Final Project and Presentation for HON 301

• Questions your final project and presentation should address:

How does the presentation show the future of the technologies and social/economic/environmental trends detailed in your research reports?

How does the presentation make your predictive analysis engaging and immersive, as opposed to clinical? (No PowerPoint presentations).

The presentations will be no more than 7 minutes. A digital copy of the presentation (short story, demo, video, etc) will be uploaded to Google drive, and shared with, prior to the presentation. Presentations will take place in-class during the last full week of the semester. The presentation order will be teams first (if any), then in alpha order by last name, and all students are required to attend all the presentation sessions, whether they are presenting or not. Please arrive 5 minutes early to class so we can begin on time.

Your presentation is intended to illustrate your prediction for the future (at least 10 years from now) in a way that makes your vision tangible and vivid. Your prediction should document the impact your technology topic will have on society, the economy, and the environment (any or all of the three). Your presentation could be a dramatic reading of a short story, a graphic novel, a performance or a tech demo, a poem, a computer game, a musical composition, etc.

To review past presentations, go to