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The Variable-length String Data Type

XSB uses variable-length strings to communicate with certain C subroutines when the size of the output that needs to be passed from the Prolog side to the C side is not known. Variable-length strings adjust themselves depending on the size of the data they must hold and are ideal for this situation. For instance, as we have seem the two subroutines xsb_query_string_string(query,buff,sep) and xsb_next_string(buff,sep) use the variable string data type, VarString, for their second argument. To use this data type, make sure that

#include "cinterf.h"
appears at the top of the program file. Variables of the VarString type are declared using a macro that must appear in the declaration section of the program:

There is one important consideration concerning VarString with the automatic storage class: they must be destroyed on exit (see vstrDESTROY, below) from the procedure that defines them, or else there will be a memory leak. It is not necessary to destroy static VarString's.

The public attributes of the type are int length and char *string. Thus, buf.string represents the actual contents of the buffer and buf.length is the length of that data. Although the length and the contents of a VarString string is readily accessible, the user must not modify these items directly. Instead, he should use the macros provided for that purpose:

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Baoqiu Cui