Poster Session
(Session Chair: Ye Duan)
Polygonizing Skeletal Sheets of CT-Scanned Objects by Partitioin of Unity Approximations
Yukie Nagai, Yutaka Ohtake (The University of Tokyo), Kiwamu Kase (RIKEN), Hiromasa Suzuki (The University of Tokyo)
Hands on Virtual Clay
Adeline Pihuit (University of Grenoble and INRIA), Paul G. Kry (McGill University), Marie-Paule Cani (University of Grenoble and INRIA)
Learning 3D Face Models for Shape Based Retrieval
Masayoshi Taniguchi, Masaki Teduka, Ryutarou Ohbuchi (University of Yamanashi)
Feature Suppression Based CAD Mesh Model Simplification
Shuming Gao, Wei Zhao, Fanqin Yang, Xiang Chen (Zhejiang University)
Patch-type Segmentation of Voxel Shapes using Simplified Surface Skeletons
Dennie Reniers (Eindhoven University of Technology), Alexandru Telea (University of Groningen & Eindhoven University of Technology)
A Memory Effective Multiphase Approach for Large Scanned Surface Mesh Simplification
Yi-Ling Chen, Xiang Zhang (Siemens Corporate Research)
Three-Dimensional Object Registration Using the Wavelet Transform
Julie Chalfant, Nicholas Patrikalakis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Robust Curve Reconstruction with k-Order Alpha-Shapes
Dmitry N. Krasnoshchekov (Russian Academy of Sciences), Valentin Polishchuk (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology)
Autotagging to Improve Text Search for 3D Models
Corey Goldfeder, Peter Allen (Columbia University)
Discrete Shortest Paths on Smooth Surface Representations
Takashi Kanai, Yutaka Ohtake (The University of Tokyo)
Poster Paper Authors: The poster session starts with a 30-minute Fast Forward oral presentation (3 minutes per poster paper) and then it has poster paper display/presentation. Our standard white foam board is 40in X 30in ! The poster display/presentation will last for more than one hour. Authors of poster papers can set up their posters during lunch break!
