CSE512: Machine LearningFall 2019, Time: Tues & Thurs 11.30am – 12.50pm, Javits 109 This course is intended for graduate students who already have good programming skills and adequate background knowledge in mathematics, including probability, statistics, and linear algebra. This course is offered by the Department of Computer Science, and students from the department will have priority in registering for this course. If there are still spaces, students from AMS and BMI will be given special permission to enroll. Students from other departments won't be able to enroll in this course (due to resource constraint). For special permission to enroll, complete this Request Form by Monday 9/2. No guarantee though. GradingThere will be six homework assignments and two exams.
Weights are approximate and subject to change. You are expected to do homework assignments by yourselves. Even if you discuss them with your classmates, you should turn in your own code and write-up. You can have one sheet of paper with notes in the exams. Tentative Syllabus
TextbooksTextbooks are optional. Books that I love amd recommend:
Other textbooks that may be more useful or accessible:
Academic misconduct policy:Don't cheat. Cheating on anything will be dealt with as academic misconduct and handled accordingly. I won't spend a lot of time trying to decide if you actually cheated. If I think cheating might have occurred, then evidence will be forwarded to the University's Academic Misconduct Committee and they will decide. If cheating has occurred, an F grade will be awarded. Discussion of assignments and projects is acceptable, but you must do your own work. Near duplicate assignments will be considered cheating unless the assignment was restrictive enough to justify such similarities in independent work. Just think of it that way: Cheating impedes learning and having fun. The assignments are meant to give you an opportunity to really understand the class material. Please also note that opportunity makes thieves: It is your responsibility to protect your work and to ensure that it is not turned in by anyone else. No excuses! Disability note:If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact on your ability to carry out assigned course work, I would urge that you contact the staff in the Disabled Student Services office (DSS), Room 133 Humanities, 632-6748/TDD. DSS will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation of disability is confidential. |