⭐️ WiCS is excited to announce the WiCster of the Month for March: Guo
Chen! ⭐️
😮 Introduce yourself! 😮
My name is Guo (goo-whoa) and I'm currently a freshman studying Computer
Science. I joined WiCS in hopes of making new friends and being part of a
community that was related to my major. I'm currently also part of the
WiCS mentorship program which has helped me network and broaden my
knowledge of CS (shout out to Adit).
In my free time, I enjoy playing basketball, hanging out with friends,
eating, and playing Valorant. A fun fact about me is that my team won the
WiCS hackathon for best creativity hack.
Favorite ice cream flavor: cookie & cream.
Favorite color: blue
Favorite programming language: python