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Visual Multi-Metric Grouping of Eye-Tracking Data

Journal paper
Ayush Kumar, Rodolf Netzel, Michael Burch, Daniel Weiskopf and Klaus Mueller.
Journal of Eye Movement Research
Publication year: 2018

Challenges in Interpretability of Neural Networks for Eye Movement Data

Conference Paper
Ayush Kumar,Prantik Howlader,Rafael Garcia, Daniel Weiskopf, and Klaus Mueller.
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA ’20 Short), Stuttgart, Germany, June 2020.
Publication year: 2020

Demo of the EyeSAC System for Visual Synchronization, Cleaning, and Annotation of Eye Movement Data

Confenrence Demo Track
Ayush Kumar, Debesh Mohanty,Kuno Kurzhals, Fabian Beck, Daniel Weiskopf, and Klaus Mueller.
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA ’20 Adjunct), Stuttgart, Germany, June 2020.
Publication year: 2020

Task Classification Model for Visual Fixation, Exploration, and Search

Challenge paper
Ayush Kumar, Anjul Tyagi, Michael Burch, Daniel Weiskopf, and Klaus Mueller.
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA), Denver, CO, June 2019.
Publication year: 2019

Visually comparing eye movements over space and time

Conference paper
Ayush Kumar, Michael Burch, and Klaus Mueller.
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA), Denver, CO, June 2019.
Publication year: 2019

Clustered Eye Movement Similarity Matrices

Workshop paper
Ayush Kumar, Neil Timmermans, Michael Burch, and Klaus Mueller.
Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (held jointly with ACM ETRA ), Denver, CO, June 2019.
Publication year: 2019

An interactive web-based visual analytics tool for detecting strategic eye movement patterns

Workshop paper
Michael Burch, Ayush Kumar, and Neil Timmermans.
Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (held jointly with ACM ETRA ), Denver, CO, June 2019.
Publication year: 2019

Visual Analysis of Eye Gazes to Assist Strategic Planning in Computer Games

Workshop paper
Ayush Kumar, Michael Burch, Klaus Mueller.
Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (held jointly with ACM ETRA ), Warsaw, Poland, June 2018
Publication year: 2018

Eye Tracking for Exploring Visual Communication Differences

Workshop paper
Ayush Kumar, Michael Burch, ... and Klaus Mueller.
Workshop on Visualization for Communication (co-located with VIS), Berlin, Germany. October 2018.
Publication year: 2018

PetalVis - Floral Visualization for Communicating Set Operations

Workshop paper
Ayush Kumar, Michael Burch, ... and Klaus Mueller.
Workshop on Visualization for Communication (co-located with VIS), Berlin, Germany. October 2018.
Publication year: 2018

The Hierarchical Flow of Eye Movements

Workshop paper
Michael Burch, Ayush Kumar and Klaus Mueller.
Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (held jointly with ACM ETRA ), Warsaw, Poland, June 2018
Publication year: 2018

Multi-Similarity Matrices of Eye Movement Data

Workshop paper
Ayush Kumar, Rodolf Netzel, Michael Burch, Daniel Weiskopf and Klaus Mueller.
Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (held jointly with VIS ), Baltimore, Maryland, October 2016
Publication year: 2016

Color Bands: Visualizing Dynamic Eye Movement Patterns

Workshop paper
Michael Burch, Ayush Kumar, Klaus Mueller and Daniel Weiskopf
Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization (held jointly with VIS ), Baltimore, Maryland, October 2016
Publication year: 2016

Data Memes for Personal Visualization

Workshop paper
Darius Coelho, Ayush Kumar, Klaus Mueller.
Workshop on Personal Visualization: Exploring Data in Everyday Life (held jointly with VIS) Chicago. IL, October 2015.
Publication year: 2015

An Adaptive Distance-based Edge Preserving Interpolation Algorithm for Natural Images

Conference paper
Abhinash Kumar Jha, Ayush Kumar, Gerald Schaefer, Md Ahad Atiqur Rahman.
Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), Fukuoka, Japan.
Publication year: 2015

A Study of Volume Integration Models for Iterative Cone-Beam Computed Tomography

Conference paper
Sungsoo Ha, Ayush Kumar, Klaus Mueller.
Proc. of Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
Publication year: 2015

Interlinear image interpolation scheme for real time application

Conference paper
Abhinash Kumar Jha, V Narwal, Y Gupta, Ayush Kumar.
Proc. of Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON).
Publication year: 2014

Payload minion stenographic technique for color images

Conference paper
Prahalad Sahay Ghasal, Prakriti Trivedi, Anjali Chandwani, Madan Lal Tetrawal, Abhinash Jha, Ayush Kumar.
Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Optimization, Reliabilty, and Infor- mation Technology
Publication year: 2014

An efficient edge preserving image interpolation algorithm

Conference paper
Abhinash Kumar Jha, Ayush Kumar, Gerald Schaefer, Md Ahad Atiqur Rahman.
Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV),Dhaka.
Publication year: 2014

An efficient new edge preserving technique for removal of salt and pepper noise.

Conference paper
Ayush Kumar, Nimisha Agarwal, Juhi Bhadviya, Gaurav Mittal, Giovanni Ramponi
Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), Trieste, Italy.
Publication year: 2013

An efficient thresholding technique for segmentation of Phonocardiographic Signals

Conference paper
Ayush Kumar, Kritika Agrawal, Abhinash Kumar Jha, Preety Singh.
Proc. of IEEE Conference on Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Ar- rangements, and Applications (SPA),Poznan, Poland.
Publication year: 2013

Wavelet subband dependent thresholding for denoising of phonocardio- graphic signals

Conference paper
Kritika Agrawal, Abhinash Kumar Jha, Shealini Sharma, Ayush Kumar , Vijay S Chourasia.
Proc. of IEEE Conference on Signal Processing: Algorithms, Architectures, Ar- rangements, and Applications (SPA),Poznan, Poland.
Publication year: 2013

A low complex algorithm for interpolation as well as lossless compression of natural images

Conference paper
Nimisha Agarwal, Ayush Kumar , Juhi Bhadviya, Giovanni Ramponi.
Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), Trieste, Italy.
Publication year: 2013

An efficient 2-D jacobian iteration modeling for image interpolation

Conference paper
Ayush Kumar, N Agarwal, J Bhadviya, AK Tiwari.
Proc. of 19th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Seville, Spain.
Publication year: 2012

A Switching Based Adaptive Image Interpolation Algorithm

Conference paper
N Agarwal, Ayush Kumar, J Bhadviya, AK Tiwari.
Proc. of 19th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Seville, Spain.
Publication year: 2012

A Low Complex Context Adaptive Image Interpolation Algorithm For Real-Time Applications.

Conference paper
Sunil Prasad Jaiswal, Vinit Jakhetiya, Ayush Kumar, Anil Kumar Tiwari.
Proc. of IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Con- ference (I2MTC), Graz, Austria.
Publication year: 2012