CSE 304/504 Compiler Design

Spring 2018

Course Description (Syllabus)
Learning compilers will give in-depth knowledge about programming languages, sophisticated techniques for handling text descriptions, and the theories behind them. In this class, we will learn how compilers are designed and implemented. Specifically, we will discuss how to write grammars, how to parse and translate them, and the theory behind them. We will also implement a compiler that generates an x86 assembly code. Through the implementation, we will learn how programming language elements are implemented, how to setup the runtime environments, and an assembly language.

  YoungMin Kwon (youngmin.kwon at sunykorea dot ac dot kr)
  Office: B420
  Office hours: TBD

Class hours: TBD
Class room: B204

Text books and References

Academic integrity: you can discuss your homework with others, but write your own code.

Major Topics Covered in the Course

Course Learning Outcomes

Lecture Slides