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Definite clause grammars (DCGs) are an extension of context free grammars
that have proven useful for describing natural and formal languages, and that
may be conveniently expressed and executed in Prolog.
A Definite Clause Grammar rule in Prolog is executable because it is just
a notational variant of a Prolog term that has the following general form:
Head -> Body.
with the declarative interpretation that ``a possible form for Head is
Body''. The procedural interpretation of a grammar rule is that it
takes an input list of symbols or character codes, analyses some initial
portion of that list, and produces the remaining portion (possibly enlarged)
as output for further analysis. The arguments required for the input and
output lists are not written explicitly in the DCG rule, but are added
when the rule is translated (expanded) into an ordinary Prolog clause during
parsing. By defining the hook predicate term_expansion/2, the user
can specify any desired transformation to be done as clauses are read by the
reader of XSB's parser.
Extra conditions, in the form of explicit Prolog literals or control
constructs such as if-then-elses ( '->'/2) or cuts
( '!'/0), may be included in the Body of the DCG rule
and they work exactly as one would expect.
An overview of the syntax of DCGs supported by XSB is as follows:
- A non-terminal symbol may be any HiLog term other than a variable
or a number. A variable which appears in the body of a rule is
equivalent to the appearance of a call to the built-in predicate
phrase/3 as it is described below.
- A terminal symbol may be any HiLog term. In order to distinguish
terminals from nonterminals, a sequence of one or more terminal
is written within a grammar rule as a Prolog list
with the empty sequence written as the empty list [].
The list of terminals may contain variables but it has to be a
proper list, or else an error message is sent to the standard
error stream and the expansion of the grammar rule that contains
this list will fail. If the terminal symbols are ASCII character
codes, they can be written (as elsewhere) as strings.
- Extra conditions, expressed in the form of Prolog predicate calls,
can be included in the body (right-hand side) of a grammar rule by
enclosing such conditions in curly brackets, '
' and
For example, one can write:
positive_integer(N) -> [N],
integer(N), N > 0
- The left hand side of a DCG rule must consist of a single non-terminal,
possibly followed by a sequence of terminals (which must be written as
a unique Prolog list). Thus in XSB, unlike SB-Prolog
version 3.1, ``push-back lists'' are supported.
- The right hand side of a DCG rule may contain alternatives (written
using the usual Prolog's disjunction operator ';' or
using the usual BNF disjunction operator '|'.
- The Prolog control primitives if-then-else ( '->'/2),
nots ( not/1, fail_if/1,
or tnot/1) and
cut ( '!'/0) may also be included in the
right hand side of a DCG rule. These symbols need not be enclosed in
curly brackets.
8.2 All other Prolog's control primitives, such as repeat/0, must
be enclosed explicitly within curly brackets if they are not meant
to be interpreted as non-terminal grammar symbols.
Next: Translation of Definite Clause
Up: Definite Clause Grammars
Previous: Definite Clause Grammars
Baoqiu Cui