototyping (5 points)
Narrative (5 points)
• Term Project Final Presentation (5 points).
1/2 points can be given for all assignments (except class questions).
Up to 10 points of extra credit may be offered (TBD).
All assignments are announced on Brightspace (generally a week prior to the due date) and emailed to students.
93 - 100+ | A |
90 - 92 | A- |
87 - 89 | B+ |
83 - 86 | B |
80 - 82 | B- |
77 - 79 | C+ |
73 - 76 | C |
70 - 72 | C- |
65 - 69 | D+ |
60 - 64 | D |
Below 60 | F |
All due dates are at 11:59 pm on the date given. Homework is due within 24 hours of the due date to receive credit. Project assignment submissions later than 24 hours past the due date will have 1 point per day deducted, and no projects will receive credit after 5 days from the due date. Projects with content that is offensive or defamatory will have points deducted, or may get no credit at all. Plagiarized work will recieve no credit, and may be reported to the academic judiciary.
A grade of "I" (incomplete) for the semester is rarely given.
No assignments will be accepted after midnight on the last day of classes for the semester.