GHC Winners 2022

Tina Wong and Shiying Lin share their experiences at the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻👭🏻 as Scholarship recipients!

Scholar # 1

Tina Wong

My bio

My name is Tina, and I am a senior majoring in Computer Science 💻with a minor in History 📕. I am a part of Stony Brook University’s Honors College and Undergraduate Computer Science Honors Program. Since my freshman year, I have been involved in WiCS, first as an Event Committee Member, then as Vice President, as President, and returning as an Event Committee Member this year. It has been so rewarding meeting others in the community and watching the club grow! Outside of Stony Brook, I work part-time as a Technology Analyst at Morgan Stanley. In my free time, you can find me exploring new museums 🗿and volunteering at an animal 🐈 shelter.

Scholar # 2

Shiying Lin

My bio

I had a really great experience attending vGHC. To introduce myself, my name is Shiying Lin and I am currently a junior double majoring in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics 🧮. I am also a member of WiCS! In the past I had fun experiences attending the ultimate tower 🗼 challenge, the Discord PokeBot event, and several GBMs, and I definitely love the inclusive and supportive community within WiCS. Outside of academics, I served as a DoIT student technician, as well as a WISE (Women in Science & Engineering) mentor for first-year students. Professionally, I have experience working as software engineer intern and decided this is something I want to pursue in the future.