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The following utility predicates access the data dictionary. Users of
Quintus Prolog may note that these predicates are all PRODBI
compatible. The following predicates print out the indicated information:
- db_show_schema(accessible)
- Shows all accessible table names for the user. This list can be long!
- db_show_schema(user)
- Shows just those tables that belongs to you.
- db_show_schema(tuples('TABLE'))
- Shows the contents of the base table named 'TABLE'.
- db_show_schema(arity('TABLE'))
- The number of fields in the table 'TABLE'.
- db_show_schema(columns('TABLE'))
- The field names of a table.
For retrieving above information use:
- db_get_schema(accessible,List)
- db_get_schema(user,List)
- db_get_schema(tuples('TABLE'),List)
- db_get_schema(arity('TABLE'),List)
- db_get_schema(columns('TABLE'),List)
The results of above are returned in List as a list.
Baoqiu Cui