General Resources for Graduate Students

Below are a few resources which graduate students may find helpful. These resources provide information about working with your advisor, choosing a research topic, publishing your research, getting an academic job, current career opportunities, academic salaries, and much more.

General Info

How to Have a Bad Career in Academia, talk by Dave Patterson
Tomorrow's Professor Listserv
Collected Advice on Research and Writing
NRC Rankings of CS PhD Programs
US News Rankings of CS PhD Programs
What's really important when deciding where to do your Ph.D
The Hitchhiker's guide on graduate school

Writing and Presentation Guides

My paper writing tips that are my favorite, most common mistakes in research papers.
Strunk and White's Elements of Style
Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, and Thesauri
Checklist for Articles
How Not to Write a Paper
Mathematical Writing
Writing Up Your Final Project
Views and Feelings: A Word of Encouragement
A course on Writing and Oral Skills in Computer Science
Tips on Oral Presentations, an annual Usenet post by Henry Spencer.
The task of the referee, by Smith, A J., Computer 23(4): p. 65-71. Apr. 1990.
Collected Advice on Research and Writing
The Science of Scientfic Writing, an excellent article written by English professors for scientists.


The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Great Job Search, talk by Margo Seltzer
ACM Job Listings
CRA Job Announcements
CRA Taulbee Survey
Patterson's Rules for New CS Professors
U. Wisconsin Survey of PhD programs
Advise on eating while interviewing.
Advise on how to behave right after your talk.
Resume writing/updating tips for those considering applying to jobs and/or internships.
A Resume Template (MS Word) or in PDF format, developed in conjuction with the Stony Brook U. Career Center.

(Last updated: 2024-12-02)