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The printed form of an integer in HiLog consists of a sequence of digits optionally preceded by a minus sign ( '-'). These are normally interpreted as base $10$ integers. It is also possible to enter integers in other bases ($2$ through $36$); this can be done by preceding the digit string by the base (in decimal) followed by an apostrophe ( '). If a base greater than $10$ is used, the characters A-Z or a-z are used to stand for digits greater than $9$.

Using these rules, examples of valid integer representations in XSB are:

           1    -3456    95359    9'888    16'1FA4    -12'A0    20'
representing respectively the following integers in decimal base:

           1    -3456    95359     728       8100      -120      0

Note that the following:

                   +525     12'2CF4     37'12     20'-23
are not valid integers of XSB.

A base of $0$ (zero) will return the ASCII code of the (single) character after the apostrophe; for example,

                                 0'A = 65

Baoqiu Cui