Author Instructions for Final Camera-Ready Papers
The current version of the author instructions document is here:
The current version of the 'acmsiggraph' LaTeX files are here:
Authors who are using something other than LaTeX can follow the formatting guidelines in the author instructions document to successfully prepare their final paper. The deadline to submit the final version of accepted papers is March 1, 2008!
Authors should send their completed and signed ACM copyright forms to Stephen Spencer at +1-206-543-2969 before March 1, 2008!
Conference Proceedings
The Conference Proceedings will be published by ACM Press.
Acceptable file format for paper submission is PDF. More
instructions about abstract and paper submission will be
available on the conference website very soon.
Paper Management System
The SPM 2008 submission and review site has been set up at: Please upload your abstracts and full papers to this online system before the SPM08 submission deadlines!
Journal Publications
Selected papers of outstanding quality that have been presented
at SPM 2008 will be published in special issues of:
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Computer Aided Geometric Design,
Computer-Aided Design, and
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science
and Engineering. A revised version will go through the
new round of review before it will eventually appear in these