The NEOS Server for solving optimization problems remotely over the Internet. The Server demonstrates that the Internet can be used as computational resource, not just an informational resource. To try this out visi the site Optimization Technology Center
The NEOS Guide to optimization technology, a web-resident source of information about optimization algorithms and applications. The Guide contains current information about optimization software packages, thumbnail sketches of optimization algorithms, and a collection of case studies that show how optimization is used to solve real-world problems. Some highlights: The Java-enabled Simplex Tool, the Diet Problem case study, and the Portfolio Optimization case study.
The NEOS Tools, a library of advanced optimization software. The library currently contains our primal-dual linear programming code PCx, LBFGS-B, our limited-memory code for bound-constrained optimization, and CG+, our conjugate gradient solver for large-scale unconstrained nonlinear optimization. Codes for other optimization problems will be added as they become available.