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Mode Declarations
The XSB compiler accepts mode declarations of the form:
:- mode
where each
is a mode annotation (a term
indicator whose arguments are elements of the set
). From Version 1.4.1 on, mode directives are
used by the compiler for tabling directives, a use which differs from
the standard use of modes in Prolog systems3.3. See
Section 3.8.4 for detailed examples.
Mode annotations have the following meaning:
- +
- This argument is an input to the predicate. In every invocation
of the predicate, the argument position must contain a non-variable
term. This term may not necessisarily be ground, but the
predicate is guaranteed not to alter this argument).
:- mode see(+), assert(+).
- -
- This argument is an output of the predicate. In every
invocation of the predicate the argument
position will always be a variable (as opposed to
the # annotation below).
This variable is unified with the value returned by the predicate.
We note that Prolog does not enforce the requirement that output
arguments should be variables; however, output unification is not
very common in practice.
:- mode cputime(-).
- #
- This argument is either:
- An output argument of the predicate for which a non-variable
value may be supplied for this argument position. If such a
value is supplied, the result in this position is unified with
the supplied supplied value. The predicate fails if this
unification fails. If a variable term is supplied, the
predicate succeeds, and the output variable is unified with
the return value.
:- mode '='(#,#).
- An input/output argument position of a predicate that has
only side-effects (usually by further instantiating that
argument). The # symbol is used to denote the
symbol that cannot be entered from the keyboard.
- ?
- This argument does not fall into any of the above categories.
Typical cases would be the following:
We try to follow these mode annotation conventions throughout this manual.
Finally, we warn the user that mode declarations can be error-prone,
and since errors in mode declarations do not show up while running the
predicates interactively, unexpected behaviour may be witnessed in compiled
code, optimised to take modes into account (currently not performed by
XSB). However, despite this danger, mode annotations can be
a good source of documentation, since they express the programmer's
intention of data flow in the program.
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Baoqiu Cui