About Confine


Confine can be used to generate restrictive Seccomp profiles for Docker images. Due to the nature of OS virtualization technologies, such as Docker, isolation among different containers is enforced at the software layer in the Linux kernel. By prohibiting access to unnecessary system calls, we target reducing the attack surface of the Linux kernel. With reliability and soundness in mind, Confine has been built mainly using static analysis. To gain a better understanding of how Confine works we provide an overview in this section. We suggest reading our paper for more details.

Confine overview figure

Call Graph Extraction

We have used an LLVM pass to create a call graph for musl-libc which maps all the exported functions to system calls. We also used the gcc RTL and the egypt tool to create a call graph for glibc. We mainly rely on these two call graphs along with the functions imported from these two libraries in other applications and libraries to generate the list of required system calls.

List of Required Binaries

We need to identify which binaries are required for the container to work properly. It might seem like a Docker iamge such as nginx only executes nginx and that would be the only necessary binary. But that is not the case, since most containers run utility programs during their initialization, we need to identify this set of programs. We have three options for doing so.

While considering all the binaries is the most complete approach, it comes with very low security benefit. That is because most containers are launched with all the binaries and files available in a Linux distribution (e.g. Ubuntu). Asking the user would also be complete, but the user might not be completely aware of all the binaries required for the correct execution of the container. That is why we choose option 3. We launch the container for 60 seconds (can be changed) and monitor all invocations of the execve system call. We consider these binaries and all their respective libraries for our analysis.

Paper for reference

Please consider citing our paper if you found our tool set useful.

booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Attacks,
Intrusions, and Defenses (RAID)},
title={Confine: Automated System Call Policy Generation for Container Attack
Surface Reduction},
author={Ghavamnia, Seyedhamed and Palit, Tapti and Benameur, Azzedine and
Polychronakis, Michalis}