RadVolViz: An Information Display-Inspired Transfer Function Editor for Multivariate Volume Visualization
A. Kumar, X. Zhang, H. Xin, H. Yan, X. Huang, W. Xu,, K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(to appear), 2023 |
Magnifier: A Focus+Context Technique with Local Shape Preservation
X. Zhao, W. Zeng, X. Gu, A. Kaufman, W. Xu, K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
18(11): 1928-1941, 2012
Feature Clustering Framework for Suggesting Informative Views in Volume
Z. Zheng, N. Ahmed, K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(Special issue IEEE Visualization Conference 2011)
17(12):1959-68, 2011 |
VDVR: Verifiable
Volume Visualization of Projection-Based Data
Z. Zheng, W. Xu, K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(Special issue IEEE Visualization Conference 2010)
16(6):1515-1524, 2010 |
Frequency Volume Rendering of irregularly sampled data using Gaussian RBF
Q. Dinh, N. Neophytou, K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization Conference (Poster Session)
Atlantic City, October, 2009 |
Color design
for illustrative visualization
L. Wang, J. Giesen, K. McDonnell, P. Zolliker, and K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(Special issue IEEE Visualization Conference 2008)
14(6):1739-1754, 2008 |
Colormaps for Volume Visualization
L. Wang and K. Mueller
IEEE/EG Symposium on Volume Graphics
Los Angeles, August 2008
pp. 33-40. |
volumetric global illumination
F. Qiu, F. Xu, Z. Fan, N. Neophytou, A. Kaufman, and K. Mueller
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(Special issue IEEE Visualization Conference 2007)
13(6):1576-1583, 2007 |
analysis to measure the perceived quality in volume rendering
J. Giesen, K. Mueller, E. Schuberth, L. Wang, and P. Zolliker
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(Special issue IEEE Visualization Conference 2007)
13(6): 1664-1671, 2007 |
volume splatting
K. T. McDonnell, Neophytos Neophytou, Klaus Mueller and Hong Qin
Joint Eurographics - IEEE TVGC Symposium on Visualization 2007 (EuroVis'07)
Norrköping, Sweden, May 2007
pp. 139-147 |
A perceptual
framework for comparisons of direct volume rendered images
H.Wong, H. Qu, U. Wong, Z. Tang, and K. Mueller
EEE Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT'06)
(also in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Advances in Image and
Video Technology, vol 4319)
Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 2006
pp. 1314-1323 |
An image-based
modelling approach to GPU-based rendering of unstructured grids
N. Shareef, T.-Y. Lee, H.-W. Shen, and K. Mueller
Volume Graphics 2006 Boston, MA,
July 2006
pp. 31-38 |
W. Leung, N. Neophytou, and K. Mueller
Volume Graphics 2006 Boston, MA,
July 2006
pp. 59-62 |
F. Xu and K. Mueller
Volume Graphics 2006 Boston, MA,
July 2006
pp. 23-30 |
volume splatting with elliptical RBFs
N . Neophytou, K. Mueller, K. McDonnell, W. Hong, X. Guan, H. Qin, and
A. Kaufman
Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization 2006 (EuroVis'06)
Lisbon, Portugal, May 2006
pp. 13-20 |
On the
simplification of Radial Basis Function fields for volume rendering: some
practical insights
N . Neophytou, K. McDonnell, and K. Mueller
Technical Report, Stony Brook University
June 2006
An Integrated Visualization System for DTI and fMRI Fusion with Anatomical
MRI for Presurgical Planning
X. Guan, S. Lai, J. Lackey, J. Shi, U. Techavipoo, K. Mueller, A. Flanders,
D. Andrews
14th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance
in Medicine (ISMRM '06)
Seattle, WA, May, 2006 |
3D elliptical Gaussians for irregular data
W. Hong, N. Neophytou, K. Mueller, and A. Kaufman
In: Mathematical Foundations of Scientific Visualization,
Computer Graphics, and Massive Data Exploration
Springer Verlag, 2006 |
The Magic
Volume Lens: An Interactive Focus+Context Technique for Volume Rendering
L. Wang, Y. Zhao, K. Mueller, and A. Kaufman
IEEE Visualization 2005
Minneapolis, October 2005
pp. 367-374 |
high-quality refraction computations for volume graphics
S. Li and K. Mueller Volume Graphics
2005 Stony Brook, June 2005
pp. 73-81 |

GPU accelerated
image aligned splatting
N. Neophytou and K. Mueller Volume
Graphics 2005
Stony Brook, June 2005
pp. 197-205 |
of Volume Rendering
A. Kaufman and K. Mueller
The Visualization Handbook
Academic Press, 2005
(to appear) |
exploration made easy using feature maps
K. Mueller, S. Lakare, and A. Kaufman
In: Scientific Visualization: Extracting Information and Knowledge from
Scientific Data Sets
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2005 |
Room: A comparitive environment for volume rendering engines
M. Steinberg, K. Mueller, and R. Kelly
Computer Graphics International 2005
Stony Brook, June2005
Poster Proceedings |
sub-resolution detail in images and volumes using constrained texture synthesis
L. Wang and K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization 2004
Austin, Texas, October 2004
pp. 75-82 |

for effcient, high quality volume resampling in the frequency domain
A. Li and K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization 2004
Austin, Texas, October 2004
pp. 3-10 |
Numerical-precision-optimized volume rendering
I. Bitter, N. Neophytos, K. Mueller, and A. Kaufman
Siggraph/Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware 2004
Grenoble, August, 2004
pp. 25-34 |
skipping and occlusion clipping for texture-based volume rendering
W. Li, K. Mueller, and A. Kaufman
IEEE Visualization 2003
Seattle, October, 2003
pp. 317-325 |
frequency-sensitive point hierarchy for images and volumes
T. Welsh and K. Mueller
IEEE Visualization 2003
Seattle, October, 2003
pp. 425-432 |

Assisted Multichannel Volume Rendering A.
Gosh, P. Prabhu, A. Kaufman, and K. Mueller
Computer Graphics International 2003
Tokyo, Japan, July, 2003
pp. 2-7 |
transfer function modification for volume rendering using
compressed sample runs
V. Srivastava, U. Chebrolu, and K. Mueller
Computer Graphics International 2003
Tokyo, Japan, July, 2003
pp. 8-13 |
ablation rendering H. Varadhan
and K. Mueller
Volume Graphics Workshop 2003
Tokyo, Japan, July, 2003
pp. 53-60 |
splatting N. Neophytou and K. Mueller
Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization 2003
Grenoble, France, May, 2003
pp. 223-230 |
Interactive transfer function modification for volume rendering
using pre-shaded sample
runs V. Srivastava, U. Chebrolu,
and K. Mueller
Pacific Graphics'02
Beijing, China, October, 2002
pp. 489-490 |
points: Splatting in 4D
N. Neophytou and K. Mueller
Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics 2002
Boston, October 2002
pp. 97-106 |
Deluxe: The shear-warp algorithm revisited
J. Sweeney and K. Mueller
Joint Eurographics - IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization 2002
Barcelona, Spain, May 2002
pp. 95-104 |
with shadows
M. Nulkar and K. Mueller
International Workshop on Volume Graphics 2001
Stony Brook, June 2001
pp. 35-50 |
parallel splatting algorithm with occlusion culling
J. Huang, N. Shareef, R. Crawfis, P. Sadayappan, and K. Mueller
3rd Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
Girona, Spain, September 2000 |
practical comparison of popular volume rendering algorithms
M. Meissner, J. Huang, D. Bartz, K. Mueller, and R. Crawfis
Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics 2000
Salt-Lake City, October 2000
pp. 81-90 |

F. Dachille, K. Mueller, and Ari Kaufman
2000 Symposium on Volume Rendering,
Salt-Lake City, October 2000
pp. 109-117 |
Optimized splatting on rectilinear grids
J. Huang, K. Mueller, N. Shareef, and R. Crawfis
IEEE Visualization'00
Salt-Lake City, October 2000
pp. 219-227 |
volume rendering
K. Mueller, N. Shareef, J. Huang, and R. Crawfis
Late Breaking Hot Topics, IEEE Visualization'99
San Francisco, October 1999 (won Best Hot Topic award) |

without the blur
K. Mueller, T. Möller, and R. Crawfis
IEEE Visualization'99
San Francisco, October 1999
pp. 363-371 |

splatting on rectilinear grids with efficient culling of occluded voxels
K. Mueller, N. Shareef, J. Huang, and R. Crawfis
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 116-134, 1999 |

popping artifacts in sheet buffer-based splatting
K. Mueller and R. Crawfis
IEEE Visualization '98
Chapel Hill, October 1998
pp. 239-245 |

errors and antialiasing
K. Mueller, T. Möller, J.E. Swan, R. Crawfis, N. Shareef, and R. Yagel
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 178-191, 1998 (won Naval Notable Achievement Award) |

anti-aliasing technique for splatting
J.E. Swan, K. Mueller, T. Möller, N. Shareef, R. Crawfis, and R. Yagel
IEEE Visualization'97
Phoenix, October 1997
pp. 197-204 (won Best Paper Award.) |

perspective volume rendering with splatting by using a ray-driven approach
K. Mueller and R. Yagel
IEEE Visualization'96
San Francisco, October 1996
pp. 65-72 |
