or not). Extended logic programs can be extremely
useful when reasoning about actions, for model-based diagnosis, and
for many other uses [2]. The library, slx provides a means
to compile programs so that they can be executed by XSB according to
the well-founded semantics with explicit negation [1].
Briefly, WFSX is an extension of the well-founded semantics to include
explicit negation and which is based on the coherence principle
in which an atom is taken to be default false if it is proven to be
explicitly false, intuitively:
This section is not intended to be a primer on extended logic programming or on WFSX semantics, but we do provide a few sample programs to indicate the action of WFSX. Consider the program
s:- not t. t:- r. t. r:- not r.If the clause -t were not present, the atoms r, t, s would all be undefined in WFSX just as they would be in the well-founded semantics. However, when the clause t is included, t becomes true in the well-founded model, while s becomes false. Next, consider the program
s:- not t. t:- r. -t. r:- not r.In this program, the explicitly false truth value for t obtained by the rule -t overrides the undefined truth value for t obtained by the rule t:- r. The WFSX model for this program will assign the truth value of t as false, and that of s as true. If the above program were contained in the file test.P, an XSB session using test.P might look like the following:
> xsb | ?- [slx]. [slx loaded] yes | ?- slx_compile('test.P'). [Compiling ./tmptest] [tmptest compiled, cpu time used: 0.1280 seconds] [tmptest loaded] | ?- s. yes | ?- t. no | ?- naf t. yes | ?- r. no | ?- naf r. no | ?- und r. yesIn the above program, the query ?- t. did not succeed, because t is false in WFSX: accordingly the query naf t did succeed, because it is true that t is false via negation-as-failure, in addition to t being false via explicit negation. Note that after being processed by the SLX preprocessor, r is undefined but does not succeed, although und r will succeed.
We note in passing that programs under WFSX can be paraconsistent. For instance in the program.
p:- q. q:- not q. -q.both p and q will be true and false in the WFSX model. Accordingly, under SLX preprocessing, both p and naf p will succeed.
. If L is an
objective literal (e.g. of the form