... numbers.4.1
An effective way to ruin any linear congruential generator is to instantiate it with the wrong constants. Setting a=0, c=0 and R0=0 simulates flipping a one sided coin, since every `random' number produced will be 0. See Knuth's book for a thorough discussion of the subtle problem of selecting the right constants to make things work.
... game.6.1
He really shouldn't have wondered. The house always has the advantage.
... money.7.1
This isn't completely true, since many states guarantee bettors a minimum return (say 10%) on every winning bet, which would have to come from the house if everybody picked the same winner. This would be an unheard of situation in jai-alai. Such minus pools do arise occasionally in horse racing, typically when a wonder horse goes up against thoroughly inadequate competition.
Steve Skiena