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- 1
J. Alferes, C. Damasio, and L. Pereira.
SLX: a top-down derivation procedure for programs with explicit
In M. Bruynooghe, editor, International Logic Programming Symp,
pages 424-439, 1994.
- 2
J. Alferes, C. Damasio, and L. Pereira.
A logic programming system for non-monotonic reasoning.
Journal of Automated Reasoning, 1995.
- 3
F. Banchilhon, D. Maier, Y. Sagiv, and J. Ullman.
Magic sets and other strange ways to implement logic programs.
In PODS. ACM, 1986.
- 4
C. Beeri and R. Ramakrishnan.
On the power of magic.
J. Logic Programming, 10(3):255-299, 1991.
- 5
D. Boulanger.
Fine-grained goal-directed declarative analysis of logic programs.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Verification, Model
Checking and Abstract Interpretation, 1997.
Available through bossi/VMCAI.html.
- 6
W. Chen, M. Kifer, and D. Warren.
HiLog: A foundation for higher-order logic programming.
J. Logic Programming, 15(3):187-230, 1993.
- 7
W. Chen, T. Swift, and D. Warren.
Efficient top-down computation of queries under the well-founded
J. Logic Programming, 24(3):161-199, September 1995.
- 8
W. Chen and D. S. Warren.
Tabled Evaluation with Delaying for General Logic Programs.
Journal of the ACM, 43(1):20-74, January 1996.
- 9
M. Codish, B. Demoen, and K. Sagonas.
Semantics-based program analysis for logic-based languages using
Springer International Journal of Software Tools for Technology
Transfer, 2(1):29-45, Nov. 1998.
- 10
B. Cui, T. Swift, and D. S. Warren.
A case study in using preference logic grammars for knowledge
Available at
tswift, 1998.
- 11
S. Dawson, C. R. Ramakrishnan, I. V. Ramakrishnan, K. Sagonas, S. Skiena,
T. Swift, and D. S. Warren.
Unification factoring for efficient execution of logic programs.
In Proc. of the 22nd Symposium on Principles of Programming
Languages, pages 247-258. ACM, 1995.
- 12
S. Dawson, C. R. Ramakrishnan, and D. S. Warren.
Practical program analysis using general purpose logic programming
systems -- a case study.
In ACM PLDI, pages 117-126, May 1996.
- 13
S. Debray.
SB-Prolog System, Version 3.0, A User Manual, 1988.
- 14
B. Demoen and K. Sagonas.
CAT: the Copying Approach to Tabling.
In C. Palamidessi, H. Glaser, and K. Meinke, editors, Principles
of Declarative Programming, 10th International Symposium, PLILP'98, Held
Jointly with the 6th International Conference, ALP'98, number 1490 in LNCS,
pages 21-35, Pisa, Italy, Sept. 1998. Springer.
- 15
B. Demoen and K. Sagonas.
Memory Management for Prolog with Tabling.
In Proceedings of ISMM'98: ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium
on Memory Management, pages 97-106, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, Oct. 1998. ACM
- 16
B. Demoen and K. Sagonas.
CHAT: the Copy-Hybrid Approach to Tabling.
In G. Gupta, editor, Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages:
First International Workshop, number 1551 in LNCS, pages 106-121, San
Antonio, Texas, Jan. 1999. Springer.
- 17
S. Dietrich.
Extension Tables for Recursive Query Evaluation.
PhD thesis, SUNY at Stony Brook, 1987.
- 18
J. Freire, T. Swift, and D. Warren.
Beyond depth-first: Improving tabled logic programs through
alternative scheduling strategies.
Journal of Functional and Logic Programming, 1998.
- 19
J. Freire, T. Swift, and D. Warren.
A formal framework for scheduling in SLG.
In International Workshop on Tabling in Parsing and Deduction,
- 20
ISO working group JTC1/SC22.
Prolog international standard.
Technical report, International Standards Organization, 1995.
- 21
D. Kemp and R. Topor.
Completeness of a top-down query evaluation procedure for stratified
In Logic Programming: Proc. of the Fifth International
Conference and Symposium, pages 178-194, 1988.
- 22
M. Kifer, G. Lausen, and J. Wu.
Logical foundations of object-oriented and frame-based languages.
Journal of the ACM, 42:741-843, July 1995.
- 23
M. Kifer and V. Subrahmanian.
Theory of generalized annotated logic programming and its
J. Logic Programming, 12(4):335-368, 1992.
- 24
R. Larson, D. S. Warren, J. Freire, and K. Sagonas.
MIT Press, 1995.
- 25
R. Larson, D. S. Warren, J. Freire, K. Sagonas, and P. Gomez.
MIT Press, 1996.
- 26
J. Leite.
Logic program updates.
Technical report, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1997.
- 27
T. Lindholm and R. O'Keefe.
Efficient implementation of a defensible semantics for dynamic
PROLOG code.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Logic
Programming, pages 21-39, 1987.
- 28
X. Liu, C. R. Ramakrishnan, and S. Smolka.
Fully local and efficient evaluation of alternating fixed points.
In TACAS 98: Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis
of Systems, pages 5-19. Springer-Verlag, 1998.
- 29
J. W. Lloyd.
Foundations of Logic Programming.
Springer, 1984.
- 30
I. Niemela and P. Simons.
Efficient implementation of the well-founded and stable model
In Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic
Programming, pages 289-303, 1996.
- 31
T. Przymusinski.
Every logic program has a natural stratification and an iterated
least fixed point model.
In PODS, pages 11-21, 1989.
- 32
Y. Ramakrishna, C. Ramakrishnan, I. Ramakrishnan, S. Smolka, T. Swift, and
D. Warren.
Efficient model checking using tabled resolution.
In Proceedings of CAV 97, 1997.
- 33
P. Rao, I. Ramakrishnan, K. Sagonas, T. Swift, and D. Warren.
Efficient table access mechanisms for logic programs.
Journal of Logic Programming, 38(1):31-54, Jan. 1999.
- 34
M. Rules.
Technical report, Medicine Rules, 1999.
- 35
K. Sagonas and T. Swift.
An abstract machine for tabled execution of fixed-order stratified
logic programs.
ACM TOPLAS, 20(3):586 - 635, May 1998.
- 36
K. Sagonas, T. Swift, and D. Warren.
XSB as an efficient deductive database engine.
In Proc. of SIGMOD 1994 Conference. ACM, 1994.
- 37
K. Sagonas, T. Swift, and D. Warren.
An abstract machine for computing the well-founded semantics.
In Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic
Programming., pages 274-289, 1996.
- 38
K. Sagonas, T. Swift, and D. S. Warren.
The limits of fixed-order computation.
Theoretical Computer Science, 2000.
To apperar. Preliminary version apeared in International Workshop on
Logic and Databases, LNCS.
- 39
K. Sagonas and D. Warren.
Efficient execution of HiLog in WAM-based Prolog
In L. Sterling, editor, Proceedings of the 12th International
Conference on Logic Programming, pages 349-363. MIT Press, June 1995.
- 40
H. Seki.
On the power of Alexandrer templates.
In Proc. of 8th PODS, pages 150-159. ACM, 1989.
- 41
T. Swift.
A new formulation of tabled resolution with delay.
In Recent Advances in Artifiial Intelligence, 1999.
Available at
- 42
T. Swift.
Tabling for non-monotonic programming.
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 1999.
To Appear. Available at tswift.
- 43
H. Tamaki and T. Sato.
OLDT resolution with tabulation.
In Third International Conference on Logic Programming, pages
84-98, 1986.
- 44
A. van Gelder, K. Ross, and J. Schlipf.
Unfounded sets and well-founded semantics for general logic programs.
JACM, 38(3):620-650, 1991.
- 45
L. Vieille.
Recursive query processing: The power of logic.
Theoretical Computer Science, 69:1-53, 1989.
- 46
A. Walker.
Backchain iteration: Towards a practical inference method that is
simple enough to be proved terminating, sound, and complete.
J. Automated Reasoning, 11(1):1-23, 1993.
Originally formulated in New York University TR 34, 1981.
- 47
D. S. Warren.
Programming the PTQ grammar in XSB.
In R. Ramakrishnan, editor, Applications of Logic Databases,
pages 217-234. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.
- 48
J. Xu.
The PSB-Prolog User Manual, 1990.
Baoqiu Cui