HW 1 - YourStory

What’s your story?
We have discussed history as a narrative, but whose? Our author, Walter Issacson, believes that His-tory is an incomplete narrative, and seeks to supplement it with Her-story, giving more prominence to actors like Ada Byron and Grace Hopper. Adding Herstory may bridge the gender bias, but leaves intact the generational one. Our-story is a more accurate term, because it is a narrative very much evolving with contributions from all of us, as Issacson describes it, “a collaboration across generations”.

In a few paragraphs, describe an experience you had with information technology that had a profound impact on you. Perhaps it was your first video game console, or maybe the first time you wrote a program that ran. Maybe it was the time you lost your smartphone. 
I want you to think that we are not merely studying history in this class, we are also making it. Let’s start with Yourstory.