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Recursion and Backtracking
Lecture 10

Steven S. Skiena


Recursion is a wonderful, powerful way to solve problems.

Elegant recursive procedures seem to work by magic, but the magic is same reason mathematical induction works!

Example: Prove tex2html_wrap_inline233 .

For n=1, tex2html_wrap_inline237 , so its true. Assume it is true up to n-1.


Example: All horses are the same color! (be careful of your basis cases!)

The Tower of Hanoi

MODULE Hanoi EXPORTS Main;          (*18.07.94*)
(* Implementation of the game Towers of Hanoi. *)

  PROCEDURE Transfer(from, to: Post) =
  (*moves a disk from post "from" to post "to"*)
    WITH f = posts[from], t = posts[to] DO
      t.disks[]:= f.disks[];
      f.disks[]:= 0;
    END; (*WITH f, t*)     
  END Transfer;

  PROCEDURE Tower(height:[0..Height] ; from, to, between: Post) =
  (*Does the job through recursive calls on itself*)
    IF height > 0 THEN
      Tower(height - 1, from, between, to);
      Transfer(from, to); 
      Tower(height - 1, between, to, from);
  END Tower;

BEGIN (*main program Hanoi*)
  posts[Post.Start].top:= Height;
  FOR h:= 1 TO Height DO
    posts[Post.Start].disks[h]:= Height - (h - 1)
  Tower(Height, Post.Start, Post.Finish, Post.Temp);
END Hanoi.

To count the number of moves made,


Recursion not only made a complicated problem understandable, it made it easy to understand.

Combinatorial Objects

Many mathematical objects have simple recursive definitions which can be exploited algorithmically.

Example: How can we build all subsets of n items? Build all subsets of n-1 items, copy the subsets, and add item n to each of the subsets in one copy but not the other.

Once you start thinking recursively, many things have simpler formulations, such as traversing a linked list or binary search.

Gray codes

We saw how to generate subsets recursively. Now let us generate them in an interesting order.

All subsets of tex2html_wrap_inline247 can be represented as binary strings of length n, where bit i tells whether i is in the subset or not.

Obviously, all subsets must differ in at least one element, or else they would be identical. An order where they differ by exactly one from each other is called a Gray code.

For n=1, {},{1}.

For n=2, {},{1},{1,2},{2}.

For n=3, {},{1},{1,2},{2},{2,3},{1,2,3},{1,3},{3}

Recursive construction algorithm: Build a Gray Code of tex2html_wrap_inline261 , make a reverse copy of it, append n to each subset in the reverse copy, and stick the two together!

Formulating Recursive Programs

Think about the base cases, the small cases where the problem is simple enough to solve.

Think about the general case, which you can solve if you can solve the smaller cases.

Unfortunately, many of the simple examples of recursion are equally well done by iteration, making students suspicious.

Further, many of these classic problems have hidden costs which make recursion seem expensive, but don't be fooled!


    IF n = 0 THEN 
      RETURN 1                      (* trivial case *)
      RETURN n * Factorial(n-1)     (* recursive branch *)
    END (* IF*)
  END Factorial;

Be sure you understand how the parameter passing mechanism works.

Would this program work if n was a VAR parameter?

Fibonacci Numbers

The Fibonacci numbers are given by the recurrence relation tex2html_wrap_inline267 .

  BEGIN (* Fibonacci *)
    IF n <= 1 THEN 
      RETURN 1
      RETURN Fibonacci(n-1) + Fibonacci(n-2)    (*n > 1*)
    END (* IF *)
  END Fibonacci;

How much time does this elementary Fibonacci function take?

Implementing Recursion

Part of the mystery of recursion is the question of how the machine keeps everything straight.

How come local variables don't get trashed?

The answer is that whenever a procedure or function is called, the local variables are pushed on a stack, so the new recursive call is free to use them.

When a procedure ends, the variables are popped off the stack to restore them to where they were before the call.

Thus the space used is equal to the depth of the recursion, since stack space is reused.

Tail Recursion

Tail recursion costs space, but not time. It can be removed mechanically and is by some compilers.

Moral: Do not be afraid to use recursion if the algorithm is efficient.

The overhead of recursion vs. maintaining your own stack is too small to worry about.

By being clever, you can sometimes save stack space. Consider the following variation of Quicksort:

If (p-1 < h-p) then






By doing the smaller half first, the maximum stack depth is tex2html_wrap_inline271 in the worst case.

Applications of Recursion

You may say, ``I just want to get a job and make lots of money. What can recursion do for me?

We will look at three applications

The N-Queens Problem

Backtracking is a way to solve hard search problems.

For example, how can we put n queens on an tex2html_wrap_inline275 board so that no two queens attack each other?

Tree Pruning

Backtracking really pays off when we can prove a node early in the search tree.

Thus we need never look at its children, or grandchildren, or great....

We apply backtracking to big problems, so the more clever we are, the more time we save.

There are tex2html_wrap_inline277 total sets of eight squares but no two queens can be in the same row. There are tex2html_wrap_inline279 ways to place eight queens in different rows. However, since no two queens can be in the same column, there are only 8! permutations of columns, or only 40,320 possibilities.

We must also be clever to test as quickly as possible the new queen does not violate a diagonal constraint

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Steve Skiena
Thu Sep 25 20:30:15 EDT 1997