Poetical Science

A Broken Computer in Alternate Rhyme Scheme

This weekend I spilled water,
All over my laptop.
While I was trying to blot her,
The screen wouldn’t stop,
Turning blue.

It ruined my Friday,
And the rest of my weekend,
And all the following days.
Because I have no money to spend
On a new motherboard.

A bit of advice for those,
Who eat dinner with their laptops and cables.
To you I propose,
That you eat at a table
And that you backup your computer once in awhile,
Or else you won’t have a single file,
And will have to say goodbye to five years worth of work.

If there is any knowledge from this incident I can glean,
Is that I have been living my life on a screen.

Julie Cen


A whole world away
A pane of glass between us
We sit in one room.

We meet face to face
Two panes of glass between us
Not one word passes

Gregory Petrillo

Comfort from 789.2 miles away

The lamp flickered against the brick apartment wall; she had yet to contact the landlord.
A soulless upper east side stared in from the 27th story window,
the loneliness within apartment 27E an equal match.
The gold iPhone offered a more comforting flicker of light,
a text from a Chicago area code read:
"Pizza Bolis: Treat yourself! Half off whole margarita pies on margarita Monday's."
The lamp seemed to flicker less often
and the city no longer appeared as empty.

Lily-Ann Bergin

Damn Semicolon

Keep racking my brain
Need to get this code running
Shouldn’t be so hard.

Checking my syntax
Is algorithm correct
This should be working.

The time is ticking
My patience is wearing thin
And then I realize.

Bonnie Consiglio

Deus Ex Machina

The modern machine;
Takes on many shapes and forms,
But serves one purpose.

The modern machine;
Exists to aid one’s efforts,
With no self concern.

The modern machine;
Many types, but no real self,
No identity.

The modern machine;
A solitary presence,
Or a reflection?

Luis Reyes


Compiling Complex Cobwebs of Convoluted Code
Operating Obtuse Objects On an Obnoxious ode
Database Dissection Denotes Delightful Descriptions
Intellectual ingenuity ready for ignition
Null-type Nuisances Negated by Naturalized know how
Graphed Garish tables Generated by Genius Granted in college

Anthony Mercado