The final term project presentation will be given by all team members in-class, over the final two class meetings on the last full week of classes. Students should arrive to class 5 miniutes early so we can begin on time. All students should remain in class for the duration of all the presentations. Each team member should deliver part of the presentation. There is a four minute time limit for presentations, so it would be helpful to rehearse to avoid getting cut-off.
Each student team should have their prototype on a USB memory stick (screenshots of the application screens from Figma). Timing of the presentation will begin when the prototype is projected on the classroom display. Student team members should begin the preserntation by introducing themselves. No slide presentations, no logging into students' accounts. If students need speaking notes index cards are useful.
The presentation will follow the format of the project narrative:
1. Introduction (description of the target population and the agency that serves them)
2. Background (description of the target popluation's disadvantage or disability, with data provided for context)
3. Prototype description (proposed development tools, platforms, and functionality)
4. Implementation plan (how will the solution be tested and distributed or hosted)
Teams of three will present sections 1 - 3, teams of four will present sections 1 - 4. Each section presentation should be approximately a minute each.
Presentation Rubric
1. Team members are present, introduce themselves, and each delivers a part of the presentation.
2. The protoptype is presented on the classroom display.
3. The presentation follows the format of the project narrative.
4. The presentation does not exceed the time limit.
5. Presenters speak clearly and effectively, providing information about the project efficiently.
1 point for each of the criteria.