Send email to the web master to be added to one of the mailing lists: (cvlab, cvlab-ms, cvlab-phd) Aslo ask him/her to list you as an active student on the lab website.
Send email to the CV seminar administrator to be added to the computer vision seminar list:
Create an account for the GPU cluster.
Send email to the cluster admin and me.
Read my guideline for new students:
Project Meeting. If your project is new, create a new PPTX file and share with me.
Un-subscribe to the mailing lists and join the appropriate one:
Send email to the web master to be removed from the mailing lists: (cvlab, cvlab-ms, cvlab-phd) and be added to the alumni mailing list. Also, ask him/her to move you from the list of active students to alumni.
Clean up your GPU cluster account
Delete unnecessary files
Backup your data
Send email to the cluster admin to freeze/delete your account