Course Information
Instructor Professor I.V.Ramakrishnan
Email ram AT cs DOT sunysb DOT edu
Office Computer Science Building Rm.1431, Phone: (631) 632-8451
Lecture Info Tue - Thu 1:00PM to 2:20PM
Location Computer Building Rm.2311
TextBookArtificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach(Third Edition) by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig
Office Hours Tuesday 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
TA Info / Office Hours
(1) Mohammad Mahdi Javanmard (Tuesday/Thursday 08:30-09:30AM, CS 2110)
mjavanmard [at] cs [dot] stonybrook [dot] edu
(2) Chaitanya Kommini (Wednesday 08:30-09:30AM, CS 1209)
ckommini [at] cs [dot] stonybrook [dot] edu