Package vxmlsurfer

Interface Summary
CleanExit This Class has to be implemented by the application using the VXMLInterpreter The application will have to implement its Exiting logic in the cleanExit() method.

Class Summary
ApplicationContext this class creates a new application context such as variables, language, events, counters, grammars it has to be fed into ApplicationContextManager
ApplicationContextManager this class handles application context a new context is created when entering a new application root document or when entering a subdialog
EventCounters this class keeps track of the number of times an event is thrown.
EventManager this class keeps track of all the event scope.
InputWindow Input Window for the HearSay Application
KeyEventListener this class handles all the keyboard events
Message Message class is intended to be used as messaging object.
Processor This class controls the execution of the vxml file.
Terminator This Class is for proper system termination
TextTransfer Code obtained from
Variables This class maintains the varibles scope list.
VXMLSurfer This Class is a wrapper around the Processor and the Input Window

Enum Summary
VXMLAction This serves as Actions for the Messages enums are quite extensible in Java