Short bio:

Zhaozheng Yin received his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from Penn State in 2009, advised by Prof. Robert Collins, and received his Master and Bachelor degrees in University of Wisconsin-Madison and Tsinghua University where he worked with Prof. Yu Hen Hu and Prof. Li Cao, respectively. During his PhD study, he had summer internship with Dr. Cha Zhang (MSR) and Prof. Fatih Porikli (MERL). He also worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon University, in the Robotics Institute with Prof. Takeo Kanade during 2009-2011.

Zhaozheng Yin has been working on Computer Vision and Machine Learning, with wide applications in Biomedical Image Analysis, Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Manufacturing, Precision Agriculture, Civil Infrastructure Inspection, and Human Robot Collaboration. His group received the CVPR Best Doctoral Spotlight Award (2009), MICCAI Young Scientist Award (2012, finalist in 2015 and 2010), NSF CAREER Award (2014), and Best Paper Award of CVPR Workshop on Understanding Hands in Actions (2015). He has been an Area Chair of CVPR2017, ECCV2020, MICCAI2020/2015, WACV2019/2018/2016.