The key to understanding sorting is seeing how it can be used to solve many important programming tasks:
What are the time complexities and number of data moves for each algorithm?
How can we break ties in sorting by using multiple criteria, like sorting primarily on last name and breaking ties on first name?
One way is to use a complicated comparison function that combines all the keys to break ties:
int suitor_compare(suitor *a, suitor *b) { int result; /* result of comparison */ if (a->height < b->height) return(-1); if (a->height > b->height) return(1); if (a->weight < b->weight) return(-1); if (a->weight > b->weight) return(1); if ((result=strcmp(a->last,b->last)) != 0) return result; return(strcmp(a->first,b->first)); }
Another way is to use repeated passes through a stable sorting function, one which is guaranteed to leave identical keys in the same relative order they were in before the sorting.
If so, we could sort by first name, and then do stable sort by last name and know the final results are sorted by both major and minor keys.
The stdlib.h contains library functions for sorting and searching. For sorting, there is the function qsort:
#include <stdlib.h> void qsort(void *base, size_t nel, size_t width, int (*compare) (const void *, const void *));
It sorts the first nel elements of an array (pointed to by base), where each element is width-bytes long. Thus we can sort arrays of 1-byte characters, 4-byte integers, or 100-byte records, all by changing the value of width.
The ultimate desired order is determined by the function compare. It takes as arguments pointers to two width-byte elements, and returns a negative number if the first belongs before the second in sorted order, a positive number if the second belongs before the first, or zero if they are the same.
Binary search is also included:
bsearch(key, (char *) a, cnt, sizeof(int), intcompare);
The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) includes methods for sorting, searching, and more. Serious C++ users should get familiar with STL.
To sort with STL, we can either use the default comparison (e.g., )
function defined for the class, or override it with a special-purpose
comparison function op:
void sort(RandomAccessIterator bg, RandomAccessIterator end) void sort(RandomAccessIterator bg, RandomAccessIterator end, BinaryPredicate op)
STL also provides a stable sorting routine, where keys of equal value are guaranteed to remain in the same relative order.
void stable_sort(RandomAccessIterator bg, RandomAccessIterator end) void stable_sort(RandomAccessIterator bg, RandomAccessIterator end, BinaryPredicate op)
Other STL functions implement some of the applications of sorting, including,
The java.util.Arrays class contains various methods for sorting and searching. In particular,
static void sort(Object[] a) static void sort(Object[] a, Comparator c)sorts the specified array of objects into ascending order using either the natural ordering of its elements or a specific comparator
Methods for searching a sorted array for a specified object using
either the natural comparison function
or a new comparator are also provided:
binarySearch(Object[] a, Object key) binarySearch(Object[] a, Object key, Comparator c)
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