Given a program and query
, the residual program for
consists of all (conditional and unconditional) answers created in
the complete evaluation of
:- table ppgte_p/0,ppgte_q/0,ppgte_r/0,ppgte_s/0, ppgte_t/0,ppgte_u/0,ppgte_v/0. ppgte_p:- ppgte_q. ppgte_p:- ppgte_r. ppgte_q:- ppgte_s. ppgte_r:- ppgte_u. ppgte_q:- ppgte_t. ppgte_r:- ppgte_v. ppgte_s:- ppgte_w. ppgte_u:- undefined. ppgte_t:- ppgte_x. ppgte_v:- undefined. ppgte_w:- ppgte(1). ppgte_x:- ppgte(0). ppgte_w:- undefined. ppgte_x:- undefined. ppgte(0). :- table undefined/0. undefined:- tnot(undefined).Write a routine that uses get_residual/2 to print out the residual program for the query ?- ppgte_p,fail. Try altering the tabling declarations, in particular by making ppgte_q/0, ppgte_r/0, ppgte_s/0 and ppgte_t/0 non-tabled. What effect does altering the tabling declarations have on the residual program?
When XSB returns a conditional answer to a literal , it does not
propagate the delay list of the conditional answer, but rather delays
itself, even if
does not occur in a negative loop. This has
the advantage of ensuring that delayed literals are not propagated
exponentially through conditional answers.