Information visualization techniques can be combined with classical and modern
data analysis, such as statistical pattern recognition, causal inferencing. and deep/machine learning,
to enable more powerful and effective data-driven decision making with the human expert in the loop. The visual
feedback guiding the analytical mining process exploits the unmatched capability
of the low-level and high-level human visual system to recognize patterns and
derive abstract conclusions from them, possibly setting off another analysis
round. We are exploiting this paradigm for the analysis/exploration of large, high-dimensional data streams and interactive causal reasoning.
We are also working on explainable AI, especially for making algorithmic decsion-making fairer and more transparent (see this page for more papers on this topic). The study of more effective
and intuitive user interfaces is an important aspect of this work, as well as
developing and evaluating these systems in close relationship with domain scientists
and end users. For this, we have numerous collaborations at Brookhaven
National Laboratory, at Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory and other research and commercial instiutions
A Semantics-Based Methodology for Visualization Task Recommendation
D. Coelho, B. Ghai, A. Krishna, M. Velez-Rojas, S. Greenspan, S. Mankovski,
K. Mueller
3(3): 255-275, 2024 |
Miner: A Methodology for Discovering Causal Beliefs and Causal Illusions
from General Populations
S. Salim, N. Hoque, K. Mueller
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8 (CSCW 1)
1-37, 2024 |
Visual Comparison of Physical Targets in Mobile Diminished and Mixed Reality
R. Liu, S. Ye, Z. Ding, G. Yang, S. Cheng, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(to appear), 2024 |
Volume Data: Achieving Deeper Insight through Multivariate Volume Rendering
and Machine-Guided Explorations
P. Avery, S. Jhaveri, A. Kumar, X. Zhang, H. Xin, H. Yan, X. Huang, W. Xu,
K. Mueller
Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis
Cleveland, OH. August 2024 |
Can LLMs
Generate Visualizations with Dataless Prompts?
D. Coelho, H. Barot, N. Rathod, K. Mueller
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.17805
June, 2024 |
Subspace Cluster Analysis Guided by Semantic Attribute Associations
S. Mahmood, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
30(7): 4197-4210, 2024 |
An Information Display-Inspired Transfer Function Editor for Multivariate
Volume Visualization
A. Kumar, X. Zhang, H. Xin, H. Yan, X. Huang, W. Xu, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
30(8): 4464-4479, 2024 |
How “Applied”
is Fifteen Years of VAST conference?
L. Shi, L. Xia, Z. Liu, Y. Sun, H. Guo, K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS)
Melbourne, Australia, October, 2023 |
High-Dimensional Datasets From Their Bivariate Projections
E. Dugan, K. Mueller arXiv
preprint arXiv:2312.15306
December, 2023 |
An Explainable
AI Approach to Large Language Model Assisted Causal Model Auditing and Development
Y. Zhang, B. Fitzgibbon, D. Garofolo, A. Kota, E. Papenhausen, K. Mueller
NL-VIZ Workshop 2023 (jointly held
with IEEE VIS)
Melbourne, Australia, October, 2023 |
Visual Causal Reasoning with Time-Dependent Phenomena
J. Wang, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
29(12): 5342-5356, 2023 |
Visual Steering for Explainable One-Shot Deep Neural Network Synthesis
A. Tyagj, C. Xie, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue of IEEE
VIS 2022)
29(1):299-309, 2023 |
A Metrics-Based Interactive Axes Reordering Method for Parallel Coordinate
A. Tyagi, T. Estro, G. Kuenning, E. Zadok, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special Issue of IEEE
VIS 2022)
29(1):712-722, 2023 |
Enhancements for Effective Exemplar Identification in Contextual Data Visualizations
X. Zhang, S. Cheng, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
29(9}:3775-3787, 2023 |
of Social Vulnerability – An Interactive Dashboard to Explore Risks
to Public Health on the US County Level
D. Coelho, N. Gupta, E. Papenhausen, K. Mueller
Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC), jointly held with AMIA
Washington, DC, November, 2022 (won Best Paper Award) |
Large Language Models to Generate Engaging Captions for Data Visualizations
A. Liew, K. Mueller
NLVIZ: Exploring Research Opportunities for Natural Language, Text, and
Data Visualization (NLVIZ, Workshop jointly held with IEEE VIS)
Oklahoma City, OK, October, 2022 |
Wizard: Flexible Infographics Authoring and Design Exploration
A. Tyagi, J. Zhao, P. Patel, S. Khurana, K. Mueller
Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue Eurovis 2022)
41(3): 121-132, 2022 |
of Philanthropy – Using Pattern Mining for Predictive Analysis in
Advancement and Fund Raising
E. Papenhausen, K. Mueller
Journal of Advancement Analytics
2, pp. 101-113, 2022 |
Turning Digital Photos into Ambient Visualizations
J. Park, A. Kaufman, K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization Extended Abstracts
Oklahoma City, OK, October 2022 |
never rest: an investigation of network evolution in three species of animals
I. Chase, D. Coelho, W. Lee, K. Mueller, J. Curley
Social Networks
68:356-373, 2022 |
the skeptics and the undecided through visual cluster analysis of local
network geometry
S. Cheng, J. Giesen, T. Huang, P. Lucas, K Mueller
Visual Informatics 6(3):11-22, 2022 |
An AI Augmented Writing Tool for People who Stutter
B. Ghai, K. Mueller
ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
October 18-22, 2021 |
Appearance Glyphs: A methodology for illustrating high-dimensional data
patterns in 2-D data layouts
J. Lee, D. Coelho, K. Mueller
13(1), 2021 |
A Causality Guided Interactive Visual Interface for Interpretable Algorithmic
Decision Making
N. Hoque, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics 28(12):
4728-4740, 2021 |
Learning++: Incorporating Annotator’s Rationale using Local Model
B. Ghai, Q. Liao, Y. Zhang, K. Mueller
ACM KDD Workshop on Data Science with Human in the Loop (DaSH)
Virtual, August 23-27, 2020 |
Visual Analytics Using Blockchain
D. Coelho, R. Trailor, D. Sill, S. Engle, A. Joshi, S. Mankovskii, M. Velez-Rojas,
S. Greenspan, K. Mueller
International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering
Virtual, October 25–28, 2020 |
with a Conscience: Toward a Visual and Contextual Nutrition Facts Labels
D. Coelho, H. He, M. Baduk, K. Mueller
VisComm: Workshop on Visualization for Communication (jointly held with
Virtual, October 25–30, 2020 |
Pattern Analysis to Predict COVID-19 Fatalities on the US County Level
K. Mueller, E. Papenhausen
ACM Digital Government: Research and Practice
2 (1): 1-11, 2020 |
Active Learning (XAL): Toward AI Explanations as Interfaces for Machine
B Ghai, QV Liao, Y Zhang, R Bellamy, K Mueller
ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
Virtual, October 17-21, 2020 |
Embedding Data into Thematic Images
D. Coelho, K. Mueller
Computer Graphics Forum
39 (3), 593-606, 2020 (won Best Paper Runner-up Award at EuroVis 2019) |
A Visual Analytics Tool to Analyze Dominance Hierarchies in Small Groups
D. Coelho, I. Chase, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics 26(4), 1650-1660,
2020 (won Best Paper Award at VDS 2019) |
Interactive Construction of Fully Labeled Hierarchical Groupings from Attributes
of Multivariate Data
S. Mahmood, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
26 (9), 2875-2890, 2020 |
An Interactive Configuration Explorer for High Dimensional Parameter Spaces
A Tyagi, Z. Cao, T. Estro, E. Zadok, K. Mueller
IEEE Visual Analytcs Science and Technology (VAST)
Vancouver, Canada, October 2019 |
the Visualization Practices of Data Scientists on Kaggle
M. Hoque, D. Coelho, K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization Conference, Poster Session
Vancouver, Canada, October 2019 |
Visual Analysis of Anomalous Runtime Behavior in Streaming High Performance
Computing Application
C Xie, W Jeong, G Matyasfalvi, H Van Dam, K. Mueller, S Yoo, W. Xu
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS)
pp. 153-167, Faro, Portugal, June 2019 |
Are Not Enough: Using Interactive Visual Analytics in Storage Research
Z Cao, G Kuenning, K. Mueller, A Tyagi, E Zadok
USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage)
Renton, WA, July 2019 |
in Visualization Recommender Systems
K. Mueller
IEEE Computer
52 (8), 4-5, 2019 |
Saliency: Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks from Saliency Prediction
on Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation
H. Li, Y. Tian, K. Mueller, X. Chen
Image and Vision Computing
83: 70-86, 2019 |
A Data-Driven Approach and Tool for Mapping Multivariate Data to Color
S. Cheng, W. Xu, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
25(2): 1361-1377, 2019 |
Optimizing Parallel Code Performance Through Interactive Visualization
E. Papenhausen, M.H. Langston, B. Meister, R. Lethin, K. Mueller
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications
39(1): 84-99, 2019 |
of Heterogeneous Data using Hypergraph Learning
C. Xie, W, Zhong. W. Xu, K. Mueller
ACM Trans. on Intelligent Systems and Technology
10(1), 1-26, 2019 |
Visual Analytics Framework for the Detection of Anomalous Call Stack Trees
in High Performance Computing Application
C. Xie, W. Xu, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
25(1): 215-224, 2019 |
the Topology and Data Traffic of Multi-Dimensional Torus Interconnect Networks
S. Cheng, W. Zhong, K. Isaacs, K. Mueller
IEEE Access
6, 57191-57204, 2018 |
- Floral Visualization for Communicating Set Operations
A. Kumar, M. Burch, D. Kurbanismailova, U. Kloos, K. Mueller
Workshop on Visualization for Communication (co-located with IEEE
Berlin, Germany, October 2018 |
Shapes: Enhancing High-Dimensional Subspace Structures via Ambient Occlusion
B. Wang, K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization (Extended Abstracts)
Berlin, Germany, October 2018 |
Scale-Space Filtering Approach for the Multi-Resolution Illustrative
Visualization of Multivariate Data
J. Lee, K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization (Extended Abstracts)
Berlin, Germany, October 2018 |
Aesthetically Pleasing Charts for Casual Information Visualization
J. Park, A. Kaufman, K. Mueller
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications
38(6):67-82, 2018 |
Ants -- Optimization of GPU Code Using Ant Colony Optimization
E. Papenhausen, K. Mueller
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures
54: 119-138, 2018 |
Multivariate Scientific X-ray Image Visual Exploration with Cross-Data Space
W. Zhong, W. Xu, K. Yager, G. Doerk, J. Zhao, Y. Tian, S. Ha, C. Xie, Y.
Zhong, K. Mueller, K. Kleese Van Dam,
Visual Informatics
2 (1), 14-25, 2018 |
Exploded View Paradigm to Disambiguate Scatterplots
S. Mahmood, K. Mueller
Computers & Graphics
73, 37-46, 2018 |
Subspace Voyager: Exploring High-Dimensional Data along a Continuum of Salient
3D Subspaces
B. Wang, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
24(2): 1204-1222, 2018 |
Deluxe: An Attribute-Aware Display for Multivariate Data
S. Cheng, W. Xu, K. Mueller
5(4): 75-94. 2017 |
Data Management with Incremental K-Means Trees–GPU-Accelerated Construction
and Visualization
J. Wang, A. Zelenyuk, D, Imre, K. Mueller
4(3): 24-38, 2017 |
Causality Analysis Made Practical
J. Wang, K. Mueller
IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
Phoenix, AZ, Ocober 2017 |
of Multivariate Data with Network Constraints using Multi-Objective Optimization
B. Ghai, A. Mishra, K. Mueller
EEE Visualization (Extended Abstracts)
Phoenix, AZ, Ocober 2017 |
Multi-Player Rating Schemes to Manage User Studies of Visual Analytics Designs
S, Mahmood, K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization (Extended Abstracts)
Phoenix, AZ, Ocober 2017 |
Clustering of Big Data with GPU Acceleration and Visualization
J. Wang, E. Papenhausen. B. Wang. S. Ha, A. Zelenyuk, K. Mueller
New York Scientific Data Summit (NYSDS)
New York, NY, August 2017 |
Visual Analysis of Deep Neural Networks
W. Zhong. C. Xie, Y. Zhong, Y. Wang, W. Xu, S. Cheng, K. Mueller
Workshop on Visualization for Deep Learning (co-located with International
Conference on Machine Learning, ICML)
Sidney, Austraila, August 2017 |
Visual Analytics Approach for Categorical Joint Distribution Reconstruction
from Marginal Projections
C. Xie, W. Zhong, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
won Honorary Mention (1 of 2) Best Paper Award at IEEE VIS 2016
23(1):51-60, 2017 |
Hillary Clinton’s Emails
V. Dehiya, K. Mueller
IEEE VIS Poster Abstracts
Baltimore, MD, 2016 |
Scatterplots to Scalar Fields
S. Cheng, P. Cui, K. Mueller
IEEE VIS Poster Abstracts (won an Honorary Mention Award)
Baltimore, MD, 2016 |
Glass for Personalized Augmentations of Data Visualizations
D. Zhang, D. Coelho, K. Mueller
IEEE VIS Poster Abstracts
Baltimore, MD, 2016 |
Data-Driven Approach for Mapping Multivariate Data to Color
S. Cheng, W. Xu. W. Zhong, K. Mueller
IEEE VIS Poster Abstracts
Baltimore, MD, 2016 |
Data Context Map: Fusing Data and Attributes into a Unified Display
S. Cheng, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
22(1): 121-130, 2016 |
Visual Causality Analyst: An Interactive Interface for Causal Reasoning
J . Wang, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
22(1): 230-239, 2016 |
the Distribution of Local Neighborhood Structures in Large Networks
S. Cheng, C. Dahl, J. Giesen, P. Lucas, K. Mueller Workshop on Exploring
Graphs At Scale (EGAS), (held joinlty with VIS 2015)
Chicago. IL, October 2015 |
Memes for Personal Visualization
D. Coelho, K. Mueller Workshop on Personal Visualization: Exploring
Data in Everyday Life (held jointly with VIS 2015)
Chicago. IL, October 2015 |
Visualizing Relationships in Streaming Multivariate Data
S. Cheng, Y. Wang, D. Zhang, Z. Jiang, K. Mueller
IEEE VIS Poster Abstracts (won Honorary Mention)
Chicago. IL, October 2015 |
Visualizations by Analogy: Promoting Visual Literacy through Visualization
P. Ruchikachorn, K. Mueller
IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics
29(9):1028-1044, 2015 |
the Fidelity of Contextual Data Layouts Using a Generalized Barycentric
Coordinates Framework
S. Cheng, K. Mueller
IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium
pp. 295-302, Hangzhou, China, April, 2015 |
Correlation Analysis of Numerical and Categorical Data on the Correlation
Z. Zhang, K. McDonnell, E. Zadok, K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
21(2): 289-303, 2015 |
Single Particle Mass Spectrometers (SPLAT II & miniSPLAT) and New Software
for Data Visualization and Analysis in a Geo-Spatial Contex
A. Zelenyuk, D. Imre, J. Wilson, Z. Zhang, J. Wang, K. Mueller
Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry
pp. 1-14, 2015 |
Structure-Based Distance Metric for High-Dimensional Space Exploration with
Multi-Dimensional Scaling
J. Lee, K. McDonnell, A. Zelenyuk, D. Imre, K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
20(3): 351-364, 2014 |
Unraveling High-Dimensional Torus Networks for Network Traffic Visualizations
S. Cheng, P. De, S. Jiang, K. Mueller
1st Workshop on Visual Performance Analysis (jointly with Supercomputing
pp. 9-16. New Olrleans, November, 2014 |
as a Paradigm for the Evaluation of Visual Analytics Systems
N. Ahmed, K. Mueller
Beyond Time And Errors: Novel Evaluation Methods For Visualization (BELIV)
(with VIS 2014). Paris, France, November, 2014 |
3D Really Make Sense for Visual Cluster Analysis? Yes!
B. Wang, K. Mueller
Intern'l Workshop on 3DVis: Does 3D Really Make Sense for Data Visualization?
(with VIS 2014). Paris, France, November, 2014 |
A Consumer Oriented Dashboard for Smart Meter Data Analytics
N. Ahmed, K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization Conference, poster session
(with VIS 2014). Paris, France, November, 2014 |
Incremental Correlation Clustering of Large Data with Visual Feedback
E. Papenhausen, B. Wang, S. Ha, A. Zelenyuk, D. Imre, K. Mueller
The First IEEE Workshop on Big Data Visualization
Santa Clara, CA, October, 2013 |
Visual Analytics System for Stock Data
S. Cheng, Z. Jiang, Z. Zhang, K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization Conference, poster session
Atlanta, GA, October, 2013 |
WYDIWYG Sculpting and Editing in High-Dimensional Space
B. Wang, P. Ruchikachorn, K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
19(12): 2060-2069, 2013 |
Five W’s for Information Visualization with Application to Healthcare
Z. Zhang, B. Wang, F. Ahmed, IV Ramakrishnan, A. Viccellio, R. Zhao, K.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
19 (11):1895-1910, 2013 |
Interactive Visual Analytics Framework for Multi-Field Data in a Geo-Spatial
Z. Zhang, X. Tong, K. McDonnell, A. Zelenyuk, D. Imre, K. Mueller
Tsinghua Science and Technology on Visualization and Computer Graphics
18(2), April, 2013 |
A Tourism-Inspired High-Dimensional Space Exploration Framework with Overview
and Detail
J. Nam and K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
19(2): 291-305, 2013 |
Computation in Visualization: Using Purpose Driven Games for Robust Evaluation
of Visualization Algorithms
N. Ahmed, Z. Zheng, K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
18(12): 2104-2113, 2012. |
Approach to Hue-Preserving Color-Blending
L. Kühne, J. Giesen, Z. Zhang, S. Ha, K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
18(12): 2122-2129, 2012 |
Network-Based Interface for the Exploration of High-Dimensional Data Spaces
Z. Zhang, K. McDonnell, K. Mueller
IEEE PacificVis
Songdo, Korea, March 2012
pp. 17-24 |
A Framework for the Visualization of Patient History and Medical Diagnostics
Z. Zhang, F. Ahmed, A. Mittal, IV Ramakrishnan, R. Zhao, A. Viccellio, K.
IEEE Workshop on Visual Analytics in Health Care
Providence, RI, October, 2011 |
Marker: A Color Analytics Interface for Image Annotation
S. Garg, K. Padalkar, K. Mueller
International Symposium on Visual Computing
Las Vegas, NV, September 2011 |
A Framework to Identify and Create Effective Representations for Visual
Information Encoding
S. Garg, T. Berg, K. Mueller
International Symposium on Smart Graphics
Bremen, Germany, July, 2011 |
Computers Master the Art of Communication? A Focus on Visual Analytics
K. Mueller, S. Garg J. Nam, T. Berg, K. McDonnell
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications
31(3): 14-21, 2011 |
Visual Analytics Framework for Emergency Room Clinical Encounters
Z. Zhang, A. Mittal, S. Garg, A.Dimitriyadi, IV Ramakrishnan, R. Zhao, A.
Viccellio, K. Mueller
IEEE Workshop on Visual Analytics in Health Care
Salt Lake City, October, 2010 |
An RFID-Enabled Environment-Aware Navigation System for the Visually Impaired
K. Mueller, S. Das
IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies for a Smarter World,
Seoul, Korea, September, 2010 |
Light View: Enriching Navigable Panoramic Street View Maps with Informative
Illumination Thumbnails
C. Rojo, W. Xu, K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization Conference (poster)
Salt Lake City, October, 2010 |
Towards a Framework for the Capture and Retrieval of Visualization Knowledge
over the Web
S. Garg, J. Nam, K. Padalkar, K. Mueller, M. Chan, H. Qu, S. Laue, W. Saleem,
J. Giesen
Proc. Schloss Dagstuhl Scientific Visualization Workshop
33(5): 607-615, 2009 |
Visual Analytics Approach to Model Learning
S. Garg, IV Ramakrishnan, K. Mueller
IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
(to appear) |
High-Dimensional Feature Clustering Approach to Support Knowledge-Assisted
Visualization (KAV)
J. Nam, M. Maurer, K. Mueller
Computers & Graphics
33(5): 607-615, 2009 |
A Framework to Identify and Create Effective Representations for Visual
Information Encodings
S. Garg, T. Berg, K. Muellerr
IEEE Visualization Conference (poster session)
Atlantic City, NJ, October, 2009 |
Visual Analytics
S. Garg, E. Nam, IV. Ramakrishnan, K. Mueller
IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology 2008 (VAST '08)
Columbus, OH, October, 2008
pp. 19-26 |
Parallel Coordinates
K. McDonnell and Klaus Mueller
Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue Eurovis '08)
vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 1031-1038, 2008. |
A Visual Analytics tool for high-dimensional data
E. Nam, Y. Han, K. Mueller, A. Zelenyuk, and D. Imre
IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology 2007 (VAST '07)
Sacramento, CA, October, 2007
pp. 75-82 |
a Multi-Analyst, Collaborative Framework for Visual Analytics Framework
S. Brennan, K. Mueller, G. Zelinsky, IV Ramakrishnan, D. Warren, and A.
IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology 2006
Baltimore, MD, October, 2006
pp. 129-136 |
an Interactive Data Mining and Visualization Software for Single Particle
Mass Spectroscopy: A Laboratory Test Case
A. Zelenyuk, D. Imre, Y. Cai, K. Mueller, Y. Han, and P. Imrich
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry no.
258, pp. 58-73, 2006 |
Poster: 3D ThemeRiver
P. Imrich, K. Mueller, D. Imre, A. Zelenyuk, and W. Zhu
IEEE Information Visualization Symposium '03 Seattle,
October 2003 |
Poster: A Hardware-Accelerated Rubbersheet Focus + Context Technique for
Radial Dendrograms
P. Imrich, K. Mueller, D. Imre, A. Zelenyuk, and W. Zhu
IEEE Information Visualization Symposium '03 Seattle,
October 2003 |
Interactive Poster: Visual
datamining with the interactive dendogram
P. Imrich, K. Mueller, D. Imre, A. Zelenyuk, and W. Zhu
IEEE Information Visualization Symposium '02 Boston,
October 2002 |
Changes in brain-functional homogeneity in subjects with Alzheimer's
disease N. Volkow, W. Zhu, C. Felder,
K. Mueller, T. Welsh, G.-J. Wang, and M. de Leon Journal
of Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging vol.
114, no. 1, pp. 39-50, 2002 |

Graphical strategies to convey
functional relationships in the human brain: A case study
T. Welsh, K. Mueller, W. Zhu, N. Volkow, and
J. Meade IEEE Visualization '01
San Diego, October 2001 pp.
481-485 |

BrainMiner: A visualization
tool for ROI-based discovery of functional relationships in the human brain
K. Mueller, T. Welsh, W. Zhu, J. Meade, and N. Volkow
New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation (NPIVM) 2000
Washington DC, November 2000 |

A medical workstation for
the display and analysis of multi-frame digital cineradiographic data
K. Mueller, E.L. LaPresto, K.A. Powell, J.L.
Hirsch, and J.F. Cornhill Computers in
Medicine and Biology vol. 26, no. 5, pp.
385-400, 1996 |
