CSE 547 - Discrete Mathematics
Video lectures of my course are now available at
Course Time: 2:20-3:40PM Tuesday-Thursday
Place: ECC Studio A
The new course TA will be Hui (Huey) Xie.
His office hours will be Monday-Wednesday 4:45-6:15PM in room 1208 Computer
Science, phone 516-632-7678.
His email is
The Final Exam will be held Wednesday, May 12 from 12-3PM in Light Engineering
It will consist of roughly 6 problems on all we have covered, with a slight
emphasis on graph theory (2 problems). The exam is open book but in class.
Solutions to the homeworks are now available in the CS Library.
Lecture notes for the current semester available
the campus bookstore or the Solutions print shop.
Steven S. Skiena
1411 Computer Science Building
Department of Computer Science
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400, USA
Office hours: 10-11:30AM Tuesday-Thursday, and by appointment.
Send Skiena mail
Finger Skiena
for information on the Stony Brook Computer Science Department.