There is a flaw in the very foundations of Logic Programming: Prolog is nondeclarative. Of course, everyone knows that real Prolog as it is used is nondeclarative. Prolog programs abound with cuts, var tests, asserts, and all kinds of ugly warts. Everyone agrees that Prolog should be more declarative and much research time has been spent, and spent productively, trying to remedy these problems by providing more declarative alternatives. But I believe that there is a more serious flaw closer to the heart of Prolog, right at its very center, and this flaw has caused a number of problems in logic programming. I'm convinced that we must address this flaw, before we can proceed together productively with logic programming. Of course, whether this is a ``flaw'' is in the eye of the beholder; we all have arguments over whether a particular behavior is a bug or a feature. As is clear from my presentation, I think I've found a bug; some of you will think it's a feature. Wherever we stand on this issue, however, I believe we must be clear about its implications. Only then will we be able to communicate effectively about where LP is and where it should go.
Let me also mention that I am by no means pointing out something new, unknown to the community; rather I'm trying to raise our consciousness about an inconsistency and its implications.
The problem is the very semantics of logic programming. The foundational results of our field show that for pure horn clauses, the following are equivalent: logical implication, SLD resolution, and the least fixpoint of the Tp operator. And logic programming basically ``works'' because SLD corresponds to computation (i.e. Prolog) and to logical implication (truth in models).
But there is a fly in the ointment, the dirty secret that we Prolog aficionados try to keep in the closet but Prolog programmers are all too aware of. Let's look more carefully at the full SLD tree, the foundation for us Prolog hackers. There are three kinds of paths in an SLD tree: 1) those ending in success, 2) those ending in failure, and 3) those not ending. The foundational results tell us that those ending in success correspond exactly to those instances of the query that logically follow from the program. This is fine and dandy and certainly something we want and need. But as programmers, that's not enough. We programmers also want, need actually, to distinguish between paths that end in failure and paths that don't end at all. When we run a program, and it responds `no', we may accept that response as a good answer to our query. But if it goes into an infinite loop never coming back with an answer at all, we decide we have a bug in our program and set out to fix it.
So the problem with SLD is not that it doesn't do the right things for success, but that it doesn't do the right thing with the other two possible outcomes. Note that this has nothing to do with how we search the SLD tree, e.g. unfairly with depth first search or fairly with breadth-first search; it's a property of the tree itself. And it has nothing to do with the fact that our theory deals best with ground programs and Prolog programs deal with variables. The problem concerns which paths in the SLD tree are finite and which are infinite.
In Prolog, as compared with other languages, it seems easier to write partially correct programs, programs that, if they halt, they give the right answers. This comes from the power of declarative programming. But it seems much harder to write and reason about totally correct programs, programs that halt in all (the right) cases. So it may be the case that what we gain from declarativeness in our ability to reason about the partial correctness of Prolog programs, we lose in the difficulty of reasoning about total correctness. Theoreticians may accept partial correctness as good enough; but we users have to know precisely how partial.
And sadly, the problems show up for very simple programs. The issue is clearly seen in transitive closure. Consider the definition:
tca(X,Y) :- a(X,Y). tca(X,Y) :- a(X,Z), tca(Z,Y).
Prolog programmers know that this definition is fine when the predicate ``a'' stands for ``parent'', and then ``tca'' is ``ancestor''. But what happens if ``a'' is defined by the following facts?
a(1,1). a(2,1).
Consider what happens when we ask the query: :- a(1,2). Prolog (that
is SLD resolution) goes into an infinite loop. Are we as programmers
happy? Do we say that since it hasn't returned, it must mean that you
can't get to 2 from 1 in this graph? Not at all. We turn back to fix
the program, probably modifying it by adding a loop-check. That is,
we add a list of nodes to the predicate ``tca'', which contains the
nodes already visited. Then before continuing to search from a node,
we check that it has not already been visited. We're not happy until
our program responds `no' to our query. So clearly the semantics of
our programming language is going to have to account for this. And it
does. We can't depend on the previously referenced foundational
results to give a semantics for pure Prolog as a programming language,
where we want to know what both `yes' and `no' answers mean. The
theory must somehow be extended. This was done by Clark who defined
the completion of a program. The semantics of (pure) Prolog programs
is normally taken to be the logical implications of the completion
(plus some standard axioms such as the unique names axiom.) To find
the completion of our tca/2 program, we first convert the two
implication rules for tca/2 into the equivalent one implication with a
disjunction in the antecedent, and then we turn the implication into a
biconditional. We do a similar transformation for a/2. Then we take
the meaning of the program to be the logical implications of these
biconditionals (including the standard axioms). And it is the case
is not logically implied by this theory (and
neither is a(1,2), of course.) So the completion semantics correctly
tells us that SLD will not terminate for this query. And indeed
Prolog theoreticians (as well as the programmers) know that tca/2 as
defined above is NOT a general definition for transitive closure.
(But note that it is transitive closure if the graph is acyclic.
Maybe this is OK, since it is often the case that algorithms for
constrained data are simpler, but here it could be rather confusing, I
But in any case the Prolog community was (mostly) happy with this situation, until the database people showed up and asked the obvious question: Why doesn't the obvious two-line definition of tca/2 indeed mean transitive closure? (To some of us, it felt somewhat as though they were pointing out that the emperor had no clothes.) They pointed out that if one uses the fixed point characterization from the original foundation trilogy, instead of the SLD characterization, it does. Indeed, transitive closure is only the beginning; there are many advantages in using this semantics. All programs without function symbols are terminating, and many simple programs now have a natural programmers' semantics. Indeed DCG's now do mean the corresponding context free languages, whereas under the completion semantics they don't always. But even more important is what this fixpoint semantics does to the theory of programs. The theory is much simpler, and accords with theory already developed. E.g., automata theory (e.g. CFL's) is now correctly reflected in LP. And also interestingly, this semantics leads the way for a theory of default negation, which has blossomed. This is because if we have a better idea of when things are known false, the theory describing such negative knowledge is simpler, more interesting, and perhaps even more useful.
Actually, the situation for the completion is somewhat worse than implied by the transitive closure example. There are programs for which Prolog goes into an infinite loop even though the completion of the program determines all goals. And this is not because Prolog is depth-first; it's because its selection rule is left-to-right. To get Prolog actually to display the behavior predicted by the completion, one would have to interleave computations of all goal orderings, and fail a goal if any of the interleavings failed. This is hardly an attractive alternative for Prolog implementors or programmers.
So I personally think minimal model semantics (i.e., the fixpoint semantics) is better than the completion semantics for logic programming. I think the completion semantics is a bug, which should be fixed, and it should be fixed by taking the fixpoint semantics. There are those who either don't think this is a bug, or don't think that this is a reasonable fix. I certainly accept that the point is arguable. Going to the fixpoint semantics is a big step for at least two reasons:
The first objection is real and in some sense is not satisfactorily solvable, I believe. We know that there is no first-order theory that characterizes transitive closure (the usual Prolog loop-check program requires default negation.) I will discuss some implications of this later, and try to claim that things aren't so bad, but I can't say they aren't true. Basically, the purpose of this entire book is to claim that the second objection can be overcome. It is overcome by using OLDT resolution in place of SLD resolution in the foundational theorems. OLDT is a resolution strategy very similar to SLD, but one that avoids redundant computation by remembering subcomputations and reusing their results to respond to later requests. This remembering and reuse has been called memoization, tabling, lemmatization, caching, well-formed substring tables, and probably a number of other names. With OLDT instead of SLD, the foundational theorem can be even stronger, including a theorem relating OLDT failure leaves and the fixpoint definition.
OLDT terminates (i.e., has only success and failure leaf nodes) for all queries to programs that have finite minimal models, i.e. that have a least fixpoint of finite size. This guarantees total correctness for the transitive closure definition (over finite graphs). Actually, even more can be said: OLDT terminates for all queries to programs for which only a finite portion of the minimal model is looked at; that is, for all programs with the bounded term size property (BTS). BTS is slightly circular, and undecidable, but to me intuitively says that any finitary, constructive definition will terminate. (Admittedly, this is also somewhat circular.)
One thing that happens when we do not have first-order theories to explain our semantics, i.e. the first objection above, is that we may leave the realm of r.e. sets. That is, if we did have a first-order theory to explain the semantics, then we'd know that a theorem-prover could enumerate the theorems and the semantics would be r.e. However, by going to the minimal model semantics, we may (and do, when we add negation) get non-r.e. sets. That is, we leave the realm of the computable sets. This might give pause to someone interested in computation, because then we can write programs that aren't in principle computable. Note that this isn't a problem for totally correct programs (which will be recursive programs), which are those we usually want to write. I guess that just as we rely on the programmer to write programs that are terminating, we must rely on the programmer to write programs that are computable.
SLDNF was the obvious (and perhaps only reasonable) extension of SLD to include default negation. If we are to base our new logic programming on OLDT, the question arises as to how OLDT should be extended to handle negation. Given the theory of default negation developed over the last several years, it seems that the well-founded semantics is the appropriate semantics to compute for logic programs with unconstrained negation. (The other possible semantics is the partial stable model semantics, but this is NP complete for propositional programs, so may be not particularly appropriate for a basic computational mechanism.) For OLDT there have been several proposals for computing the well-founded semantics, in particular WELL! and XOLDTNF, which are quite similar. The one I'm proposing here is SLG, which I claim is the (or a) right one. The simplest reason that SLG is better than the previous two is that they are exponential for general propositional normal programs, whereas SLG is polynomial. Also SLG produces a residual program when there are undefined atoms in the well-founded models, and this residual program can be further processed to find certain partial stable models. So in many cases SLG could be used as a preprocessor for a partial stable model evaluator.
SLG implements the procedural interpretation of Horn clauses, with the addition of tabling. This is a more complex procedural interpretation than SLDNF (and the procedural interpretation of negation makes it even more complex), but I think it is indeed a procedural interpretation and I think it is acceptable. But this is not enough to respond fully to objection 2 above. The Prolog programmers want to know if SLG can be implemented so that it is efficient enough to compete with Prolog, (or actually efficient enough to compete with C++, perhaps our true competitor.) I think the answer is `yes'. Actually, even more than that, I think it will be the case that we will be able to construct an engine that for many useful problems will be significantly faster than Prolog. And these problems will be in what has historically been logic programming's core applications: natural language, AI search, and databases. The examples in this book will indicate in detail where some of the problems lie. There is much work to do, but I will claim that results we already have in the XSB project indicate that it will definitely be possible.
The approach is to take SLG as the basic computation strategy, and to use SLDNF as an optimization. So when SLDNF can be proved to have the same behavior as SLG, then we can use it and get current Prolog speeds. To do this we need an implementation that fully and closely integrates SLG and SLD, allowing them to be used interchangably and intermixedly. And that is what SLG resolution supports and its implementation in XSB achieves.