Mrityunjay Kumar Email :
¯/mj2030 </mrityunjaykumar911 Mobile : +1-631-710-1058
• Stony Brook University New York, USA
Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science Jan-2019 – May-2020
• Maulana Azad National Institute Of Technology Bhopal, India
Degree: Bachelor in Technology with major in Computer Science & Engineering July-2010 – April-2014
Programming Skills
• Programming Languages: C++, C, Java, Golang, JavaScript, SQL
• Technologies: Apache Storm, Apache Spark, Redis, REST,Apache Kafka, AWS, Git/Perforce, MATLAB
• Relevant Coursework: Distributed Systems, Operating Systems, Analysis of algorithms, Visualization
• Microsoft May’2022 – till
Software Engineer-2 Mountain View, CA
◦ Snap Service
∗ Implemented new lightweight service layer to provide native renderer workers to download from Storage service
to Azure blob cache to improve streaming latency by 25%.
∗ Implemented testing framework to improve service reliability score by 85% and improved deployment
frequency by 10%.
• VMware Inc. July’2020 – May’2022
Member of Technical Staff-III Palo Alto, CA
◦ Virtual distributed file system, Storage layer
∗ Conceptualized and implemented distributed FSCK tool for analyzing and repairing storage metadata. This
tool is leveraged to analyze the state of metadata storage on disk after crash recovery by forming analysis
matrices and cross consistency patterns between multiple metadata data structures like B+ trees, bitmap,
segment usage table
∗ End-to-end implementation of a cloud-native microservice to validate the integrity of the file system k-v store
(such as B+ trees). The service can be scheduled or run on-demand to check the health of the storage system
k-v store. In addition, the service is also used for other storage features, such as snapshots, un-map, segment
cleaning to verify consistency and integrity of the metadata.
∗ Implemented aggregated snapshot capacity from scratch to support statistics collection with p99 latency in
range of 30 ms.
• Distributed Systems Lab - Stony Book University June’2019 – May’2020
Graduate Research Assistant, Prof. Shuai Mu Stony Brook, NY
◦ Distributed Multi-core Transactional Database Engine
∗ Implemented asynchronous replication with multi-process paxos to achieve minimal loss in throughput
∗ Designed multi-core log truncation mechanism to support check-pointing for the transaction recovery protocol,
which allowed read only transactions to scale 10M ops/sec.
∗ Implemented replay protocol to guarantee serializibility and consistency check pipeline for in-memory
streams & disk logs.
∗ Implemented verification pipeline for generating CPU/Heap/Memory throttling graph using gperftools &
mutrace tool.
∗ Implemented fast header-only/compiled, C++ logging library facilitating aligned memory allocators with
features like Rotating log and auto-flush to make transparent transaction serialization
• Talentica Software April’2016 – Jan’2019
Senior Software Engineer Pune, India
◦ Estimation & Prediction algorithms for Wireless Systems