Package tppt.xopen

Interface Summary
APInterface This interface defines the methods that ApplicationProgram has to implemenet.
AX AX is the name of the services shared by the TM and the RM.
TMInterface TMInterface defines the interface the user's TransactionManager has to implement.
TX TX is the name of the service shared by the AP and the TM.
XA XA is the name of the services shared by the TM and the RM.

Class Summary
ApplicationProgram This class implements the ApplicatioProgram in the two-phase commit protocol.
DBManager DBManager is responsbile to interact to the DBMS through the JDBC.
Message Message defines the serverl global constants that used to indicate certain circumstance.
ResourceManager ResourceManager acts as proxy for the DBMS.
TransactionManager This class implements the simple version of Transaction Manager in the two-phase commit protocol.
TransactionRecord TransactionRecord is the data structure used to store the registered ResourceManager instances for specific Transaction Id.
TwoPhaseController TwoPhaseController class is the main class to perform the two-phase commit simulation environment.

Exception Summary
PreparedTimeoutException Signals that the ResourceManager is timeout when Transaction Manager is waiting for its vote.