The logo is a mark, for the purposes of the assignment, such as we explored in the lecture yesterday. Think about the psychology of shape and color. What story does your mark tell about the agency, service, or product? Thsi assignment should not include text. You could consider the typography assignment complimentary - related to the graphic you develop for the logo.
You should have a rationale to defend your design based on what your client does, who is their audience, etc. There should be at least two versions of the logo - black and white, and color. You may choose to develop variations on the mark, or even submit competing designs, which is commonly done in industry. I recommend you review this article about the process of logo development:
This article provides good advice about designing a mark that has impact:
5 examples of student logo designs here
You should familiarize yourself with Adobe Illustrator:
Design a Logo
Ten Logo Design Tools in Adobed Illustrator
When you have uploaded your logo to your project web site, email the URL to, with "logo" in the subject line.
Note: When you upload an assignment to your project web site on, there is a properties window for the selected media item in the lower right corner of the interface. You should choose “full size” from the drop down menu for "Size", so that WordPress does not scale the item automatically to the default (smaller) setting.
1. Followed the instructions:
• A B&W and color version
• Approximately 512 X 512 pixels
2. Met the design criteria:
• Appropriate shape employed (circle for community, rectangle for stability, triangle for innovation)
• Appropriate color employed (blue/black for authority, red for impact, orange/yellow for optimism, green/brown for wholistic)
• Simple bold design that is read easily (recognizable) and is scalable (no fine lines, excessive detail, subtle gradients). A logo and not a seal.
• Approximately 50/50 ratio of positive to negative space
* Aligned with client’s product or service
• Appropriate for target audience
• Good technical execution (crisp edges, clean shapes)
• Innovative solution
That’s 10 criteria, or approximately 1 point each.