CSE/EST/ISE 323 Assignments

Team Information Document

Design Brief Worksheet

Project Proposal Example


This course is about the design of user-centered software applications in a rapid-prototyping development environment. The application should be able to collect user performance data for subsequent review and analysis.

1. There is one software prototype deliverable for this class, a term project that can be developed in a team of up to three members, but can be developed individually. The term project is developed iteratively through a series of design and development assignments.

2. There is a UI design assignment where students will develop sceen layouts, icons, and other assets for their prototytpes. Finished art may include more than graphics and text. Depending on the project, students may have to develop other digital media content, such as video, audio, and 3D models.

3. Project documentation includes the design brief, composed of personas and scenarios, storyboards, flowcharts, and wireframes; as well as a project web site that documents the development process and provides references.

4. There is one quiz that covers the text and the lecture slides. The test review is here: http://xsrv.mm.cs.stonybrook.edu/hci/323studyguide.html
and the slide presentation is here:

The points breakdown is:

Research - 5 points
Personas - 5 points
Scenario - 5 points
Storyboard - 5 points
Moodboard - 5 points
Flowchart - 5 points
Wireframes - 5 points
Project logo - 5 points
Design Brief Presentation - 5 points

Content (digital media assets) - 5 points
GUI - 10 points
Software Prototype - 20 points

Project Web Site - 5 points

Quiz (30 multiple choice questions, .5 points each) - 15 points

Up to 5 points of extra credit may be offered (TBD)

Project documentation components

1. Project web site

Create a web site for your project/team that is resident on the multimedia lab's server. Develop a logo for your project. A team photo should appear on the start page, along with team member names, roles, and Stony Brook email contact info. An abstract for the project and the project logo should also appear on the start page. Each assignment should have a dedicated section (tab):

Welcome - Research - Personas - Scenario - Storyboard - Moodboard - Flowchart - Wireframes - GUI - Assets - Prototype - Software Design Document - References

When each deliverable is due the assignment should be uploaded to the server, and a confirmation email including a link to the page should be sent to hci@cs.stonybrook.edu.

For the prototype, a link to the executable, or a link to the file embedded in a web page, or a screen recording of the application are all possibilities. A Software Design Document needs to be included that references the installation and maintenance of the software (dependencies, settings), and other important information such as user names and passwords. References can include citations to articles, links to YouTube videos, reference photos, and content credits.

Example >>

2. Design Brief

The Design Brief includes personas, scenarios, flowlcharts, and wireframes, but it also provides a narrative and rationale for the application. Teams should use the worksheet above as a checklist for the information contained in the design brief.

Persona Example

Scenarios and Storyboards Example

Example Design Brief

3. Research

1. Conduct surveys and interviews.
2. Include supporting documents, such as inteviews, observations, photos, videos, etc.
3. Upload documents to your project web site, and send an email confirming the update to hci@cs.stonybrook.edu with a link to the site.

A slide presentation about Research Methods can be found here:

4. Flowchart (Task Analysis)

1. Establish the architecture of your project. Illustrate the flow of the software; show the "repetoire of functionality".
2. Upload the flowcharts to your project web site, and send an email confirming the update to hci@cs.stonybrook.edu with a link to the site.

Flowchart example (Presbytery of Long Island web site) >>

Flowchart example (DinoDig multiplayer game) >>

Flowchart example (SmartStep client/server architecture) >>

Interface design and content development

1. Develop the theme of your project. A metaphor for interaction is useful.
2. Design graphics, icons, and screen layouts, through sketches and wireframes.
3. Produce finished art, and develop any other media content the prototypes require (video, audio, or 3D).
4. Source files such as .psd, .band, etc. need to be uploaded to your directory on the file server.
4. Upload sketches and finished art to your project web site, and send an email confirming the update to hci@cs.stonybrook.edu with a link to the site.

Wireframe examples >>

Wireframing tutorial >>

Software prototype

1. The application will include shell screens (e.g. login, user preferences, etc.) as well as embedded help.
2. The application will provide an adminstrative interface to review user performance data.
3. The source and executable files must be resident on the file server.


93 -100 + A
90 - 92 A-
87 - 89 B+
83 - 86 B
80 - 82 B-
77 - 79 C+
73 - 76 C
70 - 72 C-
65 - 69 D+
60 - 64 D
Below 60 F

Attendance and class participation (no more than 3 unexcused absences without penalty) will also be considered. Excessive absences may result in the loss of a grade point per absence (i.e. from an A- to a B+).

The general criteria for grading all assignments is 40% for meeting assignment specifications, 40% for technical proficiency, and 20% for innovation.

Lateness penalty for assignments is 1 point per day. All work is due on the last day of class, no extensions.

Please note that projects with content that is offensive or defamatory will have points deducted, or may receive no credit at all. Plagiarized work will receive no credit and may be reported to the Academic Judiciary.

A grade of "I" (incomplete) for the semester is rarely given.