Character codes are mappings between numbers and the symbols which make up a particular alphabet.
The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
is a single-byte character code where characters are
Bytes are eight-bit entities; so that means the highest-order bit
is left as zero.
0 | NUL | 1 | SOH | 2 | STX | 3 | ETX | 4 | EOT | 5 | ENQ | 6 | ACK | 7 | BEL |
8 | BS | 9 | HT | 10 | NL | 11 | VT | 12 | NP | 13 | CR | 14 | SO | 15 | SI |
16 | DLE | 17 | DC1 | 18 | DC2 | 19 | DC3 | 20 | DC4 | 21 | NAK | 22 | SYN | 23 | ETB |
24 | CAN | 25 | EM | 26 | SUB | 27 | ESC | 28 | FS | 29 | GS | 30 | RS | 31 | US |
32 | SP | 33 | ! | 34 | " | 35 | # | 36 | $ | 37 | % | 38 | & | 39 | ' |
40 | ( | 41 | ) | 42 | * | 43 | + | 44 | , | 45 | - | 46 | . | 47 | / |
48 | 0 | 49 | 1 | 50 | 2 | 51 | 3 | 52 | 4 | 53 | 5 | 54 | 6 | 55 | 7 |
56 | 8 | 57 | 9 | 58 | : | 59 | ; | 60 | ![]() |
61 | = | 62 | ![]() |
63 | ? |
64 | @ | 65 | A | 66 | B | 67 | C | 68 | D | 69 | E | 70 | F | 71 | G |
72 | H | 73 | I | 74 | J | 75 | K | 76 | L | 77 | M | 78 | N | 79 | O |
80 | P | 81 | Q | 82 | R | 83 | S | 84 | T | 85 | U | 86 | V | 87 | W |
88 | X | 89 | Y | 90 | Z | 91 | [ | 92 | / | 93 | ] | 94 | ^ |
95 | _ |
96 | ` | 97 | a | 98 | b | 99 | c | 100 | d | 101 | e | 102 | f | 103 | g |
104 | h | 105 | i | 106 | j | 107 | k | 108 | l | 109 | m | 110 | n | 111 | o |
112 | p | 113 | q | 114 | r | 115 | s | 116 | t | 117 | u | 118 | v | 119 | w |
120 | x | 121 | y | 122 | z | 123 | ![]() |
124 | | | 125 | ![]() |
126 | ![]() |
127 | DEL |
More modern international character code designs such as Unicode use two or even three bytes per symbol, and can represent virtually any symbol in every language on earth. However, good old ASCII remains alive embedded in Unicode.
Several interesting properties of the design make programming tasks easier:
All of this makes a big difference in manipulating text in different programming languages. Older languages, like Pascal, C, and C++, view the char type as virtually synonymous with 8-bit entities.
Java, on the other hand, was designed to support Unicode, so characters are 16-bit entities. The upper byte is all zeros when working with ASCII/ISO Latin 1 text.
Strings are sequences of characters, where order clearly matters. It is important to be aware of how your favorite programming language represents strings, because there are several different possibilities:
0'', i.e., zero ASCII.
Failing to end your string explicitly with a null
typically extends it by a bunch
of unprintable characters.
The underlying string representation can have a big impact on which operations are easily or efficiently supported. Compare each of these three data structures with respect to the following properties:
The simplest algorithm to search for the presence of
pattern string in text
overlays the pattern string
at every position in the text, and checks whether every pattern character
matches the corresponding text character:
/* Return position of the first occurrence of pattern p in the text t, and -1 if it does not occur. */ int findmatch(char *p, char *t) { int i,j; /* counters */ int plen, tlen; /* string lengths */ plen = strlen(p); tlen = strlen(t); for (i=0; i<=(tlen-plen); i=i+1) { j=0; while ((j<plen) && (t[i+j]==p[j])) j = j+1; if (j == plen) return(i); } return(-1); }
Note that this routine only searches for exact pattern matches. If a letter is capitalized in the pattern but not in the text there is no match.
The C language character library ctype.h contains several simple tests and manipulations on character codes. As with all C predicates, true is defined as any non-zero quantity, and false as zero.
#include <ctype.h> /* include the character library */ int isalpha(int c); /* true if c is either upper or lower case */ int isupper(int c); /* true if c is upper case */ int islower(int c); /* true if c is lower case */ int isdigit(int c); /* true if c is a numerical digit (0-9) */ int ispunct(int c); /* true if c is a punctuation symbol */ int isxdigit(int c); /* true if c is a hexadecimal digit (0-9,A-F) */ int isprint(int c); /* true if c is any printable character */ int toupper(int c); /* convert c to upper case -- no error checking */ int tolower(int c); /* convert c to lower case -- no error checking */
These appear in the C language string library string.h.
#include <string.h> /* include the string library */ char *strcat(char *dst, const char *src); /* concatenation */ int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2); /* is s1 == s2? */ char *strcpy(char *dst, const char *src); /* copy src to dist */ size_t strlen(const char *s); /* length of string */ char *strstr(const char *s1, const char *s2); /* search for s2 in s1 */ char *strtok(char *s1, const char *s2); /* iterate words in s1 */
In addition to supporting C-style strings, C++ has a string class which contains methods for these operations and more:
string::size() /* string length */ string::empty() /* is it empty */ string::c_str() /* return a pointer to a C style string */ string::operator [](size_type i) /* access the ith character */ string::append(s) /* append to string */ string::erase(n,m) /* delete a run of characters */ string::insert(size_type n, const string&s) /* insert string s at n */ string::find(s) string::rfind(s) /* search left or right for the given string */ string::first() string::last() /* get characters, also there are iterators */
Overloaded operators exist for concatenation and string comparison.
Java strings are first-class objects deriving either from the String class or the StringBuffer class. The String class is for static strings which do not change, while StringBuffer is designed for dynamic strings.
Recall that Java was designed to support Unicode, so its characters are 16-bit entities.
The java.text package contains more advanced operations on strings, including routines to parse dates and other structured text.
110302 (Where's Waldorf) - Find words in a grid a letters. What is the easiest way to write a comparison function for all eight directions?
110304 (Crypt Kicker II) - Solve a substition cipher via a known plain text attack. How do we identify what the plaintext sentence is?
110306 (File Fragmentation) - Put together a collection of broken copies of a given text string. Which pair of fragments go together? How can we find the right order of the pair?
110307 (Doublets) - Build word ladders on a dictionary of strings. How do we represent and traverse the underlying graph? (if necessary, look ahead to Chapter 9)