The annual Pierre Bezier prize will be awarded at the SPM 08 conference to Ian Braid, Alan Grayer and Charles Lang for their contributions to solid modeling.
March 2008: All the information about the two mini-symposia and the speakers' bio sketches are available online!
March 2008: Student Conference Housing information and application form posted online.
March 2008: All invited speakers have their abstracts online.
March 2008: The advance program is available online! The early registration deadline for the discount rate is April 27, 2008!
February 2008: The paper review results have been sent out to all the authors. Camera-ready version is due March 1st! We also have two confirmed mini-symposia. The conference program will be available in March.
February 2008: Visa application letter posted to main page.
February 2008: The conference registration site is open. The hotel information is also available!
December 2007: We have 3 confirmed invited speakers: Helmut Pottmann, Hugues Hoppe, and Kokichi Sugihara.
November 2007: Due to numerous requests from authors, the paper submission deadline is extended to December 9, 2007
October 2007: SPM08 Siemens PLM Software Best Paper Award is sponsored by Siemens PLM Software!
October 2007: Selected papers of outstanding quality accepted by SPM08 will appear in:
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Computer Aided Geometric Design, Computer Aided Design and IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering!
October 2007: The SPM08 conference paper submission system was set up.
September 2007: The International Program Committee was formed and finalized.
June 2007: The International
Program Committee was being formed.
May 2007: The conference
website was set up and the paper deadlines were announced.
April 2007: The announcement about
Stony Brook Modeling Week and
Solid and Physical Modeling Symposium were broadcast
to different mailing lists. You are welcome to download the PDF
files here and forward them to your colleagues !
![LI Beach](Picture27.jpg)