Performance modeling of cloud applications


Performance Analysis of Computer Systems Lab

Computer Science Department, Stony Brook University

Location: Room 336, New CS Building. Lab PI: Anshul Gandhi  (anshul (at)

Performance modeling of cloud applications
(August 2014 - present)

Many online services are now hosted on the cloud. However, cloud adoption is still very limited when it comes to performance sensitive applications. One of the primary challenges for performance management of cloud applications is a lack of understanding of how cloud resource allocation relates to application performance. This is because user deployments are opaque: cloud service providers cannot control or access a user's workload or application. To make matters worse, the effective capacity of a user's cloud instance can change dynamically due to interference from other users. As a result, user deployments are plagued with performance issues.

The goal of this project is to develop novel performance models to help users understand the dynamic resource requirements of their applications without extensive benchmarking or instrumentation.





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